The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)

Jonrnal-Every Evening, Wilmington, Delaware, Tuesday, December 11, 1945 1 Death ISoticea Reorganization Y. Stock Quotations Young hens and toma, Ducks 31.7. Wheat Firm and unchanged. No. red winter, domestic.

December, No. 2 red winter, garlicky. 1.85-1.8. Corn Prices firmly held. No.

3 yellow, 1.33-1.3S. Oats Market Arm. No. 2 white, 40-lb. test, Radioman on Truman Ship Gets Discharge SALISBURY.

Md. Dec. 11 (Special). James E. Gardner, Radioman 3c, who served aboard the U.

S. S. Augusta as a member of the communication department when the ship carried President Harry S. Truman to Potsdam, returned to Aircrafts Gain In Light Selling Most Steels, Rails, Motors Show Fractional Drops Of Two or More Points O'clock Prev. Close Last Joims-Manvuia Produce Markets New York Quotations Daily report of N.

J. and nearby produce of the N. Y. marzet. (U.

S. D. NEW YORK, Dec. 11 (JP). The demand for nearby vegetables was very light.

Spinach showed a weaker tendency. Cauliflower and brussela sprouts were about steady. Beets, carrots, parsnips and turnip were dull. Potatoes were steady. Sweet potatoes were steady.

Apples: Bu. bskts. and eastern boxes no grade mark. Pa. Yorks iV in.

4.75: N. J. Romes 2,4 in. 5.50. Mcintosh and Baldwins, no size mark, 5.50.

Beets: Bu. bskts. topped Broccoli: Crts. 12s ord. qual.

1.25-50, cauliflower crts. loose, very few 3.50, bu. bskts. loose, very few 2.50. Brussels sprouts: Per qt.

32-30. few 32-35. very few 37, poorer 10-20, bu. bskts. 5.00-5.50, on stalks 1.03.

11:15 a parted daily ks Laird. Biasell A Meeds. DaFeat Bwlding A Prev. Closa Last tr neuueugn al'a Alaska Juneau Allied Chera 194 Allied Kid 4 AHis Chalmers 5314 Allied Stores 471 Amal. Leather Amal.

Leather, 7 Amer. Can, 165" Amer. International IV Amer. Loco 3D5a Amer. Metal Ltd 35s, American Radiator 19'a Amer.

RolL Mills 33a Amer. Smelt is Ref 8 Amer. Tel. St Tel 192 Amer. Tob 894 American Viscose 69' i Anaconda Copper 43, Armour Ss Co.

14' i Atchison 108' Atlantic Coast Line 80' i Atlantic Refining 41 Atlas "Powder Atlas Powder, Pfd lTUi iiii ti" JW'i 3 19! 30 Va a 193 19 li 9' 4liA Uta 10H 41 Baldwin Loco Balto. Ohio Barnsdall Corp 34 'a 35 2'i 2U 54 24 54 sen 454 45fi 68i 97 96 4I' 41 'i 3' 35T 41 4T 75'a 75U 94 33" 1 S3a 49'i 4'A 36' 4 S9'i Si 66a i H'i 37'i 37 323i S'J 3(1 '1 311' 4 15'4 15i 37 S1U 53' S-r 33U "Xiln 15 I IT, 26'i 2fi'a 54' 4'-x 149'i J49ti 44Vx 44'i ,37 3fii 39', 39 8'4 2s4 i 6'i 54'i 19'A 19 354 54 33', S2' 37a 37 37 45 21 21 18sa 60' i 594 59' 1 Rfi'l 864 38'4 4 48i 49 49H 67'ji 6 55U 25U 3K4 324 32 KO'i fiO'i 50', M3 64 64 44 56 i 100! loeu lis 37 37 'i 56s, 5-Vi 48 113'z 113'i 23' 23'i 43vi 53 68'i 85 84 153'i 153U 33' 34'4 34H 34. 1 53 3fi 3 36'i 36s 25'x 22'i 503, 50 4 6 70 69'a 57 5s 97 32'i S2't 19 19 564 45 3 1 5 4' 4'4 56 13 137 ln 4' 4a 35 5.1 3'4 S'i 31 33i 33'; 39 4S4 47'- 17' 19 4ft 45'j A 7 190i 1904 138 65 i 70' 193a 19 31 31 48 50 Juvenile Delinquency Rise Alarms Truman MIAMI BEACH, Dec. 11 JP). Piesident Truman, in a message, red to more than 700 delegates to the International Association of Chiefs of Police convention, here, said that he looked upon the rise In juvenile delinquency as perhaps tt most alarming problem laced Dy lav enforcement officers.

"I am convinced that the active cooperation of all welfare, religious. and social agencies, civic leaders business men. and citizens in a broad national crime prevention pro gram directed at the roots of the pvil is the nath to be followed and without delay," the President said Cecil Children To Greet Santa Lions to Give Pony To Lucky Child; Party For Wide Area PERRYVILLE, Md-. Dec. 11 (Special).

