The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)

POSITIONS WANTED 1 THE TAMPA TIMES, Saturday. Dec. 4, 1976 15-C SALES 1370 EMPLOYMENT GENERAL To Hoc An Ad, To Kill. Correct, Adjust, Coll 400 ARTICLES FOB SAI 340 to expanding growth, we CLUBS RESTAURANTS 350 CLERICAL SECRETARIAL 1370 INTERVIEWER SELL CHEF eioerienced In Italian hove on opening ror an ooun distributor for eorly morning home delivery of TAMPA TRIBUNE motor route, daily and Sunday in the CITRUS PARK AREA. hove reliable transportation ond furnish cash bond.

cooking (3), Valentino's Mon or woman to interview Restaurant and Lounge Only experienced need aoolv. 8625 Buckoneer business professional people. to 5, 5 days. S3.00 Hr. For information call 879-3551.

(Sat or Sun OK). INPUT OPERATOR 275-1953 or 567-3181. Square. MODELS WANTED-WILL TRAIN. 932-3377 HOUSECLEANING, babysit.

Office near Westshore Shop WAITRESS wanted, exoerl enced. Aoolv 10045 Carrol lowood Center, after 4PM. FAST food chain needs mon aaement trainee, no experi ence necessary. Send resume and references to Tribune-Times Box J-247. JUGS AND SUDS Mature, experiencea, references, own transportation.

932-4595 6PM-9PM. are now accepting appli- cations tor Distributor-Employee salespeople in the PLANT CITY areo. you hove good dependable transportation ana con post reasonable cosh bond, you can earn approximately $300 $400 per month. apply, phone 754-3763, I Monday through Friday, 10 AM to 4 PM. Attractive waitresses needed for fast growing national franchised chain.

Apply in person at Executive Offices, 8700 47th St. North, Pinellas 360 Tampa Tribune is now accepting applications for Distributor-Employe Salespeople in the BROOKSVILLELANO LAKES oreas. I you nave good dependable transportation ana can post reasonable cosh bond, vou can earn approximately $300 $400 per month. apply, phone J24-072. Friday, Monday through 10AM to 4 PM.

FAMILY SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Inspectional work of ordinary difficulty in connection wnn regulations, governing the occupancy of dwelling and units that are either fit or until for humon-habitation, and performs related work as reauired. Considerable knowledge of the housing codes tor the City of Tompo. Knowledge of the geographies of the City of Tampa and Hillsborough County. Completion ot two years from an accredited college or university or ony equivalent combination ond experience. Salary: $7,842.

Equal Opportunity Employer Send resume to tne personnel Department, Post Office Box 4766, Tampo, Florida 33677. INIGHT Auditor for lorge com SOMEONE Wants To Buy Your FURNITURE Reach That Buyer with a CLASSIFIED AD 272-7500 400 ARTICLES FOR SALE ELEVISION $35; co*cktoil table $20; belt mossager $10. 234-8871. ENT. sleeps 4.

$50. 9' rubberized inflatable boat, $40. 872-4704. RE and Wheel, new. 87.5x16.5, $40.

Kerosine heat- tonk, stand, $40. 110 gallon lank, stand, $50. 626- 4415. TOOLS, complete set for car or deisel. Call 621-7281 otter 8:30.

RAIN set, 4x8' Gauge, many extras, $80. 626-5240. TV block-white 19" Sears $40; 6 Scotch Pine Christmos tree $25. 689-1455. TV $9 DOWN Color TV.

25" Zenith toble model, like new. Balance of $149 can be paid out $20 per month, 7 payments. Futtv guaranteed. Local Credit reauired. Thrifty TV 4703 Nebraska TV $19 DOWN Color TV.

25" Zenith Console, like new. Balance ot $199 can be paid out $20 per month, 9 payments. Fully guaranteed. Local Credit required. Thrifty TV 4703 Nebrosko TV $8 DOWN Color TV.

2S" RCA console. like new. Balance of $128 con be paid out $20 per month. 6 payments. Fully guaranteed.

Local credit reauired. Thrifty TV 4703 Nebraska TV. 23" black ond white, $35. Toys, games, $40. 988-0088.

TV, 12" Black white. One month old. $65. 621-8274. TYPEWRITER, Remington Electric.

Like New. Full size. Cost $650. Private sale $195.00. 441-3986, Clearwater.

T-SHIRTS MANUFACTURERS CLOSEOUT Imported, assorted colors styles, long snort sleeve. Will sell only by half dozens. Dealers welcome. Sot, 4-7. Sun.

All day. 253-3901. Utility Buildings FACTORY SECONDS Large 7x10' $89 10X10' $105 GROFF INDUSTRIES 9507 N. Trask- 1 mile W.ol Dale Mabry on Linebough Open Daily 'til 4.30 Soturdoy 'til Noon VACUUM cleaner, tiller clean. nearly new.

$165. Whirlpool both; new $35. 626-5339 otter 4PM. WARDROBE $50, drawer $35, Rocker $25. roll-bed $15.

879-1686. Machine, large bleach-fabric $200. 253-5391 Mavtag, dispenser, days. WEDDING gown, beoutiful lace, satin, beaded, size 12. $50.

935-5676. WHIRLPOOL, $50. Sperti sun lamp. $35. Two 2 burner camper stoves.

$20 both. 961-6001. YARD sale. Church. Sat.

9-4. 502 Druid Hills Rd. Temple Terrace. SEARS WAREHOUSE OUnET STORE Floor Samples Used Scratched Surplus Mdse. Mo, linr Sal.

-1 to 5 loWMassaroRlOfftU. 301 Sovth in Xrovse Tampa I Indus. Ml Ml His and Hers mercial hotel must oe experienced. Excellent salary and benefits. Send resume to Tribune-Times Box V-259.

EOE. IMODELS wanted. Over 18. No Experience necessory. Big Money.

238-0929. (EXCITING Opportunity. Field Creation Beauty consuitont and Manager. Mrs. Pogan, 238-2883; 949-4173.

IWANTED experienced fore- mon for dairy, top wages. Coll offer 8pm. 681-3192. ICOUPLE )o live in trailer PAINT-PANEL-RESIN All of good prices. 5120 Reor, no Ave Z36-0I2I.

PIANO, $75. Hideabed. $25. Swivel rocker, $20. 884-3(51.

PINBALLS (4). each. 2 pool tables, $350 eoch. 97) -2899. PLUMBING, hordware.

elec trical, pipe ond gorden supplies. Open Sundovs, 9 to 5. t-arm Home Hardware. 3901 E. Hillsborough.

POOL Table, regular size, Call good condition. $200. 839-4296. POOL table. 4x8.

$40. Tricycle ana oicycie. $12. 884-9413. POOL Tables 4x8 Slate $299 KUdEkTSON BILLIAROS 121 FRANKLIN ST POOL TABLE Regulation aiofe.

mi. 961-433) otter PM. POOL table, bumper. Bruns wick slate, excellent condi tion, SI25. 253-2027.

POOL Table 8 foot, all acces sories, excellent condition. S2J. 949-1983. POOL Table. 3x6.

rack, balls. Brunswick. $80. Like new. 961- 1826.

POTTERY LESSONS Hand 8ldg 8 Wheel. Potters Wheel Workshop. 932-3019 QUILTS, Hondmode. The Quilt Factory opening December 1st, 2414 s. MocDill.

RANGE, electric, Mogic Chiet, harvest gold, new, $175. 445-2145. Refrigerator 18 cu ft Whirlpool Yiis. Repo Depot, 2120 MacDill 253-0454. REFRIGERATOR, excellent running condition, frosttree.

$75. Rug, shog 10'xl4' oronge (tnick oaddina included! $50. 884-0630. REFRIGERATOR. 15 cubic toot, frosttree.

Excellent condition. $100. Phone 424- 354. REFRIGERATOR, frostfree, excellent, $120. Bross bound cedar chest, $55.

835-9491 REFRIGERATOR. Admiral. good condition. $100. See ony time 400V N.

Cameron. CHECK Class 416 for addition al Appliances for sole. REFRIGERATOR 16 CU. ft. good condition.

