Too Many Turtles - Chapter 37 - DysfunctionalRequest (2024)

Chapter Text

>> Teenage Mutant Neetle Teetles <<


Why is the kid raph banned for over a trillion years


[Photo ID: a picture of a game boy with a smiley face drawn on it]

This is Steven @Bootyyyclapper9000


you namedropped him over our gossip sesh like he was an actual dude

you threw me way offf


[Photo ID: a picture of Raph with his head face down on the table, half a glass of strawberry milk in his hand. He is surrounded by several other empty glasses]

he tried to drink away the pain


If Leo asks Im not online trust me on this


Half an hour ago you threatened to send a snake through the mail system after I just said I didn’t like them?

I don’t think that’s a good foundation for trust




If you try and get in my spot youre dead


I think “don’t like” is an understatement


Steven was my first bestie after a pebble that I found under a sewer grate


Oh yes, I remember that pebble



Dude which stickers are better the fuzzy ones or the glitter ones? I have an art emergency!!!


Trust me I am trying to get it so kid Raph is not banned until the sun explodes but this Donatello has really dug his claws in, metaphorically


why are you guys hiding???

and why dont you just smash the computer and free him that way

I may not be a computer turtle like the donnies but smashing things has never failed before, so I have a 100% success rate!!


duude u just made donnie faint by sayin that LOL


We are supposed to be moving back to the sewers today and Leo wants us to pack



Omg why do you name like everything after some middle aged human who runs the local corner store


Yes, Suzanne was great until Raph ate her

And I would get the names from TV soap operas that Master Splinter watched, don’t blame 6 year old me


its very tragic

he overdosed


your lying theres no way my logic made you guys faint




as someone whos overdosed on strawberry milk before the hangover is terrible


[Photo ID: a picture of Donnie swooned dramatically on the floor, the back of his hand resting on his forehead]

i see no lies

i can revive him only by a pop tart


@Leonardo I can’t believe you are spreading lies about me, I would never do that


[Photo ID: a picture of a stuffed snake in what seems to be Mikey’s bedroom]

@Leonardo shaking in his shell right now

He’s gonna get ya


Ok so I have fuzzy stickers of kittens or glitter stickers of fruit that I want to put on this pet carrier so it can look mondo cool!!! But I wanna make it look perfecto if you get my drift, dude


Stop it


[Photo ID: a cartoon drawn snake, heavily stylised with thick lines and bright colours. It looks like it was drawn hastily]



@LittleMike why do you have a pet carrier?

Michelangelo you better not have brought in another raccoon or I swear I will put you in the crate myself


[Photo ID: a GIF of a snake]


You’re not funny

None of you are funny I hope you know


[Photo ID: a picture of a poorly drawn, stick figure snake on the back of a scrap of paper]

oooOooooOoOOOOOOoooo scary


How are all of you making texting loud

@MC-MIKEY I told you pop tarts are banned now because he overdosed on sugar at 3am

im not ever dealing with that sh*t


Extreme skill


Oh, so that’s why @Bonk was streaming Tetris for 5 hours with a mod that simulated a small explosion every time you cleared a line!


whaaaaattt???? nooooooo

ur leting a bro die someone screenshot this


I can hear him

I’m sh*tting myself


i mean i would like not be very good if i drank strawberry milk

Speedrunning allergies is not a good vibe yknow?

dad would be kinda mad


Huh another Leo with a strawberry allergy

Out of everything


I think that faint is staged


I smell a rat

Raphael :

Michelangelo answer me


The glitter would be a nicer look if it’s a dark plastic but I kinda dig the animal theme of the fuzzy ones

And they’re so soft


I do love fuzzy textures on things

Makes my brain go weewoo


dude ur suposed to be dead rember???


Sorry, of course


all this rat hate

my dad would be weeping if he read this i hope u know


Do not care


[Photo ID: a picture of a gummy snake]

What about this fierce guy @Leonardo


I hate how I end up craving at least one item of food every time I am here

I now want strawberry milk


I can hear my Leo stalking the hallway I’m trapped

Emergency distraction please


I am sending my most deadly glitter bomb to your universe as we speak

And gummy snakes


Can I have a gummy snake?


This is cyber bullying


Michelangelo, please tell me you didn’t?


i think hes yeeted himself out of there ngl


@LostTheBraincell anyways we strayed off topic

Why was Steven involved with you breaking into a jungle gym


Angelo you didn’t

Not again!