The Perry ville Lions Club is making plans to "treat all the children, one to 17 years of age, from Perryville, Perry Point, Prin cipio, Frenchtown, Bainbridge Vil lags, Woodlawn and surrounding rural area, to a big Christmas party In the high school auditorium Saturday, beginning at 12:30 p. m. Plans have been completed for an afternoon of enjoyment and fun for all youngsters who attend. The sotiool auditorium will be decorated as a fairyland for the occasion. The program will consist of a variety of events, which will be climaxed by the arrival of "Silver StreaK," a pinto pony, that Is to be presented to some lucky boy or girl.

Next there will be the arrival of Old Santa, loaded down with a large pack of treats for each boy and girl. Six Elderly Women Die as Home Burns NORTON, Dec. 11 JP). Six women residents died today when fire swept through a house on the county farm leased as a private boarding home for old people. The six women were trapped in the basem*nt.

Mrs. Ray Jackson, wife of the caretaker, a granddaughter, and three men inmates escaped. Jack son was at the postofflce when the fire was discovered. Mrs. Jackson said she served breakfast in the basem*nt and had just returned upstairs when the coal stove "blew up." Francis A.

Cooper DENTON, Dec. 11 (Special). Francis A. Cooper, 63 years old, a retired farmer, died at his home in Greensboro Sunday. He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Myrtle Lord; two daughters, Mrs.

Schuyler Veach of Chester, and Mrs. Robert Nase of Wilmington, and three sons, Sergt. George Cooper, in Germany, and John Cooper and Robert Cooper of Greensboro. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. Raymond Rawlins of Greensboro.

Funeral services will be conducted at the home tomorrow at 2 p. by the Rev. Charles Davis, pastor of St. Pauls Methodist Church. Burial will be in Greensboro Ceme tery.

Awaits Discharge BETTER TON, Md, Dec. 11-(Special). Mr. and Mrs. James Mench of Betterton have received word that their son, Apprentice Seaman Norman Copeland Mench, U.

S. has arrived in the United States for his discharge. He was a member of the crew of the -TJ. S. S.

Millicoma, a fleet oiler, which ran up a record in the Pacific war zone of more than two years in operation before she was assigned to occupa tion forces. civilian life this week. Gardner, a winner of a unit commendation letter from the President, received his discharge from the Navy at the Bainbridge Separation Center this week. Gardner aided in the transmission of important messages from President Truman to his offices in Washington while aboard the cruiser. Galena Man Reenlists GALENA, Md.

Dec. 11 (Special). Private Kent S. Spry, U. S.

A. son of Mrs. Helen D. Spry of Galena, who had been stationed at Camp Croft, S. C-, where he recently completed a course of 18 weeks of basic training in the infantry, has enlisted in the United States rmy for a period of three years.

He has reported at Fort Meade, Md. for assignment in the quartermaster corps. OBITUARIES AppearToday on Page 18 IN MEMORIAM BECK. JOSEPH E. In lovinsr memory ol my daddy, who left me December 11, 1941: My daddy was the dearest In all the world to me.

But he was called to heaven When I was only three. I loved my darling; daddy But he didn't live to see me grow. Lovingly missed by Daughter. Peggy BECK. JOSEPH E.

In loving memory of my dear husband, who passed away December 11. 1941: Sad and sudden was the call. Of one so dear ad loved by all: A bitter grief and a shock severe. To oart with one we loved so dear. Ood loved him too.

and thought it best. So He took him home to eternal rest. Fourth anniversary mass at St. Cornelius Church. Dearly loved and sadly missed by wiie.

Mary. In loving memory of our mother. Katie Sharp, who died six years ago today. December 11. 1939: Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break but all in vain: To have, to love and then to part Should be the greatest sorrow of any child's heart: So.

to those who have a mother. Treat her with love and care. As you will never know what a mother means to you Till you see her vacant chair. Sons. Daughters, Daughters-in law.

Nephew. In memory of my son and our brother. Pre. Lawrence B. Dickerson, who was killed in Germany on December 11.

1944: Another year has passed, dear Lawrence, Since you were laid to rest The ones that think of you today Are the ones that loved you best. Tour memory is always with us. Since that December day. To know that you. dear Lawrence, Are buried so many miles away.

Many boys are coming home. How sad the heartaches we bear. To know my son and our brother. Will be left over there. Mom and Brothers.

Earl and Clarence. TIUPBONI t-M" JAMES E. BEESOII Funeral Home 1 502 W. 7th St. I Successor To ll HARVEY E.


Phone 3-2452 J. J. DOHERTY FUNERAL HOME Seventh and Rodney Sts. Telephone 6951 Established 1896 RIVERVIEW CEMETERY, CO. BURIAL, LOTS FOR SALE Our representatives are always ready to give detailed information.

mm 3T Plan Settled Conferees Approve Bill Authorizing Truman To Revamp Executive Branch WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 (JP). Legislation giving the President limited authority to reorganize the executive branch of government was approved today by a Senate-House conference committee. The Conference measure, product of three weeks of study, exempts 11 agencies wholly or partially from reorganization. The Senate had barred revamping of 14 while the House had given full exemption or preferred status to eight.

The bill now awaits floor action, first by the House, then the Senate. Army Engineers Exempt As rewritten in conference, the bill rules out any reorganization of the civil functions of the Army engineers. This phase of the engineers' work includes such projects as flood control. Six other agencies are fully exempted, except that functions, agencies and personnel can be transferred to them. Those are the Interstate Commerce Commission, Federal Trade Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission, National Mediation Board, National Railroad Adjustment Board, and Railroad Retirement Board.