$115 Col credit manager CHRISTIE'S 685-4544. RUG, purple 12x7, $25. Window oir conditioner, $50 firm. 689 1960. RUG, beautiful 6' Oriental.

must sell, moving, $500. 837- 9B6U. SAW, chain, gas, McCulloch MaclO-10. $150 tlrm. 689 1960.

SEWING MACHINES Authorized Sales Service For Famous ELNA ELNA LOTUS other populor makes. Lots of late model recond machines to choose from at low prices too Sewing Machine Exchange 310 S. MocDill Tompa 879-4444 SIDEBOARD. English teok wood, (G-Plan), 7' long, $100. 68y-B66l.

SINK, stainless steel with dou ble dratnboord, mixer tou' cetS $25. 834-3924. Snooker-pool table. Rare an tique. $1200.

879-5440. 877- 4707. SNOOKER toble, 5x10. Bokers Billiard Parlor. 1811 Tompa St.

ICHECK Class 410 for addition 01 Furniture for sale items. SOFA 96" blue. $100. table $35. 884-7691.

SOFT Top for 1971 Corvette. No rust. $75, offer. 985-1594. CONSOLE STEREOS $149 Repo Depot, 2120 S.

MOCDIII 253-0654. STEREO console. AM-FM $70. 626- phono, like new. 8927.

STEREO. console. $100. Chrome vanity $25. Baby dresser $15.

885-4509. STEREO. Garrard turntable, tape, AM-FM. Large speak' ers. $200.

971-8851. (STERLING flatware, Gorhom Strasbourg, pioce setting, ladle sugar, si 35. B9-2546. ITABLECLOTH. pure linen.

banauet size. 72x106. hand embroidered. $100. 961-2874.

TAPE player, Sony, reel reel, $150, territic buy. 234' B81. iTARPAULIN-convas. 18x38, new. $200.

626-6745 after 5PM. TELESCOPE, 40MM, 941-0417, 450 eve- power. $50. nings. ISvlvonia Color Portoble 19' $149.

RCA Console color TV $189. Repo Depot, 2120 MocDill, 253-0454. TELEVISION. Sonv. AC-DC, 4 $90.

Typewriter. $35. 255- 8591. CHECK Class 424 for additonol Televisions tor sale. Soft 'n' Swingy Printed Pattern Totally at ease that's the way you'll feel and look in this swingy, two-part dress.

Band detail frames V-neck, soit gathers. Choose jersey! Printed Pattern 4581: Misses Sizes 8. 10. 12. 14.

16, 18. Sire 12 (bust 34) takes 24 yards 60-inch fabric. $1.00 for each pattern. Add 35 (or each pattern for tirst- class airmail and handling. Send to: inn.

Anne Atoms Pattern Dept. eiTinpTrloMtTlMis, mStfuMKI ZIP. SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. 150 styles lots of Ouick I in our NEW rAU- i yujD PATTERN CATALOG! 8-18 -nV 330 1 LIFE AGENCY CASHIER Top individual to ossist one ot Flo. tosiest growing agencies.

Must have exper. os coshier must be capable of dealing with clients, home office, 8. employee supervision. Salary open, plus excellent fringe benefits package. Send resume to Personnel PO Box )3029.

St. Pete. Flo. 33733. EXPERIENCED Milker.

day week. $132 Pius oonus. Available 3 bedroom unfurnished house. Compoamor Modern Dairy, two blocks South of State Road 60 on US 301. 1 Wonted port time telephone work.

25 hours weekly, booa pay. 228-7052. AUTO Upholsterer experi enced in leather work, head- liners, tops. Horseless Carrioge Shop, Ounedin, 733-9340. NEEDED: Senior beauticians.

part time. Reply Tribune Times Box 255. INSURANCE Customer service repr. Expe rience personal lines rating. Good benefits 8 salary.

Call, Personnel, Poe 8 228-7361. ELECTRONICS technician needed to service copiers in Sarasota, Bradenton areo. Must be school trained basic electronics. $8,000 per yeor to start, plus expenses. II you have of least one year experience In servicing copiers, will start ot $10,000 per yeor plus expenses.

Call lor an appointment, wic- Clure's Office Equipment, 5orosotO. 1-922-960. TRUCKS NEEDED Tractors with wet lines for regular or locol hauling. 904-796-4848. $2.75 TO START $3 AFTER 8 WEEKS Bonuses.

Tele sales from Our office, 9-3 or 5-9 Mon-Sat. It you're good you can averoge $4 per hr. Coll now. IMS 89-566 EXPERIENCED only. Phone solicitor needed, short hours.

From your home. Don, 685- 5137 for on interview. TELEPHONE personalities. We need people to moke contacts lor our soles people. Experience not necessary.

All benefits and bonus. Morning and evening work ovailoble. Coll Porrish between 9AM ond 12 noon or 4PM-9PM, 879-0344. BOY'S, Girls, men, women. Moke good monev for Christ mas.

Unusual toy, sell your friends, no investment. Work vour own hours. 1st come. 1st served. 2808 Tyson Ave.

Weekdays, alter 2PM; All day, Saturday, Sundoy. Asst Purchasing Agent FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY HOUSE ABLE to handle detail work. Excellent benefits, interesting, demanding. Submit re-sume to Tribune Box C-240. OWNER-Ooerators with single ond tondem oxle tractors, to haul petroleum.

Must have 3 years Semi experience with aood record ana meet uui qualifications. Call 626-5418 Monday-Friday, 8-10AM. Telephone Surveying PART TIME-FULL TIME Housewives-College Students. If interested coll 986-1341 PART time, your time, I'll show you the Amway plan. 839-8149.

TRUCK driverwarehouse. Full I me. Local deliveries. Mondoy-Fridoy. Florido chauffeur's license ond clean drivino record aulred.

Straiaht truck. Com pany benefits. Permonent position. Apply In person. Mac Papers Incorporated, 2103 2nd Avenue.

Tompo. WANTED, salesperson, must have years experience in selling tree work. Only sober, relioble and experi enced personnel need oppiy. 839-1658; WOMENS Resource Center (EOE) is recruiting 2 VISTA Volunteers to serve in female Offender Treotment Program. Unique benefits plus Stipend.

Submit resume by Dec. 15th. to 706 N. Franklin St. Tompo.

33602. SECRETARYBookkeeper ex perienced up to statement, statistical typing. accounts oavobie ond payroll. Send resume to PMC. P.O.

Box 14000. St. Petersburg. 33733. HEARD from the foilures? Listen to success! True Amwoy tocts! 837-4989.

ELECTRICIAN, local experi ence necessary, coil sat. or Mon. tor Interview. 839-7937. EXPERIENCED night auditor needed immediately.

Apply In person. Passport Inn, 6804 E. Hillsborough. PLUMBING WHOLESALE Need 2 good dependable neat drivers. orofit snaring.

group ins. Gorman 802 N. 12th St. EARN $4.00 to $8.00 hourly servicing Fuller Brush cus tomers near vour nome. Full-Port time.

Cor, phone needed. 689 0184. MAINTENANCE I AC repair. 2 yrs. exper.

re quired. Must have own truck 8 tools. 879-4408 PLUMBING WHOLESALE Someone to operote perpetual inventory control. Gorman 802 N. )2th St.

228 9874. BULLDOZERooerotor. Call after 7PM Clearwater 724- 0097 I Openings for exp blindstltch hemmers 8 single neeaie garment sewers. Pd hoi, vac, bonus. AC plant.

Apply Fravne Sportswear, 2202 N. Howard. DRIVERS Needed for expanding busi ness. Must hove minimum ot I yeor long distance with cab-over semi troctortrail-er and some reefer experi ence. No others need opply.

Insuronce. bonus progrom ond other benefits. EOE. Clav Hvder Trucking Lines 967-1101 Auburndate MEAT Cutter, experienced on v. Preterablv manageri al.

Avon Park orea. 1-453- 3051. OLYMPIA Bokery. Part lime or lull time experiencea baker needed. Apply in per- son, 2201 N.

Howora. FLEET MECHANIC Experienced on Cummins ond Detroit engines 8 runer transmissions. Must have own hand tools. Permonent position. Sv day week.

