This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (2024)

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This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (1)

Have you ever wanted to make your own bread but you’ve felt intimidated by the yeast process? I have. I have conquered that fear and I want you to also! Or maybe you are already an expert and just want a good homemade Amish Sweet Bread recipe, that’s fine too. I am here to please!

First, let me give a special shout out to my dear friend Kim for coming to my house and walking me through this scary process. She was brave enough to conquer this on her own and offered to hold my hand through the process. Isn’t easier when you have a friend by your side? Sure it is. Thanks Kim! Love ya girl!

There is a printable version of this recipe at the very bottom of this post.

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (2)

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (3)

Homemade Amish Sweet Bread Recipe Ingredients

  • 2 cups water
  • 2/3 cups sugar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons Active Dry yeast
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 5 1/2 to 6 cups all purpose flour
  • two large bowls
  • dough cutter
  • 2 bread loaf pans

Note: If you find you make this recipe often, I highly suggest investing in some really good bread loaf pans such as theCuisinart 9-Inch Chef’s Classic Nonstick Bakeware Loaf Pans. They will last you a very long time.

Homemade Amish Sweet Bread Recipe Step by Step Instructions

Heat 2 cups of water to 110℉. If you don’t have a thermometer try this tip. It works every time. Heat up 1/2 cup of water in a microwave safe bowl for one minute. This will boil the water. Then add tap water from the faucet until you reach 2 cups of water.

Add the sugar to the water you just heated and stir it.

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (4)

Add the active dry yeast to the sugar water and let it set for exactly 10 minutes. It will become frothy. See before and after photos below.

How long can you keep yeast in the freezer you ask?

Once your package or jar is opened the yeast must be refrigerated or frozen in an airtight container. Under these conditions, we recommend using the Dry Yeast within 4 months after opening if refrigerated, or within 6 monthsafter opening if frozen. The yeast will go dormant in the freezer. Just allow it to set out for about 10 minutes before you use it.

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (5)

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (6)

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (7)

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (8)

Mix in the oil and salt into the yeast liquid.

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (9)

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (10)

Slowly add one cup of flour at a time to this yeast mixture. You might not use all of the flour. It depends on how wet the dough is towards the end. You want to get to a good non-sticky dough consistency and it will form a ball.

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (11)

Once the dough forms a ball, you will need to knead the dough for about 5 minutes. Sprinkle the surface with flour before you begin. When you feel the dough get sticky, sprinkle more flour over the top of the dough as you are kneading it. When this process is over you should be able to lift a small piece of the dough without it tearing. (see the photo)

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (12)

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (13)

Spray a large bowl with non stick cooking oil and place the dough into the bowl. Cover this bowl with a damp towel.

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (14)

Let this dough rise for about 1 hour or until it has doubled in size.

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (15)

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (16)

After the dough has risen, punch the middle part of the dough and pull the dough from the sides of the bowl.

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (17)

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (18)

Use a dough cutter and split the dough into two equal parts and place them in a greased loaf pan. Shape them into the size of your pan.

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (19)

Let these loaves sit uncovered for another 3o minutes to rise again.

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (20)

Now place them in a preheated oven at 350℉ for about 30 minutes or until they are cooked thoroughly. If you are using a cast iron bread pan you will need to bake these loaves after 5 minutes or so. The crust comes out amazing with cast iron but it does take a little longer to bake. I love cast iron because it cooks so evenly.

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (21)

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (22)

Feel free to Pin It on Pinterest for later. I promise, you will NEVER want to lose this recipe.

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (23)

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (24)

Homemade Amish Sweet Bread Recipe with Step by Step Instructions

4.19 from 265 votes

Print Recipe Pin Recipe

Prep Time 1 hour hr 45 minutes mins

Cook Time 30 minutes mins

Total Time 2 hours hrs 15 minutes mins

Servings 2 loaves



  • Heat 2 cups of water to 110℉. If you don't have a thermometer try this tip. It works every time. Heat up 1/2 cup of water in a microwave safe bowl for one minute. This will boil the water. Then add tap water from the faucet until you reach 2 cups of water.

  • Add the sugar to the water you just heated and stir it.

  • Add the yeast to the sugar water and let it set for exactly 10 minutes. It will become frothy. See before and after photos below.

  • Mix in the oil and salt into the yeast liquid.

  • Slowly add one cup of flour at a time to this yeast mixture. You might not use all of the flour. It depends on how wet the dough is towards the end. You want to get to a good non-sticky dough consistency and it will form a ball.

  • Once the dough forms a ball, you will need to knead the dough for about 5 minutes. Sprinkle the surface with flour before you begin. When you feel the dough get sticky, sprinkle more flour over the top of the dough as you are kneading it. When this process is over you should be able to lift a small piece of the dough without it tearing. (see the photo)

  • Spray a large bowl with non stick cooking oil and place the dough into the bowl. Cover this bowl with a damp towel.

  • Let this dough rise for about 1 hour or until it has doubled in size.

  • After the dough has risen, punch the middle part of the dough and pull the dough from the sides of the bowl.

  • Use a dough cutter and split the dough into two equal parts and place them in a greased loaf pan

  • Let these loaves sit uncovered for another 3o minutes to rise again.

  • Now place them in a preheated oven at 350℉ for about 30 minutes or until they are cooked thoroughly.

Nutrition facts are provided as a courtesy.