Separate reorganization plans would have to be submitted for each of four agencies: The Federal Com munications Commission, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, United States Tariff Commission, and Veterans' Administration. Effective in 60 Days The revised bill lifted restrictions on reorganization which the Senate had voted for the Maritime Commission, the Federal Power Commission and the Federal Land Bank System; and removes the preferred status the House gave the Civil Service Commission. Any reorganization plan submitted by the President to Congress would become effective in 60 days unless both houses disapproved. Blonde Held as Knife Slayer of N. J.

Woman CLIFFSIDE PARK, N. Dec. 11 (JP). A 33-year-old blonde was charged with murder today. Assistant Prosecutor John E.

SeLser said, in the knife-slaying of a woman he identified as the 59-year-old wife of her Seise identified the blonde as Mrs. Martha Beer, Jersey City. The victim, Mrs. Theresa Stickel, was found dead last night by -her husband, Christian, 60-year-old building contractor, in the basem*nt of their home. Bergen County Physician Raphael Gilady said Mrs.

Stickel's jugular vein had been severed by two stab wounds in the neck. Gilady said he found seven or eight wounds in Mrs. Stickers scalp and one wound in the abdomen. Stickel, booked as a material witness, provided police with information during the night-long questioning, Selser said, which led to Mrs. Beer's arrest.

NEED MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS? AUTO LOAMS. LOWEST INTEREST SATES may borrow whether year ear is paid for or not. OpeT Friday Until T. M. FINANCE 409 Market St.

CORP. Ph. 8389 $50, 1,000,000 Beth. Steel Boeing Airplane Borg-Warner Bridgeport Brass Brisgs Mfg Canada Dry Carrier Corp Celanese Corp Cerro de Pasco Ches. fc Ohio Chrysler Corp.

Coca-Cola Columbia Broad Commercial Credit Commercial Iny. Trust Commonwealth qjs South. Cons. Aircraft Consolidated Edison Continental Can Cont. Diamond Fibre.

Corn Products Curtiss-Wright Com. Curtiss-Wright Deere Sz Co Dist. Seagrams. Douglas Aircraft- DuPont Common DuPont $4.50 Pfd. Eastman Kodak Eaton Mfg Elec.

Auto Lite Elec. Power Freeport, Texas General Electric 4s General Foods 50', General Motors 77 General Motors, Pfd 127'i Gillette 24 Goodyear T. Si 0 Goodrich Co 0T4 Great Northern, Pfd. n' Graham-raige It's Greyhound Corp. Hercules Powder 1I5H Hercules Powder, Pfd 13K Hiram Walker M'i Howe Sound 49U I Industrial Rayon Int'l Harvester I0 Intl Nickel 3 Int'l Paper, Com.

Infl Paper. Pfd 115 Int Telatel 48' 50! 77's 127 54 fi04 59 'a 6fli ll' 37 97 SO 42i Local Securities Reported daily Meeds. by Laird. Bissell i. Bid Ake AH-American Aviation 151i Atlas Powder, Pfd 157 Vi 129 Jos.

Bancroft Iz Sons 100 Jos. Bancroft fc Sons Com. 17 19 Christiana Securities. Pfd 146 Christiana Securities, 3070 3129 Continental Ame Life Ins 43 Delaware Power Light 23li S.t-li Delaware R. R.

56 57 Diamond Ice Coal 110 DuPont. Pfd 127a 12 Hercules Powder. Pfd 135 I'M Nat'l Vulcanized Fibre Co 14 18 Remington Arms 5'x 6'j Warner Common 19 19-1, Central Bank, par J100 150 Delaware Trust par $25... 25 Equitable Trust par $25.. 70 Vi Farmers Bank, par $50 31 323 Industrial Trust par $25..

75 Security Trust par 147 155 Wilmington Trust par $35,134 Ex-Divideno. Commodity Prices Reported daily by Laird St Company. Nemours Building. WHEAT Kennecott Copper Kroger Grocery Lee Tire fc Rubber. Liggett Myers Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Martin, Glenn Montgomery Ward Philip Morris Co Motor Products Nat'l Cash Register Nafl Dairy Products Nat'l Dept.

Stores Nafl Distillers Nat'l. Pr. Light Newport Ind New York Central North American North American Aviation. Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Oliver Farm Equip. Packard Motors Pan-Amer.

Airways Paramount Pictures Penney, J. Penna. R. R. Pepsi-Cola Phelps-Dodge Phillips Pet Public Service.

N. Pullman Co Pure Oil Radio Corp. of Amer Remington-Rand Republic Steel Reynolds Tob. Sears. Roebucfc Simmons Co.

Sinclair Co Socony Vacuum Southern Pacific KAiithefn Railway Southern Railway. Pfd Sarry Corp. Standard Brands Standard Oil of Calif Standard Oil of N. Stewart-Warner Studebaker Superheater Texas Corp Texas Gulf Sulphur Timken-Detroit Axle Ttmken Roller Bearing Twentieth Cent. Fox Dnion Bag Paper Union Carbide Union Pacific Onited Aircraft United Air Lines United Pfd United Fruit U.