Good working conditions. Excellent employee benefits. Call Mrs. Gl Hette. 248-2 iu.

FULL Tim Shrimp peelers needed, apply In person only, 4819 N. Cooper Place. Na Bhnn rolls will be OC- ceoted. Tompa Moid Seo Products, Inc. MAINTENANCE Man, mining operation needs qualified mon.

musi to weld ond cut. Must know wet plont ooerotion. Apply at Mine, Edgar Piostlc Koo- tin, Turkey ire kwiv. Plont City. MECHANIC wonted with expe rience ft troining on semitrailers Mock engines.

Must have own hand toois. 624-5418 8AM-5PM 395 POSITIONS WANTED NEED a NURSES AIDE? 1 fl an Hour Coll 177-9444 doyorrilght HOME NURSING CARE When you need a nurse, nurse aide or companion at reasonable rates. QUALITY CARE 229-15) Will do light hauling, yord work onvtlme. Free esti- motes. 870 1179 evenings.

I REMODELING, Corpentry, bloc paneling, pointing. roofin), 1st class estimotes. 626-152). EMPLOYMENT GENERAL 395 1st I 177-7 J00. SALES the best EARN the most The New Brtfannico III LEADS ONLY! PH.

877-9584 DECORATOR -Experienced HOME DECORATOR with Retail background. Drow against commission, 40 Hr. week. Must have own cor. Full Benefits.

Call 621-8911 ext. 207. EOE MF. we'll Teoch vou the Life Ins actnrt ouvwk Metropol itan Life Mr.Arthur 961-887) WORLD BOOK-Childcrarr Sales Represenianve nvm- ed! Coll 855 6084. MEDICAL SALES-FEE PD Management Recruiters Tompo Boy.

Inc. 879-4450 Financial Consultant Position ovolloble for presen-toble, aggressive individual. Sales exp preferred but not necessary. 879-2586; CEMETERY SALES Everyone needs it. 16 comm.

Appt. furnished. Comm. ad-vonced wklv. Coll 681 1538.

NEED LICENSED REAL Es-tate Soles people. Will provide individualized training and furnish leads. For confidential interview Coll Sharon, Brewer, Realtor 933-7654 or eves. 949-5423. PREFERRED ACTION RLTY SPECIALIZING IN SALES CAREERS-ALWAYS FEE PD DUNHILL ot lompa m-rtn SALES CONSULTANTS OF TAMPA, INC.

"Placing Sales Talent Is Our Only Business" 5400 MarinerfRm 213) 872-1538 BURKE Pest Control, needs aggressive men and women, to join our soles teom. Out side soles experience neiprui but not mandatory. Apply 1779 W. Hillsborough, Mr. Ted Porker.

MIAMI Showroom Sales Representative. Better gifts. Need experienced persen for Sarasota to eorwater. Na tionol lines, established ac counts, full commission. Send resume: Tribune-Times Box M-302.

CAREER OPPORTUNITY vou have some (outside) soles experience, a woy with people, the desire to advance your Income ana your career, we con helo vou reach your career potential accethriveslerate your growth in an environment that on personal achieve ment. We are the nations largest supplier uf eauipment, fur nishings supplies tor hotels, restaurants institu tions have immediate openings. We offer excellent commissions, where earn ings ore in direct relation to your efforts. (Drow against commission to start). It interestea can: Jeff Solomon of the Frlwnrrf Don And Comoanv Mon.

Dec. 6 Tues. Dec. 7 between 9am 12noon at the Holiday Inn, Downtown Tompa, 1)) W. Fortune, 223- 1351.

A.nrrn nnnnnTlllllTU OHfAttlX UrrUIMUIlll I Strong Closers for expanding Fletcher Music Center, dem onstrating, se ina organs in local Mall. Music or Sales experience helpful. Call for appointment, us FULL or part time. Commer cial grounds equipment representative. National line.

ground floor opportunity. Great commission. 870-3490, 237-0341. COSMETIC SALES Rimmel Div. of ITT Needs experienced Cosmetician to do demos, store set ups, inventories tor retail drug store trade, in central Florida.

Salary, company cor, excellent fringe benefits. Send resume to Tribune Times Box L-119. Eoual Oppty. Employer MF NEED extra Christmas monev? A 35 mfnute presen tation will help to net vou top commission after regular working hours, write, ben. P.O.

Box 82416, Tampa, Florida 33682. WANTED- Licensed Real Es tate Sales Personnel. Com mission structures follows: 3 direct to sa lesperson on new homes sales. S500 bonus for every 2 controcts per month. $1500 benus for every 4 contracts per month.

Coll: 988-0863 SALESPERSONS earn in excess of $300 per week commission. Local leads fur nished. Full training if qual ified. For interview phone 879-5338. SALES persons.

Guaranteed plus area, leads, expenses plus liberal commission. Must have auto. Phone 689- 7412. CARPET SALES Experienced only. top poy.

Aopiy in person, braska Ave. 8900 Ne- SALES Girl. Full ond port time for high volume womens specialty shop. Excellent comDensation. Aoolv in per son at Bernard's, Tampa Boy Center MOTOR FREIGHT SALESMAN Nationwide interstate carrier seeking salesmon in motor freight sales in the Tampa Bay oreo.

Must oe experi enced. Salaried position. Inci. company car, company oaid exoenses. company paid Insurance retirement plans.

All responses neia in strict confidence. Reply Tribune-Times Box E-320, EOE. SHARP aggressive salesper son needed on commission. Apply Tompa Bay Center. Potpourri.

riDFFD opportunity lNational firm expanding Into Tampa oreo. commission $28,000 uo. Monoaement positions availoble. Contact Mr. Fornsworth, 685-7488.

SALES career ooatv. Oppor tunity for exp. solesmon with 1 ot the nation's leading hardware, plumbing 8 industrial products co. Current hardware experience ond proven selling ability reauired. Solary, plus bonus, plus co.

car and expenses. Send complete resume to Tribune Times Box A-290. SWIMMING POOL SALES Excellent oopor. tor good salesman, can 886-5000 Mon- dov 9-5 tor Interview appt. IEARN per week In your spore time.

Represent a mo or national TV tlrm. Get those luxuries you want now. We will train you ond orrange hours to suit vour needs. Coll Sales manoger. HICk OgrodOSkl, 621-4691.

(STATEWIDE Distributor needs energetic, sales mind ed person to merchandise ond set up displays. Limited travel, Tampo area, good opportunity, full company benefits. Send resume to Tampa Tribune-Times Box G-244. WORD Processing text editing equioment soles repre sentative for Tompa area. Word Processing experience preferred.

1.443-4401. SALESMAN WANTED iTo represent health food dis tributor In the Tompo. Orlando and west coast orea. Give briet resume and phone number, mall to Vitality Distributors, 1010 NW Slst Place, Ft. Lauderdale, FL J3301 I WANTED: your services os a highly paid weignt control Consultont.

831-5831. JOHN Hanco*ck. $1000 plus commission, training, fringe benefits, 224 0102, 224 0140. Director Sales: New posl. tion.

Must staff, organize. troin new product division for notional compony, Largo office. Will be able to sell sell ond product to leaders in industry, ad agency execs, large developers, etc Don't waste our time if not sell-starter, have track rec ord, can lustily figure sal ary, commission. Some trov- Da.nm. n.

Cnla, fl Bo, 587, Largo, Fla. Crtrtr, TO BROKERS 8 RETAILER WITH CO CAR CALL PAT 877-8011 Snelling 8 Snelling To I MATURE Christian lodv. wishes day work, os a sitter, companion lor the elderly. sick or shut-in, can take to the market and so forth. 988-2904.

BOOKKEEPER, office monoo- with sales experience. Dependable male, age n. Self motivated ond company minded, sonaaoie. refer ences. Married resident.

839- 2410 TRACTOR-Trailer driver. local or long distonce. DOT Certified. Clean driving rec- ord. 884-5226.

ACCOUNTANT heovy CPA firm, business experience. Avoiloble port time. 877-4663. ELEVEN years fast food man ager desires full time post- tion. 884-2023.

class Rooter wants work. Hove own equipment, is yrs expr werk guorn to 233 8111 ENGLISH mechanic, 16 years experience on European cars, MG Jauguar s. BL. etc. Wants full time iob.