Tried this recipe? Mention @ISaveA2Z or tag #KetoFriendlyRecipes!

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (25)

This bread recipe turned out AMAZING! Must try for sure! (2024)


What is the most important ingredient in bread? ›

Wheat flour is the key ingredient in most breads. Flour quality is particularly important in breadmaking as the quality of the flour will have a significant impact on the finished product.

What is the secret to success when making quick breads? ›

5 Secrets for Successful Quick Breads
  • Don't Overmix. Taste of Home. When stirring up quick bread recipes, it's important not to overmix the batter once you've added flour. ...
  • Use the Right Size Pan. Taste of Home. ...
  • Coat Mix-Ins with Flour. Taste of Home. ...
  • Cool Before Glazing. Taste of Home. ...
  • Slice the Right Way. Taste of Home.
May 8, 2021

What makes a good bread? ›

To determine whether bread is of good quality, there are several factors and characteristics you can identify. For example the crust must be crisp and of a darker tone than the inside, a strong flavour and taste due to the flour, as well as a pleasant smell. What's also important is that the conservation is longer.

What are 4 key things to remember when making bread? ›

Follow these tips for bread that comes out right every time.
  • Use the right yeast. ...
  • Store your yeast properly. ...
  • Treat salt with care. ...
  • Take your time. ...
  • Try different flours. ...
  • Measure carefully. ...
  • Consider vitamin C. ...
  • Practice makes perfect.

What makes some bread taste better? ›

Spices and other ingredients such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, fennel and cardamom, give bread added flavour and character. Wheat flour is available in many varieties and is the flour most used in Sweden. It has a high protein and gluten content, providing fluffier bread.

What ingredient makes bread taste good? ›

Several tasty ingredients like honey, olives and even bananas are used regularly to ramp up the classic bread recipe's flavor. Not only are these ingredients delicious, but when chosen wisely, they can also boost your bread's nutritional value.

Should you let quick bread batter rest? ›

Quick breads use the chemical leavening agents of baking powder and/or baking soda. Baking powder and baking soda do not require time for rising, so the batter for quick bread is cooked immediately after mixing.

What's the purpose of an egg in a quick bread? ›

Muffin and Quick Bread Ratio of Ingredients

Sugar, in addition to its interaction with fats, adds flavor, color, and aids in the tenderization of the batter. Eggs provide structure and act as an emulsifier by surrounding fat particles and helping trap air contributing lightness and volume.

What is the most common mistake when making quick breads? ›

  • Using too much flour because their dough seems too wet.
  • Not using enough salt. Say your recipe calls for a teaspoon of salt. ...
  • Rushing everything. Yeast today is made to rise quickly. ...
  • Under or over-proofing. ...
  • Baking too long. ...
  • The biggest mistake - Worrying too much about getting measurements and proportions exactly right.
May 13, 2021

What makes bread nice and fluffy? ›

Adding sugar weakens the gluten structure, absorbs water, and eventually makes the bread lighter and softer. As a result, sugar improves the bread's taste, structure and texture. Yeast also eats up sugar to produce carbon dioxide, which raises the dough and makes bread fluffy.

How do you make bread fluffier? ›

Use a Dough Enhancer

Boost the fluffiness of your bread by using a dough enhancer like Vital Wheat Gluten. All it takes is a small amount of dough enhancer per loaf to create a much lighter and fluffier result.

What is the best flour to make bread? ›

While bread flour is the best option, it can sometimes be used if you don't have bread flour. “Check the protein content,” advises Chef Jürgen, since it can vary from brand to brand, and an all-purpose flour that contains protein on the higher end of the range, 12 to 13 percent, will produce a better outcome.

Why do you punch down bread dough? ›

You'll find instructions to punch down dough in recipes for yeast-based bread. That's because yeast produces carbon dioxide, which causes the dough to rise. By punching the dough down, you can release some of the carbon dioxide and redistribute the yeast, giving you a more even rise and texture.

Why do you dust bread with flour before baking? ›

You can dust the top of rolls or loaves (white or whole wheat) with white flour for a more rustic or “peasant” style appearance. Using flour is also a wonderful way to keep your bread (especially buns and rolls) vegan but still decorate the top.

What is the secret to making bread? ›

Tips for Baking Yeast Breads
  • Always use fresh yeast. ...
  • When a recipe gives a range for the amount of flour to add, always start with the lowest amount. ...
  • The amount of flour needed can be very dependent on humidity and weather. ...
  • Don't over knead the bread dough.
May 21, 2020

What are the three most important ingredients in bread? ›

Whenever fresh bread was needed, the ring of bread was moistened with water and then was ready to eat. It is not surprising that bread has evolved just like our diverse cultures have evolved. The ingredients that go into a loaf of bread are simple — flour, yeast or other leavening agent, liquid, and salt.

What is one important ingredient in baking bread? ›

Enzymes, starch and yeast are key ingredients for making bread. Here we explain commonly used ingredients and the reasons why they are used to make the bread we buy from the supermarket. Enzymes are proteins which catalyse, or speed up, biological reactions. Several enzyme catalysed reactions occur during breadmaking.

What ingredients improve bread? ›

Salt strengthens the gluten structure of the dough, not allowing the trapped carbon dioxide bubbles to expand too quickly. This helps produce bread with fine texture and grain. Salt also enhances the flavor of your product.


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.