G. I. United Merchants it U. S. Ind.

Alcohol U. S. Rubber, Com U. S- Rubber. Pfd 0 S.

Steel U. S. Steel. Pfd Vanadium Corp TV Warner Bros. Pictures Western Union Westinghouse Air Westlnghouse Elec WillTS-Overland Woolworth Co Worthington Pump Youngstown S.

Ex-Dividend. N. Y. Curb Market Reported daily by Laird, Bissell Meeds, DuPont Building. Prev.

Close 11:30 Alum. Co. of Amer Amer. Cyanamid Amer. Gas 6c Elee Bellanca Aircraft Cities Service, Com Cons.

Gas. Balto Creole Petroleum Elec. Bond" Share Elec. Bd. Sh.

6 Pfd. Heyden Chem Humble Oil Infl Ltd Lake Shore Mines Pantepec Pennroad Pittsburgh Plate R. B. Semler Solar Aircraft Standard Oil. 49 43a 8 294 82 34 2I'i 76i 38 49 tj 20'4 21, 14'x 159 28' 20, 59'.

43 29'i 77 49'a 208 11 'x 25 '8 Technicolor 30 30 Ex-Dividend. Foreign Exchange NEW YORK, Dec. 11 0P. Foreign ex change rates follow (Great Britain in Collars, others in cents): Canadian dollar in New York open market 9 3-18 per cent discount or 90.8IV4 U. S.

cents, unchanged. Europe Great Britain $4.03, down cent. Latin America Argentina free 24.75. down .01 of a cent; Brazil free 5.25; Mexico 20.65. $95,000 Paid for Seat On N.

Y. Exchange NEW YORK, Dec. 11 (JP). Two stock exchange memberships were sold today th latter at the highest price since May, 1937, when one sold at $96,000. The first sale was at $93,000, up $3,000 irbm the previous sale, and the second at $95,000, up $2,000 from the preceding sale today.

Memberships now are quoted at $72,000 bid, offered at $97,000. U. S. Treasury Report WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 ().

Th position of the' Treasury Dec. 7, compared with corresponding date a year ago: Receipts, Expenditures, Balance, Customs receipts month, $7,232,179.92. Receipts Hscal year July 1. $15,290,404,182.32. Expenditures fiscal year, $41,878,901,936.32.

Excess of expenditures, $26,588,497,754. Total debt, $226,827,839,688.78. Increase over previous day, Gold assets, $20,667,215,103.56. ALEXANDER In this PjfT" i. 1945.

Montgomery, husband of the latj vr.rtha Alexander. Relatives nd "fends Ji hA uaiiv funeral Home. 7uj Broom Street, on Thursday morninf ii nvinrk Interment at CaThedral CemeUrr. Friends may call Wednesday evening. BROWN Suddenly, in this rity on December 10.

194S. Howard Weeder husband of Cora Edwards Brown of 500 West Twenty-third Street, aged tives. friends. Orimul A Sz A. St.

John Chapter. Jener-son Lodge No. 2. I O. O.

Mutual En-ctmpnt- and member, of West Prjasby-terian Church, are invited to attend tn funeral services at The chandler Funeral Home. Delaware Avenue and Street, on Thursday afternoon. December 13. at 3 o'clock. Interment at Lo rr BTrandywine Cemetery.

Friends may call at Chandler's on Wednesday evening-. COOK In Newark. on December lfl. 1945. William H.

Cook, aged 3 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services at the funeral home of Ira C. Shellender. 354 West Main Street. Newark.

on Wednesday afternoon. December 13. at 3 o'clock. Inter-men at White Clay Creek Cemetery. No viewing Tuesday evening.

CLOOT In this city. on. Dec II. 1MJ, Margaret Cloud, wife of the late Frank H. Cloud.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend services at the William E. Haines Funeral Home. Twenty-fourth, and Market 6trets. on Thursday after- noon. Der.

13. at 1:30 o'clock. Interment at Siloam Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Wednesday evening 7 to 9 o'clock. CALLAHAN In Claymont.

on December 10. 1945. John husband of the late Mary Kanane Callahan, aged SB years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services at the residence of his son. Frank E.

Callahan. Roanoke. on Thursday mornins. December 13. Solemn requiem mass at St.

Andrew's Church. Interment at St. Andrew Cemetery. Roanoke. Va.

Friends mar call at the home of his son. John T. Callahan. 40 Manor Avenue. Claymont.

Tuesday evening, after 7 o'clock. DALTON Sadie Dalton. beloved mother of Milton C. Blackwood and Marion Dalton. Funeral services Wednesday at 8 p.

m. at the home of her sister. Mrs. Alfred S. Bryan.

68 Elk Avenue. New Rochelle. N. Y. Interment at Wellesley, Mass.

De ROSA Near Harmony, on December 10. 1945. Anna widow of Nicholas De Rosa, aged 75 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral from hr late residence, near Harmony. on Thursday morning.

December 13. at 8:30 o'clock. Requiem mass at St. John's Church. Newark.

at 9:30 o'clock. Interment at St. John's Cemetery. Friends may call Wednesday evening after 7 o'clock. FISHER In this city, on December 10, 1945.

William Fisher. husband of Marie E. Fisher of 2113 Claymont Street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the services at The McCrery Funeral Home. 2700 Wafhineton Street, on Thursday afternoon.