Hard worker, please call John 238-1)09. HAVING party or wedding? Need a bartender? coll 885- 4620. CONTROLLER and CFO for past years with local man ufacturer seeks change of fering challenge, growth. stability. Aoe-mia so s.

Resume Tribune Times Box T-257. Merdiandise 400 499 in 400 ARTICLES FOR SALE GARAGE Sole. Corner Wi- shart 8 Berry. 9-5, Sotur- doy-sundov. SOFA bed, queen size, $100.

LQdy 80H bog. S8. 988-9584. TRAMPOLINES 932-6917 ACOUSTICAL drywall spray rig, mounted on 1970 one ton Ford truck. 634-2559.

AFGHANS Hand crocheted. (6). Ripple pattern, solids. $25 eoch. 932-5020.

AFGHANS (3) $25 each. Re mington electric shaver, $10. 236-1883. AFGHANS, four hand-crochet ed lor Christmas sifts. $25 eoch.

932-4037. AIR hockey 6' Brunswick plus accessories, excellent, $125. 988-0088. CHECK Class 418 tor addition al Air Conditioners tor sale. ANTIQUE Gate leg table $150.

Spindle cane Rocker $2B. 886-0692. APPLIANCES. Washer, auto matic, $34.50 ond up. Refrigerators ond ranges.

7604 E. 7th 626-77B7. APPLIANCES. Woodv's. all brands.

Free delivery in de livery limits. 7604 E. Broad- wav. 626-B. AQUARIUM.

10 gallon with stand, light, filter, heoter. $35. 961-5884. AQUARIUM, 10 gallon, mirror back, complete, $35. set of woll lights, $8.

Set of car speakers, $3. Pair of chrome valve covers, 810. 984-2019. AQUARIUM, 10 gallon high. complete, $30.

Ultraviolet sterilizer $35. 238 2978. BABY CRIB. 876-4653. $15 BABY stroller, Peterson, per fect, $15.

Iron heating stove. $35. 961-2485. BEAN BAG CHAIRS Custom mode-piace order now for Christmas-six sizes Nauaahvde. velvet 8 furs Coney's 315 Howard 258-213) BED (hospital) $150.00.

Walker $15.00. Bed side com mode $25.00. 949-4304. BICYCLE boys 10 speed, like new. $85.

961-4331 otter 5 PM. BICYCLE, girls 16" with training wheels, $25. Child rocking horse. $15. 689-4008 or 489-7268.

BICYCLE Motocross MX-100. $95. Mag wheels. $27. Frame $25.

86-739Z. BICYCLE, motocross Redline, brand new, mag wheels. mogniflcent! $178 876-7392. BICYLCLE women's Colum bia, 3 speed, blue, like new. $55.

971-4128. BIKE, boys 27" 10 speed, good condition. $70. 985-5943 eve nings. BRIDESMAIDS gowns, 8 7, $30 eoch.

877-4809, otter BUNK beds $35. antiques: lamp $35, chair $35, sofo $75. 3306 woiioce Ave, tuv-jno. CAMPER, '7), fold down, $400. Vacuum eoner.

Kirov, at tachments, $200. Block-white TV's, 15' $60 eocn. Color TV, excellent. $200. 971-4825.

CAR top deck with two speokers. Excellent conai- tion. $30.00. 839-0226. CARD'S.

Gift's, Beod's. Dolly Card 8 Gift snoppe. 4409 N. Thatcher. 86-162.

CARPETS: Shoos. Hllos. Commercial. Below retail. Pod.

installation included. Sacrifice remnants. 877-3854. CARPET-Vinyl, lowest prices in town, Mary Place, 944 W. Hillsborough Ave.

CARPET, do it yourself. Free tools, wnoiesoie prices. Burns, 4301 El prodo, 839- 7807. CARPET, plush, practically new. 50 souare yards, paid, $650.

Sacrifice, $199. 961- 5448, evenings. Carpet Liv, Din Rms, Holl Big 200 sa ft latest styles colors pod, lobar $119. Lou 932-5316 CARPORT Sole. Color TV.

$100. ciom na. nousenoia. gorden tools, antiques. 8017 N.

EdISOn. 935-6213. IQ-5. CARPORT 10x20. heavy alum inum.

Real nice, jisu. 626- 4033. CARPORT Sale. Saturdov 10-s. Plants, household, mis cellaneous.

707 E. River Dr. Temple Terrace. CARPORT Sale: 2 Miles North of Fletcher on Morris Bridge Rd. CB new Pace 23 channel, on- tenna 8 cable.

6565. CB TRAM D201 $695. Cobro 135 AM-SSB SJ5; LOU 4466 CHAIN saw $65. Doors. lumber, ciotnes, miscena- neous.

$50. 837-1268, 834-0451. CHINA cabinet, $100. China, Spode, $250. picture tromes.

Large table lomp, carved morble, shade, $150. Typewriter. Iron. More! 985-376). CHRISTMAS Bazaar.

De cember 4-5, 10-5. 405 Louoer Woy North. I CHURCH Pews. 18. Ook Pews.

13 4 contoured seat ana bock, also accessories. Ex cellent condition. Call Lloyd Evers, Plont City 1 -737-1908. rt FARANCF SALE Aoollonces Sur plus -Damaged -usea -rioor Sompies uversTocxs MONTGOMERY WARD Outlet Store 4902 Waters Ave 884-3772 COOK Books wonted: Deserts, Wine, Any. Bern ateun House.

25) 242). COOKWARE: Wedding or rnrittmai oresents. sunn iest steel, waterless. Writ Cook wore. P.O.

Box 82416, Tampo Florida 33682. IrnurH. 90" Contemporary, oreen and wnne strip, vti. none oav-vtyo. i COUCH linen $100.00, 9x12 corpet

oreor puvi 255-5922 Evenings. COVERED utility trailer, good for moving, zw ii. ejv- 5922. CRIB. Simmons, yellow, in perfect conamon wnn mattress.

$85. 481-3374. DESK Childs Roll Top) Wal nut, Beniwooa cnoirv 886-0892. DISHWASHER, $39. Desk, Blond desk, 2y.

Bookcase, $48. 933-4519; OlSHWASHER. portoble with cutting ooara top, iikc new. $150. 839 0497.

DRAPES, records, 40" stove. domes rock, sman appli ances. Miscellaneous. 831-2891. DRUM Set.

goad condition. $80. woteroed, king, trome, 840. 645 1157. (DRYER, perfect $50; morch- ing snore drum, leg rest $65.

84-9330. DRYER, electric, Frigidoire, good condition $50. 932-8422. 11304 N. Rome.

I FENCE, 100', choin link, $85. Free walk gate. 689 0000. Freezer 16 cu ft $149. IS cu ft $199.

Reoo Depot, 2120 S. MocDill 253 0654. FREEZER Gibson upright. 18 7 cubic trost tree, 2 years old, $250, 961-8386. I rUHNAtc, Duo inerm gai.

72,000 BTU. troiier nou. 17C UMIJC 9 I I 400 ARTICLES FOR SALE 1 FURNACE, fuel. 100 gollon tank, stand, $35. AC, $25.

626-4735. FURNITURE stripping, refin- isnina. Tuesdov-soturaav. 5, W. Chase 8 Son.

27)7 S. MocDill. 837-2431. GARAGE Sale. 316 N.

MocDill Saturday only 9 to 4. Girl's bike. Children's Toys, Clothes, Furniture 8 Miscellaneous; GARAGE sale, Saturday ond Sundoy, Dec. 4th. and 5th.

9AM to 5PM, 3235 Lawn Ave. (Polmo Celo). GARAGE Sole, miscellaneous items. 6812 S. Hespendes.

IGARAGE sale 9 5. Tiller, bicycles, misc. 4601 S. Trosk St. IGARAGE Sale, 4417 Rlverhills Soturdoy only.

9-5. GARAGE-FLEA MARKET Sacred Heart Academy, 3515 Fid. Soturdav, Dec. 4th, 9 5, Sun. Dec 5th, 12 4.