Steven saw too much

He was used as a weapon and that’s how I ended up burying his remains at 4:45am at the local pizza joint


In my defence you gave no context when you sent that selfie

Which was amazing by the way



Im telling dad u said u dont care


My dad is dead you have no power over me



I picked the wrong f*cking time to ask a question

How are you all so loud

There is like three talks going on at once


guys I learnt how to juggle wanna see


Whoever started the poll debating whether I am having a mental breakdown better f*cking run


Im telling him u said that too


You can’t get me

I dare you to try


Stop sending snake toys through the mail


fine get on the voice call he wants to talk to u


Omg everyone to the voice call


You still havent explained why theres a ban for a trillion years

This is why I dont sleep

sh*t like this happens




If I punch my phone hard enough will that send a shockwave to break kid raph out of his jail cell


try it i triple dare u



@Donatello @Raphael @Michelangelo HELP ME

>>VOICE CHAT: Teetles Talking<<


“I know that selfie was great! I am the most handsome turtle after all, gotta keep up the image against all these uglies I live with.”

In the background, you can hear Rafa yell “Shut the hell up!”


[Live stream recording]

Blue can be seen lounging back in his chair, a bag of chips in his hand. Purple is next to him, crouched on the edge of the arm rest next to him with a cup of soda, complete with an orange curly straw.

“Where is kid Leo? He said he was getting his dad online and I am so ready for the drama you have no idea how boring my day has been.” Blue says. Purple nods in agreement.

“Truly dull. I can feel my synapses decaying.” He adds. “I was promised an angry father rant imminently to solve this issue.”


“- so if I hypothetically wanted to look into actually creating an AI which doesn’t just tell me how to cheat badly at essays –“ Tello pauses as you can hear several rapid notifications blip on his computer as a sudden hoard of the other turtles join the call. “Wait why is there now a raid in this chat, we were here first – “


“Just when I thought I was finally getting some peace and quiet with a conversation which is more intellectually stimulating than whether eating turtle soup was cannibalism…” Donnie sighs wistfully.


“That’s like, a very good question though dude! I asked you today and you were all like ‘it depends if you are full or part turtle’ and like apparently some of us are crazy cannibals –“


“Don’t temp me, Mike. Quit babblin’ before I make you into soup.”


Purple shrugs nonchalantly.

“It’s not that bad.” He says, sipping his cup. Blue snaps his head to look at his twin, face falling into disbelief, horror and disgust all at once.

“Excuse me, what –“


“There’s gonna be a fight, pipsqueak, so stop complaining and get some popcorn.”


“You did not just call me a pipsqueak. You did not.”


“I thought you would prefer that over four eyes.”


Tello makes a wounded sound at the back of his throat.


“Between who? I feel like there’s always a fight.”


“You don’t sound enthusiastic enough. I’m going to change that.”


“Why do I feel threatened by that.”


[Live stream recording]

The recording displays Michelangelo hunched over his desk, sticking stickers onto the pet carrier case. When he hears Raphael’s voice, he looks up in alarm and hides the carrier case behind his shell and pushes something away off screen.


Ra’s voice can be heard yelling:

“Wait, dad is gonna fight someone?!”

Tello, who had been trash talking Raphael, stops.

“Wait, is he actually? Holy shi – heck!”

>@~~Electro~~ has entered the call<

>@Leerless-Feeder has entered the call<

>@f*ck has entered the call<


[Live stream recording]

Raph is close to the camera, looking like he is in a small cupboard or wardrobe. His emerald eyes shine unnaturally in the half light, lighting up his feral grin.

“Ok, you wanna go at it? I doubt your dad is even gonna show up!” He says. However, his voice is low like he is trying not to be heard.


“Michelangelo, care to tell the audience why you have a pet carrier?”


In a very quiet whisper: “Guys, I would love to listen to the fight but Leo is sniffing me out, dude! He’s gonna make me pack my stuff and that’s so boring…”


“Just be like me and say you have something very explosive that I need to watch at all times.” Donnie can be heard making a huff of laughter before continuing in a more smug tone. “I showed him a hard drive disk and said it was a bomb powerful enough to level America if I didn’t diffuse it and he hasn’t bothered me since.”


“A what what what?”

In the background, you can hear Dee say:

“A spinning disk thing that stops the computer from having amnesia and therefore having a great life.”

“Oooh, that makes total sense.” Mike responds.


“I dunno…I think if it was our Master Splinter the short Raph would be done for. Still can’t believe you guys don’t have a hashi. Seems unfair, some of you guys need it.”


A loud fog horn blares, very close to the microphone. Angelo can be heard screeching somehow louder than it, apparently “hyping up” the fight.


“Yeah, sure, go ahead and deafen me - it’s not like I was using my ears too much anyway.”