December 13. at. 2:30 o'clock. Interment at Lombard? Cemetery. FERGUSON In this city, on Dee.

10. 184S. William Henry Ferguson, of 208 East Twenty-third Street, aged 91 years. Relatives, friends. Wawaset Tribe I.

O. R. Crusader Castle. Knights of Golden Eagles, and employes of Joseph Bancroft Sz Sons Company are invited to attend the services at the Chandler Funeral Home. Delaware Avenue and Jefferson Street, on Thursday afternoon, Dec.

13. at o'clock. Interment at Mt. Salem Cemetery. Friends may call at Chandler's on Wednesday evening.

GOODLEY In Chester. on December 8. 1945. Thomas husband of Bertha C. Goodley.

nee Cunningham, of 936 Highland Chester. Pa. Funeral at The Minshai Bros. Parlors. 1934 West Third Street.

Chester. on Wednesday afternoon. December 12. at 2 o'clock. Interment at Chester Rural Cemetery.

Friends may call Tuesday evening. HEALD In Carrcroft. on December 10. 1945. Wilfred husband of Lulu A.

Hea Id. aged 88 years. Funeral services strictly private from' the residence of his daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.

W. Clayton Lytic on Thursday. December 13. 1945. Please omit flowers.

HANNAGAN In this city, on December 11. 1945. Edward Charles, husband of Bessie Tyndall Hannagan. of 405 Howard Street. Richardson Park, aged 33 years.

Relatives, friends of the family and employes of the Pusey St Jones are invited to attend the funeral from The Hinsel Funeral Home. 201 South Maryland Avenue. Elmhurst. on Friday morning. December 15.

at 8 o'clock. Solemn requiem mass at Woodcrest Catholic Church at 9:30 o'clock. Inferment at Cathedral Cemetery. Friend may caU Thursday evening after 7 o'clock. McHUGH In this city, on Dec.

10. 1945, Ellie Griffith, wife of the late Bernard McHugh. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral from the funeral home of J. J. Doherty.

Seventh and Rodney, on Thursday morning. Dec. 13. at 9 o'clock. Reauiem mass in St.

Ann's Church at 9:30 o'clock. Interment at St. Joseph's Cemetery on the Brandywlne. Friends may call at the funeral home Wednesday evening 7 to 9 o'clock. NORRIS In this city, on Dec.

9. 1945. Mary Norris. wife of Frank Norris, of 832 Madison Street, sister of Viola Francis and James Hol'and. Pelatives and friends re invited to attend the funeral services at the Gray Funeral Home on Wednesday afternoon.

Dec. 12, at 1 jn'clock. Interment at Union Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at the Funeral Home on Tuesday evening. PORFILIO In this eitv.

on December 10 1945. Rosemary, daughter of Thomas and Mary Porfilio. aged 2 years and 8 months. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services at The Mealey Funeral Home. 703 North Broom S'reet.

on Wednesday afternoon. December 12. at 3 o'clock. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. ROTH WELL In this city on Dee.

9. 1945. Harvey O. Rothwell. in his 51st vear Relatives, friends, employes of the Pusey Jones and members of the Eastern Beagle Club are invited to attend tho funeral srvices Obhart's Funeral Home in New Castle.

on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 13. at 2 o'clock. Interment at Red Clay Creek Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home on Wednesday evening.

ROWA.VD In Penn's Grove. N. on December 10. 1945. Hannah Rawand.

Services at The Gross Memorial Funeral Home. 94 South Broad Street. Penn's Grove. N. on Thursdav pfternoon.

December 13. at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lawncroft Cemetery, near Chester. Pa. Friends may call Wednesday evening.

SPAHN Near Madison. West Virginia. Dec. 8. 1345.

John son of John and the late Mary Kenny Spahn. aged 25 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral from the Mealer Funeral Home. 703 N. Broom Street, on Thursday morlng.

Dec. 13. at 9 o'clock Requiem mass in St. Paul's Church at 9:30 o'clock. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery.

Friends may call Wednesday evening. STARK In this city on December 9. 194.1. Mary A. wife of th lt Hnm.r Stark of 105 East Thirty-fifth Street, aged' .3 Tears.

rmner. i xervw win k- k-i Vt The C. Everett Ke'ley Fueral gome. Twenty-third and West Strt n- Wednesday morning. December 11 o'clock.

Interment at Rivervlew Cemeterv Friends may call Tuesdav ft--. 7 clock. SHARPLESS In this city on Dec. 9. 1948.

William T. Sharoless. aurrt IK Relatives and friends are invited to attend tiic luncrai services at tne vearm neral Home, 819 Washington Street, on Wednesday afternoon. Dec. it nvini-i.

Interment at Rivervlew Friendi may call Tuesday evening after 7 o'clock. TRUITT In Baltimore. on Dee 11. 1945. David W.

Truitt. son of Pt.irh.. and Catherine Fell Truitt ri a r-v. orrvicts a ine lunerai parlors or Jones, Newark, on Thursday afternoon. Dec.

13. at 2 o'clock. Interment at Kimblesville Cemetery. WILSON In thjs city, on Dec. g.

194S. Char'es husband of Emma Wilson, or Newark. Del. aged 42 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral st the Branch Funeral Home of Edward R.