Antiques, tools, furniture. nick-nacks, plants, retresh- ments. etc. IGARAGE Sale, December 4, 4709 Mornoy Circle. IGARAGE Sale, Saturday.

Bi cycle, toys, typewriter, tools, telescope. etc. Gunn Highway, Busch. 941-7)12. GARAGE Sale.

3 families. Dishwosher, furniture, mis cellaneous. Frldav-Sotur- day. Cherry Creek, 961-29)3. GARAGE Sole! Saturday 8 5.

Miscellaneous, 44)1 San Rafael. IGARAGE sale, multiple fami lies, furniture, household items, pionts. baby furni ture, misc. 6422 Sawyer Rd. on W.

Hillsborough, sotur- doy 8 Sunday 9-5. BB6-B4I0. GARAGE Sale. Moving. Wa- terbed, golt clubs, miscella- neous.

2813 Pearl Avenue. IGARAGE Sale! Dec. 4th. 9 6. Dec.

5th, 11-4. Books, table linens, bed, bric-a-brac and so forth. 8)03 W. Powhottan, 884-6541. GARAGE sale.

Saturday. 10-5, 7920 Flowertield (Pat Acres) Pointings, clothing, hou-sewares. GARAGE Sale. Miscellaneous items, bedroom set. Friday, Saturdov, Sunday.

9-5pm. 407 Paul Avenue. GARAGE sole, baby furniture. housewares, cor. soturooy- Sunday, 2412 S.

Dundee, 839-7770. GARAGE sole. Furniture, ac cessories, everything must go! Saturdov, Sunday, 691) Barry Rd. (twelve oaks) IGARAGE Sale. Antiques, Clothes, miscellaneous.

7602 North Blvd. Soturday, sun- doy, 10-? IGARAGE Sale! Friday-Satur day, corner N. Dundee, Son Miguel. Furniture, bikes. toys, household, miscella neous; GARAGE sole, '65 Buick, Jr.

oool table, wicker, dishes. games, misc. 27 Treasure Drive. GARAGE Sole. December 4th, 10-5.

Moving, miscellaneous household items. 3417 Con cordia; GARAGE Sale, furniture. glassware, child clothino. toys. 4214 Beochway Drive.

IGARAGE sole, neighborhood. evervthina. Housenoias. clothes. toys.

micscelloneous. 3907 son Nicholos. IGARAGE Sole, Friday, Satur day, Sunday, nice clothing. alt sizes. 1416 E.

Mohawk GARAGE Sale, 3905 Angeles. Furniture, clothes, ond mis- celloneous items. GARAGE sole, Saturday, fur niture, toddler ciotnes. household items. 2513 W.

Diono. off Hobono. GARAGE Sale, clothing, fur niture, misceianeous. B.30- 6:30, Friday-Saturday. 10807 N.

Edison. GARAGE sale. Furniture. tnvs. hike, othina.

Satur day. BAM SO 4fM, UIJ DoreefL GARAGE sale. 1419 E. Powha tan. Saturday.

December 4. 9 5. Furniture, baby supplies, miscellaneous. 23- 0514. IGARAGE sole, huge! antiques 8 other treasures.

9-5 Soturdav 8 Sunday. 70S S. New port; IGARAGE Sole, miscellaneous items. Veley Mini Nursery, Riverview, South 301. IGARAGE sale, hove sold home, everything goes in cluding antiaues, gun cabi net, etc.

soiurooy ono sun- dov. 115 S. Lincoln Ave. IGARAGE sale. Saturdov-Sun- dav.

Ilvlng-dimng room rur niture. color TV, nousenoia items, Lake Fern Rd. 8 Crooked Lone. 949-4447 Lutz. IGARAGE Sale, new copper.

toys, furniture, clothes, housewares. 9-5. Friday, Soturday, Sunday. 1718 W. Mohowk Ave.

877-4120. IGARAGE Sale! 34th St. ond E. Columbus Dr. sat.

vam- 4PM. IGARAGE sale. Antiaues. toys. comper refrigerator and stove, furniture, silver.

Sot- urdov, 9-2, 4603 Sunset Blvd. IGARAGE croft and bake sole. Saturday December 4th, 9- 4pm. 840S Woodbrier Court. 884-4614.

IGARAGE Sale. 700 Overhill Brondon, household goods, clothing, Christ- ma sgittsetc. IGARAGE sale, 1504 S. Howard saturaay-sunoay i- 6pm. IGARAGE Sale.

Saturday ond Sunday. 5805 6th St. 9 blocks south of Gondy. I block west ot MocDill Ave. Motors, toys, clothino.

household items. buffer, vacuum, ugnts. toois. ond miscellaneous. IGAS Stove $50.

Tope plover $25. Paint Sprayer $bo; zsi- 8505. IGUMBALL Vending machine ontiaue! vends gum, pea nuts. $25. 985-355B.

IHEATER. oil 8 tank $30. City gos heoter $30. 253-2577. IHEATER, fuel oil, excellent condition, blower, 50,000 BTU, $70.

949-2233. IHEATER, Martin Gos Logs, 40,000 BTU, perfect condi tio 8744S0L IHEATER. Coleman, gas. $75. Youngstown, double cabinet sink, so.

BJs-yavi. IHEATERS, (2) woll, 720V, ex cellent condition. $30 eacn. 879-3693 223-794). IHEATER, oulomatic, electric.

$4.50. New electric neater. $18.50. 874-4453. IkEATER.

wall, oil, one 110V. $60. Used one season. B- 3493. HEATER (built in spoce) with blower Ian.

thermostat con trol, aood condition. Still in stalled to allow operation performance. 100 gal. tuel oil tank ono stana inciuaea. wu.

238-33)4, evenings. HOSPITAL bed, like new. Cost $500. selling $200 2381552. HOUSEHOLD sale.

Every thing goes! Furniture, one bracks, camping equipment, ovons, ontloues. 3109 S. Church Avenue. ICE machine, Scotsman, $200 or best oner, con mn-ioio. kiln Ceramic or lost wax.

pyrometer, I2AT2XB. $20. 877 2084. LAWN Mower, self propelled $40; Mini bike, SHP $60. 932 1349 LIGHTING Fixtures, electri cal supplies, wholesale everyone.

White Electric, 1204 w. waters Ave. IMACRAME-Handmode all sizes, reasonably priced. See Vegas Plants, 301) W. Waters.

MATERNITY Clothes, ponts. tops, dresses. 1012. Good condition. 9B8 1974.

IMINK stole, lovely premium Quality, like new $150. 933- MINK stole, ranch brown, like new, aii tur. 985-3791. mink stole, excellent condi- tion. B3-57B3.

IMOVING to smaller guorters t-urnilure, knlck knocks. coming nodiesl. lamps, pots ond pons. etc. 604 On tarlg Avenue, Davit Islands near oirport.

Hours 10-4 November 30 thru December 4. 258-2371. MOVING Sale Soturdoy. Sun- dov. 10 4, 2801 Son Roloel.

IOIL tank, stand, $20. Like new excerciser bike, $22. 242- 6691. CHECK Closs 420 lor odditlon- omusicoi instruments lor PAINT BELOW COST Natl Brands. Ext.

Int Ldtex colors, white $2.49 gal Liquid oium $4.49, varnish $4.49. Mildew resistant outside while $4 49. 3602 7th Ave 241-2301 or 247-3719 bnnL TABLE ona occe sories. jT-yji, I I I I I I 1 1 Aaent. Immedicte opening tor experiencea insurance agent.

Excellent starting solory and fringe benefits. Bob Kerr. 870-0984. SALES PERSON call on service stations, cor dealers, ft. automotive urci.

Nit eioenence necessary. weekly solary, commission plan car allowance. Con- toct 870-2114. POSITIVE Minded salespeop le. $25,000 per year commi-sion.

International company. Will train. Coll Mr. James, 885-7417, 9 5 USED car salesperson for fas test growing a-k Tampa. Best pay plon In We areo.

experience omj. Apply 5406 Neorasxa TELEPHONE coordinator with knowieage or transportation industry ana eauipment. Wilt work in Tompo office serving Nationwide truck operators with tires. Call Bob Evans 621-2041 for appointment. If I To SALESSERVICE REP.