“I hope you know that I am now wishing the hard disk drive was a bomb because me blowing it up would be quieter than this.”


“Guys, shut up –“

In the distance, you can hear Leo’s voice yell “I found you! Get over here and help me pack, Mikey!”

Mikey screams and rapid footfalls follow. The connection cuts off.


At the sudden noise, Blue jumps and his chips jolt from their bag. Purple hisses, signing “Perish, gremlin” with his hands, which have now dropped the drink.


“I’m sorry on behalf of my brother, sometimes he decides it’s a good day to be a nuisance and I can’t stop him.”


The foghorn stops when there is a distinct sound of someone getting hit, followed by a childish whine from Angelo.

“I was just trying to hype up the fight! I think I did a great job!” He says. He pauses for a couple of seconds before saying: “Stop glaring at me. You can’t change my mind. I was great.”


“Hiding? Who said anything about hiding? Not me, not at all, amigo!” Michelangelo stammers, placing the pet carrier on the floor. He smiles very unconvincingly. “I would totally never hide anything from any turtle!”


Blue laughs loudly, nudging Purple.

“Somehow he’s worse than you at lying, Don-Tron.” He taunts. Purple rolls his eyes.

“‘You are incorrect!’ He said as he pushed his dumb-dumb twin to the floor as punishment for such an inaccurate statement.” Purple responds.

“Wait, what –“ Blue begins to ask, but is interrupted when Purple shoves Blue off his chair. Blue makes a strangled sound as he hits the ground.

Suddenly, Orange bursts in on Red’s shoulders with his arms full of more snacks. He is covered in paint – and it becomes clear why when Red turns, showcasing the colourful patterns that have been painted along his spiked scales on his arms and shoulders.

“Did we miss anything? Mikey wanted skittles so we had to sneak into Pop’s room to get the last bag.” Red hurries towards the seating area. Upon seeing Blue on the floor, he picks him up by the shell with a single hand and places him on a beanbag to the side.

“Ah-ah-ah - that’s my seat! You know, in my room!” Blue protests as Red places Orange on it. Orange cheers and shoots a smug look in Blue’s direction.

“I’m the oldest so I get last say. Maybe if you and Donnie hadn’t gotten arrested last week I would have considered letting you stay on it.”

“In our defence, we didn’t let the pizza get cold. I count that as a win.” Purple says flatly. He snatches a bag of snacks from Orange as he says so. Red just looks at him for a few seconds before turning back to the camera.


“See! I’m not the only turtle to get arrested!”


“No shot, dad’s storming through the kitchen – I gotta find Mikey real quick, this is going to be legendary –“


“Michelangelo, I’ve seen a two year old human lie better than that. I don’t want to wake up to find an entire horse in my room again, if you don’t mind.”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about, compadre! I swear!” Michelangelo wrings his hands together repeatedly. You can hear muffled yells outside the room, slowly getting louder.


“I heard someone call me ‘short raph’, who the f*ck was it so I know which dimension to start throwing shurikens through for target practice.”


“I could your face in my hand, shrimp.”


“That’s not saying much, you can do that with most of the turtles here! You’re on my hit list.”


“Ignore him, his hit list is so long you have to wait about three years.”


“Donnie, you are now on top of that hit list.”


“Where’s the fight? Raph was ready to cheer on the little me!” Red says, folding his arms. “I think we’ve been scammed, boys.”

“I made flags and everything!” Orange holds up two flags, one with a rat face on it and another bright red. “I was all set on using those cheerleading classes I did to cheer them both on!”

Both?” Blue raises a brow. Orange huffs.

“Of course. I want to make sure they both get equal amounts of cheerleading power!”

“I told you those classes would get to his head.” Purple says. He inspects his wrist pad, tapping a few times. “But yes, my interest is dwindling exponentially. I can feel my genius mind returning to its initial boredom, alas.”


“Dude, can I be a cheerleader???”


“You’d knock over everyone in the first step, numbnu*ts.”


“Because of popular demand, I am now going to create a small explosive device.”


“Perhaps not in a property that isn’t your own? I think that might be rude if you explode a room due to a technical error during production.”


“Can you live stream it? You know, just so I can see for a friend how they are made. For a friend, pinky promise.”


What popular demand? No one asked you to blow up New York, gappy!”


Mike makes a high pitched noise of disagreement to his Raph’s statement.


“Yes! Yes! Make the bomb!” Purple lunges forward but is caught by an unamused Red.

“Hiss! Unhand me!” Purple says, kicking his legs. Red ignores him.

“You shouldn’t have mentioned bombs in front of Purple here. He gets a little too into the whole “mad scientist” act whenever one is brought up.” Blue says.