Bell. New London. Newark, on Wednesday afternoon, Dec 13. at 3 o'clock. Interment at Mt.

Zion Cemetery. Friends may call Tuesday evening 7-10 o'clock. WHITE In Chester County Hospital, on Dec. 9. 1945.

Margaret Jane, wife of Stephen W. White, aged 56 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services at her late residence on Snuff Mill Road. Yorklyn. on Thursday afternoon.

Dec. 13. at 3 o'clock. Interment at Kimblesville Cemetery. Friends may call on Wednesday evening after o'clock.

McCRERY FZr," 2700 WASHINGTON ST. Our Funeral Costs Meet Present Day Conditions tflLLIAri e. AIIIES fuiiebal noriE ttsrket al 24th St. NEW YORK. Dec.

11 CP). Strength of aircrafts contrasted with general lower trends la today's ock market although selling was relatively -light in virtually all departments. While the aviations, bolstered by sizable backlogs and earnings potentialities, were in front from the start, most steels, rails, motors and "blue chips" displayed slipping tendencies. Declines of fractions to 2 or more points predominated near the fourth hour. Touching new highs were Douglas Aircraft, up better than 5 points Boeing.

United Aircraft, Sperry and Lockheed. Ahead at intervals were American Telephone, Oliver and General Electric. Down the greater part of the proceedings were U. S. Steel.

Chrysler. Santa Fe, Baltimore fc Ohio. Standard Oil N. U. S.

Rubber, Loew's, Shamrock Oil. Allied Chemical and Sears Roebuck. Holders of railway and aviation issues studied the survey of the Interstate Commerce Commission which estimated large capital outlays for class 1 roads in the first three post-war years together with a loss of passenger traffic to the air lines. The commission's statistical bureau cited figures of the Civil Aeronautics Board indicating air transport passenger revenues in the first seven months of 1945 were 51.1 per cent above the like 1944 period. Rail Bonds Mixed In Steady Market NEW YORK, Dec.

11 JP) Rail bonds were mixed in an otherwise fairly steady market today. Dealings were active coincident with the placing cf something like $125,000,000 of debentures for public sale in the first spurt of corporation financing since the ending of the Victory Loan drive. Among carriers gaining fractions and more were Baltimore Ohio convertibles of "60, St. Paul 5s of '75, Denver and Rio Grande 5s of '55 assented, Florida East Coast 5s of 11, Missouri Pacific General 4s, New Haven 4s of '57 and New York Central Consolidated 4s. A good number of issues were unchanged.

Losing a similar amount were Denver and Rio Grande 4s of "36, Illinois Central 4s of '52, International Great Northern adjustment 6s, several Missouri Pacific liens and Peoria and East Income 4s. International T. 4s and Western Union 5s of '60 moved ahead somewhat in the utility list. A fair number of other corporates made slight progress. Foreign loans were irregular with Brazil 6' is 27-57, some Chilean issues and Colccnbia 3s up fractions.

U. S. Governments were quiet and about unchanged. Debentures of Dairy Firm Offered Public Goldman, Sachs Co. and Lehman Brothers head a group of 112 underwriters which is offering publicly today of 2 per cent debentures due 1970 of National Dairy Products Corporation at 101 per cent and accrued interest.

Proceeds of the financing are to be used to redeem at 105 'i per cent $50,600,000 per cent debentures, due 1960. It is planned that the redemption funds will be made available to holders of the 3U per cent debentures on and after Dec. 15, 1945 at the office of the fiscal agents, Goldman, Sachs Co. The new debentures will be entitled tCK a sinking fund provided for the retirement of not less than 1 per cent nor more than 2 per cent for each of the first five years, not less than 2 per cent nor more than 4 per cent for each of the next five years, and not less than 3 per cent nor more than 6 per cent for each of the remaining years. They are redeemable, other than through the sinking fund, at prices starting at 1044 per cent for the twelve months' period ending Nov.

30, 1946. Sinking fund redemption prices begin a 1024 per cent on Dec. 1, 1946. Cotton Market NEW YORK. Dec.

11 (A. Cotton futures opened 10 to 25 cents a bale higher. Prev. Close Open Dee 2 24.65 Bid March 20 24.62-63 May 2 2453 July 24.1S 24.19 Oct. 23 37 23 .39 Dec 23.29 23.33 Aggressive mill and local buying rallied futures as much us 70 cents a bale with all deliveries through July 1946 making new seasonal highs.

The advance was aided by a scarcity of offerings. The short crop, rapid reduction in cotton stocks and a broadening export demand were aiitwmrtlns factors. Noon prices were to 65 cents a bale higher. December 24.78; March 24.71; May 24.61. Felton Avon Club Plans Yule Party RTrr.TrN rwL.

Dec. 11 (Special). The Felton Avon Club will hold. a Christmas party in the Odd fellows Hall, Felton, next Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.

Paul Hughes will have charge of the program. Each member will participate. The meeting Jan. 9 will be a sunshine sister p3rty. Mrs.