Wanted soles representative to market mini compuier systems to insurance agencies. Severol territories avoiloble in Florida. Position can be saloried plus commission or straight commission. Person must have knowledge of independent insurance ogencv accounting with proven soles experience. Send resume to Florida Independent Mutual Agent, CO Dotatronic I If I To po Drawer iujjv, si.

feters- burg, FL 33733. RETIRED NCO OR NEAR RETIRED NCO Opportunity for second career with the Non commissioned Officers Association. Immediate positions available in Tampa. Send your name, ph. number resume: N.C.O.A.

Service Center. 2905 McCoy Orlando, Flo. 32B09. NEWPAPER AD SALES RETAIL Advertising Depart ment of the Ledger in Lakeland Florida. Polk County's leoding newspaper, has an opening for an aggressive.

experienced newspoper aa salesperson. (Minimum one yeor experience) Good sala ry plus incentive progrom. excellent benefits, car allow ance. Opportunity for advancement. For interview call Frank Sweeney, Retail Advertising Manager.




WEEKLY GUARANTEE VACATION WITH PAY, INSURANCE BENEFITS. CH AIRES-FELLOWS MOTOR COMPANY, 114 N. BREVARD For Employment Opportu nities please call: JOB NEWS 2Z-6V5 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE Rm 273. Courthouse, Tompo Equal Opportunity Employer INSIDE salesperson. Perma nent position with large fas tener specialty house.

Career minded inaiviauai. pleasant personality, able to deal with people. Call House Of Threads for an appointment. 248-6141. EMPLOYMENT COUNSELOR Top earnings.

No Fee. Nat'l lirm. Co trains. Republic Personnel 977-8970 APARTMENT MANAGER Man wife team for 40 unit complex. Non drinkers, experienced in maintenance.

leasing ana rennng. apartment small salary. 839-8146. BUYER TRAINEE TO $650 MONTH Business Men Clearing House 1401 N. Westshore ihiii Privote Employment Agency TIRED OF WILD GOOSE CHASES? Visit here is your first step in the right direction.

Fee Vh Weeks Solorv-TERMS 2410 E. Busch Blvd. Suite 106 933-4087 5200 w. Kennedy uivo. Suite 265 877-8255 AAA EMPLOYMENT YOUR LITTLE FEE AGENCY METROPOLITAN LIFE iMgml Trainee.

$250Wk start sal. Sales Mgr b-jvib. ENGINEERS PROGRAMMERS ANALYSTS EDP OPERATORS ACCOUNTING FINANCE SECRETARIAL MANAGEMENT TRAINEES SALES Rtr I See Our specialized profes sional career counselors tor advancement ooportunnies with Local National Companies. Resumes welcome. All contacts In utmost confidence.

Free career consultations. 173 Offices. After hour interviews arranged, con for Immediate appointment. AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 300 Westshore ina biag I FOOD BEVERAGE MAN AGER.

Experiencea oniy. Hotel Industry, coll ill-wit. SOME of the worlds highest paid people sen insurance! Find out howl 2 Mechonic to get cars insoect- ed. Apply 1908 t. uuscn Blvd AVON FARN MONEY NOW FOR A MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS I Sell beautiful gifts, guaran teed to please, con uo-gio tor information.

LIGHT DELIVERY WORK Full or part time. Must have relioble economical cor. $2.50 228 9392. Wm FLOWERS ASSOCIATES Personnel consunanis By Appointment, 253-531) Resident manager assistant resident manager. Large apartment complex in North Tampo.

Experience necessary. Great benefits. Send salary requirements resume to Tribune Times box A 238. MANAGEMENT TRAINEES FRANK LEONARD Personnel (813 872-1853 JOBS OVERSEAS High Pay Jobs All Fields 879 0740 Personnel FRONT DESK CLERK, expe rienced only. Full compony benefits.

Apply In person. Sheraton Tampa Motor Hotel. PERSONNEL COUNSELOR Spot. NO FEE! personality, op-pearonce, desire to excel! privote offices, free training, 40 hrs, Mole Female 870-1234 KEY PERSONNEL AUTOMOBILE Repossessor. Apply 1908 E.

Busch CAREER OPPTY'S Tropicona Products, 1001 13th Ave Brodenton M-F -TELEPHONE WORK- Exp. preferred but will train positive rninxer. ran Time, Up to $4.00 Hr. 228-9392. BOWLING Full-time counter help In snack bar In bowling center, 4 nights.

I day. good pay ond fringe benefits. Apply In person Crown Bowling Lanes, 5555 W. Hillsborough. TRAINEE to learn foclnating ond rewording art ot fitting and selling hearing aids.

Con aualitv for State license and become branch manoger. Write Tribune-Times Box V-025. TAX PRFPARERS I 1 Full time-port time, xperl. enced. Retail dept.

store. 1-898-7409. Due os Must Call to The to I 14 I ping center, I or more years experience required on IBM 3741 or similar eauipment. Full company benefits. Call 870-3710.

ext. 230. Mrs. C. Adorns.

STATISTICAL TYPIST AND SECRETARY Notional CPA firm, excellent I position, experience re quired. 813-228-7555. TRADES SENIOR Beautician with fol lowing, 60 commission, 988-3767 or 949-552). BEAUTICIAN with following: 60 commission, osk tor Henry, 876-4959. UfANTFn hoir dresser with or without Florida license.

guaranteed. 837-2525. FIBERGLASS duct instollers. Helners mechanics. U)' be experienced.

The Alert rn 553 Florida Ave. Tampa. See Jim Fowble, supervisor between 8AM-9AM only. TELEPHONE TYPE with truck tools. Phone CMC International, 813-858- 7307 anytime.

HEAVY eauipment mainte nance working supervisor tor overseas position. Exce -lent solory and benefits. Coll I Inc. 305-583-6700, ask for Hank. RPAimriAN.

senior-guaran ty iis commission, novo Aoole's, Busch Blvd. Eve- nings 234-4801. LARGE Nationol Firm seeking engineer wnn iwc or cc Degree. Experience helpful. Copoble of running machineelectrical shop.

Training previded. Must be willing to relocate to middle Georgia. Competitive salory and top fringe benefits. Reply Tribune Times Box K-248. EOE MF BEAUTICIAN to work South Dale Mabry shop.

Good percentage. Must have following. Coll Friday-Saturday evening or Sundoy 621-6168. KEY SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT people experience in maintenance and installation of TIE Key Systems. Coll or write Bill Caudill, Associated Telephone 802 Contract Lexington, KY 40505.

604-259-0461. AGGRESSIVE Tire Company needs experienced mechanic In front suspension, alignment, and brakes. Must have own tools, ond references. Excellent company benefits and commission plan. Apply 3202 W.

Kennedy. EOE. EXPERIENCED hoir dresser wonted for downtown shop. Tiki Beauty Solon. FORKLIFT MECHANIC ELECTRIC (SCR) EXPERIENCED ONLY Start at $5 per hr and advance rapidly.

Send name phone number to P.O.Box 22534, Tompo, Fla. 33622. ELECTRICIAN helpers, experienced in commercial work. 879-3499 after 5, 949-7944. BOOTH rental ovallable.

Unisex style and salon. Call 253-2187. MtAI WANAutK I Box beef. Exper. the good) progressive independent supermkt.

Only applicants! with auqls. to monage the) modern meat mkt. need apply In confidence to Trio- une-times Box Q-252. FORKLIFT MECHANIC EXPERIENCED GAS OR ELECTRIC MANY BENEFITS GOOD PAY FLORIDA CLARKLIFT INC 877-8341 COSMETOLOGIST wanted for Coiffure de Roma Beauty Solon. 4530 Gondy 839-6441; Armenia new salon, 879-6721.

BEAUTICIAN desiring to obtain teacher license. Assist ing teachers management. Dieterich. 932-579S. OUTBOARD MECHANIC.

OMC, IO. 5 yrs min. experience. Factory service School. Top pay.

Clearwater area. Phone 442-5175. DIESEL MECHANICS We are a Moc Truck distributor In search of mechanics. We offer an excellent pay trnip. a malar medical pro gram and paid vacation and holidays.