>@Bread has entered the call<


Michelangelo can be seen suddenly lunging towards something close to the camera with a squeak of surprise. When he steps back, you can see a box turtle in his hands.

“You almost fell off my desk, dudette! You could’ve ended up totally wiped out!” He murmurs gently. The mutant quickly glances up at the camera, breathing a sigh of relief Raphael seemingly doesn’t notice the animal he now holds in his hand.

“MICHELANGELO!” Suddenly, Leonardo runs into his room and slams the door in a flustered panic. Michelangelo yelps in surprise at the unexpected guest.

“I need help! There’s a snake loose and I don’t know where it went!” Leonardo climbs onto Michelangelo’s hammock, pointing his katana towards the door.


“Dude, Mikey’s talking to the angst Donatello again, is that allowed?”


Quieter, you can hear Don talking to Nardo.

“Yeah, apparently Leon told his Master Splinter that Raph was being rude to him and now we are waiting for him to talk to Raph? I’m not sure, I just wanted to join the robot conversation.”

“So why is Raph in a cupboard?”


“You know what? I don’t think I want to know anymore. I’m retiring.”


“Ok boomer.”


In an exaggerated old man voice, Angelo scolds Tello.

“I will have you know, young man, back in my day we used to throw gameboys at youths who didn’t know when to shut their yappers and show some respect for us old folk!”


“Just because you don’t like bombs doesn’t mean you have to ruin my fun, Raphael.”


“Yes it does. Especially in this case.”


“This fight needs to start soon or else this voice call is going to turn into a sh*t hole.”


“He rejected seeing dad beat down an alternate version of our brother who is hungover on strawberry milk! Do I need to take him to a vet? A doctor?”


Michelangelo and Leonardo stare at each other for a few seconds. Leonardo spots the turtle in the younger’s hands.

“Michelangelo, not again –“

“Let me keep her and I will protect you from the snake! I’ll take it to the zoo!” Michelangelo blurts.

Leonardo doesn’t even hesitate.



“No, no deal!”


Angelo continues to ramble in an old man voice.

“When I was a young hatchling I used to spend all day working in the mines to get food for my family, and I was grateful!”


“Hey hey hey waitwaitwait Orange didn’t you say you could like, juggle now? Can I see?!”


“Mike if you start tryin’ to juggle too I swear –“


“He’s bailed, I’m telling you! I didn’t even do anything wrong, I just called you a rat, which you were for snitching like that –“


“Come on, dude! Chompy isn’t gonna be any trouble! She was a class pet before she got sick from the stress of getting tossed around!” Michelangelo raises the turtle to the camera so only her face can be seen. “I said to the doc I would keep her all cozy and stuff!”


Raph’s expression morphs into one of surprise, stopping mid rant.

“Wait, Chompy?” He asks.


“I’d rather make a bomb then have to pack. I just got comfortable here.”


“You would rather blow yourself up then pack a suitcase?”


Potentially blow myself up. And it’s two suitcases, so yes.”


Orange claps his hands and nods, snatching several bags of snacks from the arm rest next to him. He starts to juggle them, getting faster as he goes along.


Mike cheers enthusiastically, clapping hard and whooping.


“Last time we let you keep an animal for more than a day it ended up almost eating Donatello’s crazy lab stuff! Or what about that one time where your brought in that bear cub –“


Master Splinter’s voice unexpectedly sounds from the microphone, making all the other conversations quieten.

“Who used the term rat in a bad way, hmm? Who?” He asks sharply. “And you were rude to my son, too? Calling him mean names?”


“You are…surprisingly different from our version of Master Splinter. Unexpected.”


“He was being a snitch! I don’t regret it.” Raph folds his arms the best he can in the cramped space. “My dad was a rat too, it’s not like –“


Splinter continues.

“You are grounded!”


Blue gasps dramatically. Raph grumbles, tipping the rest of the chip packet down his throat before, after hesitating for a moment, eating the chip packet itself. Orange is jumping up and down on the chair, waving both flags. Purple is leaning forward intently, a grin on his face.


Michelangelo has kept Chompy in front of the camera and is now singing tunes under his breath whilst gently rocking her to the beat. Occasionally he chirps, which Chompy responds to.


“Grounded?! You can’t do that! You’re not even my dad!” Raph says, getting louder.


[Live stream recording]

“This is recording now, yes? Like a tv?” Master Splinter asks, peering at the camera. You can hear Leon confirm from behind the camera.

“Good. Now I can make eye contact whilst I ground you for using the term ‘rat’ in an offensive way, and –“ Splinter stops, his rant pausing as he looks at the screen. “Wait, did that giant Raphael just eat a chip packet?”