D. A. Petry and Mrs. Charles Lee Sipple will be In charge of the program. I.

i Day's Record, Tides i Son rose this morning 11 Bun seta this evening 4:35 Sua rlaes tomorrow morning 7:12 Baa sets tomorrow evening Moon aeta tonight 11:30 Length of day, 9 hours, 24 minutes. Temseratares at Porter Reservoir m. yesterday Highest yesterday Lowest during eight a. m. today ltooa today Tides at Marine Terminal (Mouth of Christina) High A.

4 19 M. 4 41 High Tides Today A M. 30 47 25 2 31 Low 10:5 11 4 r. 1 .04 2:01 2:51 3 2 3 51 214 nd 12:4 1.40 2:2 3:04 I 2 1.S4 by V. B.

Coast Kltta HnmnKKk Itofn Hook Port Penn Reedy Point Chesapeake City Data ernnoilM Cisaaeug eray-ver. CABBAGE Cabbage: N. J. 1 3-5 bu. boxes Savoy 50-65.

L. I. 50 pound sacks Danish red 1.00-1.10, cauliflower crts. red few 1.50, Savoy 100, 1 3-5 bu. boxes Savoy 73.

Carrots: Bu. bskts. topped and washed Pa. 1.25; N. J.

1.12',-25; L. 1.00-1.50 1 3-5 bu. box bunched L. I. 50-75.

Cauliflower: Crts. 2.75-3.50, best mostly 3.25-50, smaller 1.76-2.50, poorer 1.00-1.50. purple 1.2O-50. Celery: 'A crts. golden 4.00.

Celery cabbage: Eastern crts. 1.00-1.25 some 1.50, bu. boxes 1.00-1.50. Celery knobs: -x bu. bskts.

topped 1.25. Chicory root: Bu. hampers 2.00-2.25. Collards: 1 3-5 bu. boxes L.

A crts. 1.0O. Escarole: 1 3-5 bu. boxes 1.00. Field salad: Lugs 2.C0.

Horseradish: pound saks 1. 30-50. Kale: 1 3-5 bu. boxes 50-75. few 85.

Leeks: N. J. bu. bskts. bunched 1.50- 2.00, poorer 1.00-1.25.

L. I. 1 3-5 bu boxes fair qual. 1.00-1.50. per bunch 20-35.

LETTUCE Lettuce: Eastern crts. Big Boston ord qual. and cond. 1.00. Mushrooms: 3 pound bskts.

extra fancy and specials 1.50-90. few 2.00, fancy and medium 1.50-80. Buttons 1.50-75, spots and opens 1.00; N. Y. extra fancy and specials 1.85-85, few 1.90-2.00, some low as 1.50, fancy and medium 1.50-75, buttons 1.50-65, spots and opens 1.00; Pa.

pts. 33-35. Oyster plant: Crts. 12s 2.00. Parsley: Bu.

bskts. curly N. J. 1.25: Pa. 1.00.

1 3-5 bu. boxes root L. I. 1.75- 2.0J. Parsnips: 'i bu.

bskts. 75-85. Potatoes: 100 pound sacks Green Mountains U. S. No.

1 or better 2.75-3.25. Spinach: Bu. bskts. Savoy type Sweet potatoes: Bu. hampers Jersey type U.

S. No. 1 3.00-3.50. processed 3.S8-3.90. small to med.

goldens 3.03- 3.38. small to med. 1.0O-1.25. Turnips: N. J.

white, topped and washed. DU. OSktS 60-75, 4 bU. BEktS. S0-6O.

L. I. bu. bskts. white, topped and washed 50 pound sacks rutabagas 85-75.

Philadelphia Quotations PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 11 tU.Pi. Trading was light on the local wholesale produce market today according to the Federal State Market News Service. Apples: Bu.

bskts. and east boxes med. to large N. J. Delicious and Staymar.s, some fair, 4.85-4.92, Paragons, 4.90-4.92 Romes, 4.92.

Beets: Pa. bu. topped and washed, 1.00-1.25. fair. 75.

Cabbage: Pa. 50 pound sacks Danish type some fair, N. J. bu. bskts savoy.

50-05. Carrots: Bu. bskts. topped and washed. Pa.

1.00-1.50, mostly 1.23; N. J. 1.25, few higher. Celery: Pa. crates Golden Hearts 2.50: Pa.

and N. J. Hearts per bunch. 10-15. Cranberries: N.

J. barrel boxes late Howes. 8 00. Mushrooms: Pa. 3 pound 1.75-1.85.

Parsnips: Pa. bu. washed some fair, 1.00-1.50. Vi bu. 60-75.

Spinach: Bu. bskts. savoy type Pa. few best. 1.25; N.

J. 85; lew apecial marks higher, poorer. 65. SWFVT PnT ITflFS Sweet potatoes: N. J.

bu. hampers Jersey type U. S. Is. 2.75-3.50, few best.

2.57- 3.75, mediums, 1.00-1.25. processed, 2.00-2.25. few 2.55. reds No. Is 3.25-3.57, white yams, 2.50-3.35.

White turnips: Pa. and N. J. bu. bskts.

topped and washed. 75-85. Rutabagas: Pa. 50-60 pound sacks. 90- 1.25.

70 pound sacks. 1.40. White potatoes: Pa. ICO pound sacks round whites, mostly Katahdins 0. S.

1, and TJ. S. 1 size A. 2.50-2.75. some best.