If you ore a diesel mechanic In search of employment please apply at Crane-Han mac saies. roiv Adamo Drive, Tampa, Florida. WANTED: Heavy duty truck diesel mechanics. Must hove at least 5 yrs. experience good work background.

5 day week. Apply In person to Peterblit ot Fla. Inc. 6015 HWV 30! N. 6ZI-6UVI, ENERAL mechonic for car lot.

Call 9am to 10am, 839-4432. CARPENTERS ond Cobinet Makers. Experiencea oniy, 3 years minimum. Must have own nona tools a transportation. 248-6787.

WOOD PATTERNMAKER For sand castings, top wages and fringe benefits. Tampa Brass Aluminum 877-5883. EOE OFFSET printer, dependable, advancements, experiencea, initiative, cnaracter. Industrious, ambitious. 251-1121.

DIE MAKER. First class die maker and grinaer nana with lob shop experience. Wages commensurote with ability. Cost ot living in creases. Detroit Tool wig Co.

Rt. 5 Box 222, 3425 Revn olds Rd. Lakeland, (8131688-5181. Fla 370 SALES icensed real estate sales person wanted. Must have sales experience and be 0 strong closer.

Work directly with builder of single family homes. Call 251-0551. AUTO SALES NEW AND USED CARS If vou would like to loin a live wire organization with a volume sales background, then you're the mon we re looking for. Cor selling experience not necessary. We otter an excellent pay plan with many good company benefits.

If you're really Interested In making some big money, then come out and talk to me today. Buckv VanDerboe ot Roger Whitley Chevrolet, 11300 Florida Ave. CLOSERS Need reliable, experienced person to close furnished leads. High auqlitv products. Start eorning $3O0 $5O0 per week Immediately! 879-8858.

Real Estate Salespeople New licensees welcome AMTEC, Inc. Realtor 877 889) Hospitalization Agents LEADS PH. 837 OO07 ECONOMY TV CENTER needs aggressive, enthusiastic Salesman. Some recent soles experience necessory. Company paid fraining plan.

Permonent position. Top pay. Exceptional Company benefits. Coll Dove Richardson. 172 9244.

Of It I Park. WAITRESSES, 40 hour week oaid vacations. Life insur once, hospitalization, sick leave benefits. To deal with customers, must be neat, courteous, personable. Aoolv in oerson.

9-10AM. Morrison's Cafeteria. 717 S. Dale Mabry. 350 CLERICAL SECRETARIAL SECRETARIES-TYPISTS WE NEED YOU Manpower 253-2787 Title Billing Clerk New car dealership, excellent salary 8.

other fringe benefits. Write Tribune-Times Box A-264 CASHIER BOOKKEEPER New car dealership, good sal-ory, hospitalization Insurance paid vacation. Write Tribune-Times Bex X-027 GOOD TYPISTS Type 55-60wom, great tempo- rnru nctianments. KELLY GIRL 877-801 Sec, Adelphl Sch. 879-258) I Part-time; 1 Full-time Mach.

Shorthond required rt coirc JL QFrv Near Brandon Downtown area. 1 mag card exp. Sal. good. Flora Personnel Service 870-3440 LOOKING FOR A JOB? If you hove office skills we con help vou.

Flora Personnel Service 870-3460 INVENTORY CLERK Solary high with exp. Will train. Need several. Flora Personnel Service 870-3460 FAST TAMPA AREA Typists, Accounting Clerks, Secvs with or without SH Temoorory assignments. No Fee.

Norrell, 872-7865. SECRETARY Work In Cons't Co. at busy hectic pace. $110 to St. Rnfts 1 airl Ofc.

Downtown Personnel Conslts 879-3001 RECEPTIONIST $550 Will train right person for front desk position. Call MARETA, 879-2601. ACCU RATE EMPLOY. EARN CHRISTMAS MONE NOW. Typists, Stenos, Legal Secy's.

Mag Card Oper. Greot temporary lobs! Full pay Fri. of week you work! Free Hospital plon! Cash bonus OLSTEN 251-1853 SECRETARYRECEPT. Front desk, typing bookkeeping skills. Call for on appt.

today. NORTON Realty Inc. Realtor 988-4138. TYPISTSSTENOSDEMOS NO FEE DAILY PAY -Call Fer App 870-2322 WESTERN TEMP. SERVICES FRONT DESK $500 Run the show in busy fast paced office Becky 223-2701 Snelllng Snelling LEGAL Secretory for litiga-tion ottorney.

Must be experienced. Excellent starting solary. Many company benefits Including hospitalization, paid vacations, profit sharing. Coll Mr. Moreland, 870-3354 between 9-5.

RECEPTIONIST $500 YOU Be Right Arm Of Super Boss Lots of Variety Call Julie 877-8011 Snelling 8, Snelllng CLERK TYPIST II Advanced clerical work which Involves moderately com plex work methods and nroblems and requires skilled typing. Knowledge of Business English, Spelling and Arithmetic; office practices and procedures. Ability to understand and carry out moderately complex oral and written Instructions. Groduate ot standard high school, including or Supplemented by courses in typing. Salary: $5,845.

Eoual Opportunity Employer Send resume to the Personnel Department, Post Office Box 4766, Tampa, Florida 33677; MARKETING REP If vou enlov working with people consider yourself a bright energetic person type ot least 45WPM, we have a place for you. Call Gail of 253-2761 to apply. LOCAL construction supply branch of national corpora tion, Cypress St. and Dale Mabrv area. Duties include: Heovy customer and sales men nhone contact, typing invoice pricing, statistical soles records, inventory control records.

$120 per week starting salary. Good fringe benefits. Reply to Tribune-Times Box Z-263. FULL time keypunching posi tion. North Tompa area Polygroph required.

933 7404. LEGAL SECRETARY Lorae low tlrm needs experi- enced legal secretary with Mao Card skills. Good bene tit*. Salary negotiable. Coll for appt.

223 1421. BOOKKEEPING Clerk-typist needed in Brandon Payrolls, billing and ac count's payable. Needed lm mediately. Phone 685-3436. GENERAL Office, we ore seeking on individual able to hondle diversified clerical duties.

Previous accounting experience or training help tul. Some typing. Appllcont must be versatile, enthusiastic willing to learn. Good working conditions. Many benefits Including tree nitaliiatlon.

malor medical 8 life insurance. Send resume Including sa orv reau re- ments to Seminole Electric Cooperative, Suite 108, 2410 E. Busch Tampa, Fla 33612. GENERAL OFFICE Local construction firm needs assistant to controller. Gen-erol ledger and computer knowledge helpful.

Light typing. Immediate opening. Reply to Controller, P.O. Box 26B, Tompa, Moriao4J6ui DAVIS ISLAND Moture person to learn direct resoonsibillties of sales brokerage office. Mail resume starting salory reauirements.

SMR Corp CO M. 15 Barbados Ave, Tamoa, Flo. 33606. INSURANCE Roter ond Policy Writer for oersonol lines ae oartment and commerciol department. Experience necessary.

For Interview coll 251-5431. BARNETT Bank of Tompo needs a general clerk. Must type ond use on adding ma chine accurately. Previou banking or office experience required. Apely In person Barnett Bank of Tampa EOE.

CLAIMS PROCESSOR Eioerienced claims processor In the field ot base moior med. claims, uooa working conditions, fringe benefits. Washington Natienal Ins. Co. 172-2605.

mir cue. LIFE Insurance Cemoon needs one experienced naimt examiner, one cosh. ler, ond one Clerk typist with 40 45 WPM. 100 twiggs at Exe'd IBM Mag Card typist. Excellent working conai lions, fringe benefits.

Medl tn size low tlrm. Oowl'aw jt Pete oreo. Send res'jme park. Free rent for pan nme work. No pets, no children.

932 0082. 1 GO GO Dancers, barmaids. Top wages. Apply in person 1930 E. 7th Ave.

IFULL time cashiers. No Sun days or evening woric. oui N. Franklin Street. DRIVERS NEEDED IMust have some knowledge of town.

Apply in person, unit-ed Cob. 1701 W. Cass. IlOT Attendant needed for air port shuttle ond car maintenance. Apply 197S N.