Red pauses, mid chew. Orange is still cheerleading mindlessly, not even aware of the argument anymore and instead doing twirls on one of the arm rests.

“Um. Yes. Sir. Yes sir.” Red says uncertainly. He is already reaching for another.


“Why is Red allowed to eat chip packets and I’m not – ow!”


“I almost choked eating one once. Then I did it again just to check.”


“That’s not good, right?” Master Splinter grabs the phone, moving the camera closer to his face so he can peer at Red. “Do you need a vet? A hospital? Is there an inter dimensional doctor number we can call? Plastic is very bad for you!”

In the background, Leon can be heard saying:

“Dad, there’s not a number for a random vet that can travel across the multiverse, sorry.”

“Then make one! Or I find a way over there myself and then find a good vet that take out the plastic, yes?” Splinter turns back to the camera, frazzled. “Do not panic, Spiky Raph, I ate worse as a regular rat –“


Red waves his hands dismissively, rubbing the back of his neck.

“No, you got it wrong alternate Pops! I eat plastic a lot!” He looks at the screen, seeing the alternate Master Splinter’s expression fall into further worry. “No, wait, that’s not what I meant –“

“What Raph was trying to say was that he’s immune to the ill effects of eating inedible things due to doing so for years, and our unique mutation which makes us resistant to most things that would kill anything else without question.” Purple says. He raises a finger as he explains. “Such as phones, chip packets, books, carpet, wet salami, literal rocks and raisins.” Purple shudders at the last item in the list. Red frowns.

“Raisins ain’t gonna kill you, Donnie.”

“I disagree. They are sensory war crimes.”

“Basically Raph here is our very own portable trash bin.” Blue summarises.


“Back in my day we ate sticks and leaves, because that’s what Mother Nature gave us.” Angelo reverts back to his old man voice.

“Do that voice one more time, and I will strap you to the front of the Battle Shell as a good ornament!” Raph can be heard yelling.


“You can’t f*cking ground me. That’s not a valid argument.” Raph says. He’s about to say more, but the cupboard door is flung open and a very angry Leo can be seen.

“Aw, shell.” Raph curses as his head snaps around at the sudden burst of light.

You.” Leo can be seen reaching a hand forward. Raph fumbles with his phone, and the connection is cut off.

[Live stream ended]


“So you can just eat plastic?” Master Splinter calms down as he watches the live stream of the Rise universe. He sets the camera back on the table in front of him, humming in thought and studying them in silence.

After a moment, he smiles.

“Leonardo, you should invite these friends of yours over when you can travel, yes? I like them a lot.” He says. “Especially the spiky Raphael, who almost gave me a heart attack.” Despite the words, Splinter obviously means them light heartedly, as he smiles as he says them.

“We make it fun! We invite all of them, even the one that looks like a regular turtle.” Master Splinter points to Michelangelo’s screen, which is just a zoomed in live stream of the box turtle, Chompy. “And the angry Raphael once he is no longer grounded.”


“Sign me up dude! I love fun!”


“In other news, I have a bomb now. But I also accept the invite when we finally manage to travel without trapping the said traveller in another dimension forever or ripping a hole in the multiverse.”


Red grins.

“Sounds great!” He gives a large smile, displaying his snaggle tooth.

“Who won?” Orange asks, pausing in his cheerleading dance. “I got lost in the art and missed everything.”

“I think we just got adopted.” Blue summarises. “Or invited to a party. Or both.”


“How did you end up turning this into a party invite when you were supposed to be fighting one of them?” Leon asks in bewilderment. The stream cuts off, but not before you can see Splinter shrug his shoulders casually.

[Live stream ends]


“That was…unexpected. I bet three hundred dollars on Raph winning, do I win or lose if he was disqualified via angry Leo?”


“That wasn’t a fight. I’m pissed.”


No, Michelangelo, shoving the turtle in front of the camera isn’t going to change my mind. Donatello will side with me, he had to deal with the chicken that nested in his lab for a week and began to glow in the dark after it drank some of his geek stuff.”


“But that sounds super cool!”


“So can anyone tell me why kid Raph is banned for a trillion years and no one can get him out?”


“He’s sadly passed away. Funeral is next Saturday. Ggs.”


“Well, that entertained me for half an hour.” Angelo pauses. “Does anyone want to hear me scream until I pass out?”


“f*ck yeah! Can we do it together and harmonise?”


“Never mind, I’m detonating this bomb, goodbye everyone.”

Too Many Turtles - Chapter 37 - DysfunctionalRequest (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Views: 5843

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.