Westshore Blvd. RECREATIONAL vehicle me chanic to work port-time evenings weekends. Motor Holidays 5406 W. Spruce Tampa. MAINTENANCE Mechanic- AMPM.

Days; Minium 1 yrs maintenance exper reauired, AC-refrigerotion background desired. Nights; Minimum 2 yrs maintenance exper reauired. Apply, First National Bonk ot Florida, Personnel Deot. 31st Floor. 1st Finan cial Tower.

Equal Opportu-nity Employer. MAINTENANCE person for oportment complex, txperi-enced AC and electric. Must be lomiliar with all phases of apartment maintenance. Must have your own tools. Send resume ond salory requirements to Tampo Tribune Box W-234.

ROUTE SALES dov work week. Guarantee while learning, kstaonsnea routes with old established firm. Paid vocation. Free health insurance. Dixie Supply Company Inc.

4940 Distribution Dr. Interviews Monday 10-3. IMODELS male female wont ed tor modeling in piusn surroundings. Charlie's Photo Studio. I3I23V N.

Florida Ave. 933-1384. MODELS WANTED PKOTO TELEVISION-Glrls, Women, Men, Children, National, local assignments. Experienced or will train. Models International Talent Agency.

870-2522. FURNITURE upholsterer, ex perience preierrea out win train. Good pay potential and pleasant working conditions. Apply Fashion Craft Manufacturing 4705 W. Coyu-go St.

LICENSED MATE Oceon unlimited preferred Or Ocean 500 G.T. U.S.C.G. Licensed Engineers Diesel 2400 H.P. Permanent position. You will be working for one of tne outstanding oceanograohic firms in the U.S.

Excellent pay, full benefits. Only qualified U.S.C.G. licensed per. sonnel need opply. Write to: TRACOR MARINE, INC.

PO Box 13107 Port Everglades, Flo. 33318 Attention: Personnel uept. An Equal Opoty. Employer MF (UNENCUMBERED, single. neat, extrovert.

neiper-soies. No shorpees. Wolly Wott, 2322 W. HHIsboro Ave. I MANAGER trainee for Liquor store, $119 weekly to siari plus commission, paid vacation, hospitalization, retirement.

Must be able to work nights or days. Apply ABC Liquors. 3015 W. Kennedy. I ROUTE fruck driver.

Must be honest, hard working, gooo driving ond work record a must. Excellent poy, benefit with Notional company, can Sam at 248 4176 Monday-Wednesday only. DELIVERY position, local light delivery, male or female. Partsco Automotive Supply. 248-494).

I WEB Offset pressman, for Harris V-15A. Experience only, 576 0447 St. Pete. MANAGER home improvement center, excellent opportunities for manager who can take complete chorge. Must have broad retail management experience in hordware lines.

Include work history, auolilications. salary reauirements. All replies confidential to: Tribune Times Box B-239. PROGRAMMER Installer for point of sale systems, some secretarial skills required, must be Intelligent, work flexible hours ond be willing to travel. Will train.

884-3413. TELEPHONE Contoct. $2.50 hour guaranteed, plus oonus. Full or port time. Experience preferred.

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The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)


Is the Tampa Bay Times conservative or liberal? ›

As reported by other local media outlets in the Tampa Bay area at the time of this acquisition, for many years the Tampa Tribune was considered to be the more conservative newspaper in the region, while the Tampa Bay Times was thought of as more liberal.

Why are so many people moving to Tampa? ›

Some of the top reasons why Tampa Bay is seeing an increase in this demographic is the strong employment market, a growing scene of technology startups and incubators such as Tampa Bay Wave as well as the growing local craft beer market including brewers such as Cigar City, Coppertail and Angry Chair Brewing.

How many people read the Tampa Bay Times? ›

Powered by award-winning coverage, the Tampa Bay Times, and Tampa Bay Newspapers, our growing family of weekly publications, delivers an attractive audience and a significant reach of over one million consumers each week.

What is the main newspaper in Tampa, Florida? ›

Tampa Bay Times – The Tampa Bay Times is the Bay area's only daily newspaper, covering Tampa, St. Petersburg, and surrounding communities.

Is Tampa predominantly white? ›

Tampa Race Breakdown

White: 58.8% (44.4% of people identify as white and not Hispanic or Latino) Hispanic or Latino: 26.2%

What is the political stance of the times? ›

The Times and The Sunday Times, which do not share editorial staff, were founded independently and have had common ownership only since 1966. In general, the political position of The Times is considered to be centre-right.

Is it better to live in Tampa or Miami? ›

Miami is a larger, more densely-packed city with a famed nightlife. Tampa is more spread out, focusing more on outdoor recreation than Miami. For many, Tampa is a better choice, with great neighborhoods and suburbs for families, retirees, and singles of all ages.

Is Tampa the most expensive place to live? ›

Tampa, followed by Gainesville, Orlando, Miami and Sarasota, form the top five of most expensive larger cities, based on data reflecting such factors as housing, leisure activities, groceries, clothing, transportation and utility costs.

What percentage of Tampa is homeless? ›

The Tampa-St. Petersburg metropolitan area has the highest rate of homelessness in the nation, according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness in a report issued earlier this year - 57 homeless for every 10,000 residents." This area has approximately 16,000 homeless, and about one-fifth of them are children.

What is Florida's biggest newspaper? ›

Top 30 newspapers in Florida sorted by circulation
1Palm Beach Florida Weekly180,000
2Tampa Bay Times129,212
3Florida Jewish Journal96,000
4South Florida Sun Sentinel82,121
26 more rows

Who owns the Tampa Times? ›

About us. Times Publishing Company is owned by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies. This unique ownership structure makes the Times one of the few locally owned, fully independent news organizations in the country.

What rank is Tampa in population? ›

Tampa, Florida
• City384,959
• Estimate (2023)403,364
• Rank49th in the US
• Density3,376.4/sq mi (1,303.6/km2)
39 more rows

What is Tampa best known for? ›

In general, Tampa is well-known for its bustling Ybor City, which is where visitors may learn why the city is sometimes referred to as the Cigar Capital of the World. Busch Gardens and the Florida Aquarium are just two of the many breathtaking museums and amusem*nt parks that can be found in the Tampa area.

Is Tampa a good place to live? ›

Part of the Tampa Bay area, this Florida city is one of the best places to live in the Southeast, with affordable living options, gorgeous tropical weather, quick access to the beach, and more. If you're thinking about living in Tampa, here are 12 things to know!

Why does Tampa have two ABC stations? ›

The Tampa Bay television market is only one of a handful of markets to have duplicate network affiliations (in this case, ABC) in the same market. The reason for this was that WTSP, channel 10 which was the ABC affiliate at the time, had a smaller transmission tower in southwest Pasco County in Holiday.

Tampa Bay, Florida news - Tampa Bay TimesTampa Bay Times ›

your way. Enjoy the same award-winning journalism you trust with our e-Newspaper, a digital replica of the paper that publishes seven days a week.
The Tampa Times, or Tampa Daily Times, was a daily newspaper founded in Tampa, Florida, in 1893. It was started by the consolidation of two newspapers by the Ta...
TAMPA BAY TIMES, 490 1st Ave S, St Petersburg, FL 33701, 18 Photos, Mon - 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Tue - 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Wed - 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Thu - 8:30 am - 5...

Who owns Tampa Bay Times? ›

About us. Times Publishing Company is owned by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies. This unique ownership structure makes the Times one of the few locally owned, fully independent news organizations in the country.

Is the I newspaper left or right? ›

The i is known for having a neutral political stance, although it has also been described as having a centre-left political outlook. In 2015, the paper's editor Oliver Duff said it pursued "political impartiality".

Is American blue or red at Tampa? ›

Airlines such as Southwest, JetBlue, and Frontier operate from here. On the other hand, the Blue side or Terminal B is home to Airside 3 and Airside 4. This terminal hosts airlines like Delta, American Airlines, and United.

What is the Conservative Talk Radio in Tampa? ›

WGUL (860 AM) is a radio station broadcasting a conservative talk radio format. Licensed to Dunedin, Florida, United States, it serves the Tampa Bay area.


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.