2.75:-ord. to fair. 2.10-2.40, 0. S. 1 size paper sacks Katahdins U.

6. 1 size 50 pounds, 1.35: 15 pounds, 44; N. J. 50 pound paper sacks, U. S.

1, 1.30-1.35. Christmas greens: N. J. laurel rope per yard, 3-5c; Pa. hemlock bundles, large.

75c, small. 25e: holly wreathes, artificial berries, various sections, 15-50c, mostly 20-3 5c according to size. EGGS Egg market! Pronounced firmness in the fresh egg market continued. Dealers able to satisfy only a portion of the demand on pro rated supplies generally. Nearbys increasing gradually but still far short.

Storage holdings very firm and reported to be mostly of ordinary to poor quality. Wholesale selling prices: Consumer grade A extra large Large 53.3-59. Mediums Wholesale grades extras 1 and 2 extra large 54.8; large 52.8; mediums 47.8. Extras 3 and 4 large, 50. Standards Smalls extras 1 and 2 42-44.

Consumer A on nearbys Butter: Market extremely firm. Some dealers report having received all allotments of butter the government expects to sell them, and fear increasingly acute shortages. Very few wholesale sales of bulk grade A 474. 47. Live poultry: Market very draggy.

Quotations: Fowls Colored, fancy, 29-30Vic; poor lower; Leghorns, fancy, large sales 24-25c: small sales, extra fancy, 28-27; poor lower. Old roosters 20 -2 2c. Stags 24- 26. Pullets rancy. heavy, faw around.

Roasting chickens Fancy, full, 4'i lbs. and over. 28-30: fryers, fancy. 3-4Va lbs. 25- 26e, not cleared.

Broilers Fancy, 3 lbs. and under 24-25; few 26; not cleared; ordinary and poor from 23c down to l6c, not moving. Leghorn springers All sizes, 20c; few outstanding yellow-skinned 25c. Ducks Fancy Pekins. Muscovy.

20-23c; occasional small sales, 24c; few 25; not cleared. Turkeys Young. long distance. 40.9; old long distance, 38.9c. Geese Fancy.

DRESSED POULTRY Dressed poultry: Fine fowls steadily held. The market mostly easy on other kinds. Quotations: Fowls Fresh killed. dry-packed, or iced, 27Vi-34Vie. chickens, 30-40; old roosters and stags, 30c.

Turkeys For Speculation We Offer: GASPE 01 VENTURES, LTD. Price 60c per Share Ask your broker for Prospectus or write to us no obligation. TELLIER CO. Established 1931 42 Broadway. Nw York 4.

N. Y. Tel. BOwUnq Grn 9-794 situations in the entire Automotive industry today. This carelul analysis includes a projection of earnings in the coming high-production era for many of the companies.

New York 4, N.Y. Open High Low Noon Dec 180x bid May 180V bid July 1774 177i 177i COTTON Dee 2471 2475 2471 5472 Mar 2463 2468 2462 2467 May 2453 2457 2452 2457 This announcement is neither an offer to mell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy securities. The offering is made only by the Prospectus. NEW ISSUE National Dairy Products Corporation Debentures jdue 1970 2Va Price 10134 and accrued interest Grain Market CHICAGO, Dec. 11 VF).

Trade in grain futures was light during the first hour today. There was little action in the wheat pit and what trading developed was mostly switching from the December to deferred contracts. During the first hour wheat was unchanged to 1 higher than yesterday's close, corn was unchanged. -oats were unchanged to higher, rye was unchanged to 1 lower, barley was unchanged to up 4- At 11 a. m.

wheat was unchanged at yesterday's close. December l.SO'i. Corn was unchanged at the celling. Oats were Vs to lower, December 777-. Rye was unchanged to 1 cent lower, December $1.814.

Barley was unchanged to higher, December Baltimore Livestock BALTIMORE, Dec. II UP) (U. S. D. II a.

m. quotations. Cattle 200 action centered mainry on cows, these fairly active, steady with Monday; common and medium cows 9.00-13.00; canners and cutters 6.50-8.5O; shelly can-ners around 8.00; sausage bulls scarce; good weighty arrival eligible to 12.50; bulk light and medium weight 9.50-12.00. Calves 150. Vealers active, steady with Monday; weighty slaughter calves slow, about steady; mixed lot good and choice 130-220 pound vealers 15.50 to mainly 18.50; common and medium" 9.50-14.50; mostly 11.00 up; culls around 7.50, extreme light weights down to 5.00; good weighty slaughter calves 14.00; common and medium 10.00-13.00.

Hogs 150 active, steady with Monday; good and choice barrows and gilts from 140-300 pounds 15.40 the ceiling: 300-375 pounds 15.00; 375-45 pounds 14.75; good sows up to 6C0 pounds 14.25. Sheep Sj slaughter lambs scarce, active, steady with Monday; practical top 16.00; mixed lot good and choice wooled lambs usually from 80 pounds up and including buck 15.50 to mainly 16.00; common and medium 11. cull around 8.50 slaughter ewes active, steady; choice light weigni wooiea ana shorn ewes 6.50: bulk common to good 3.00-6.00 according to grace. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, Dec. 11 P) iV.

S. D. A.I. Salable hogs 17,000, total market aetive. fully steady pn barrows and gilts all weights; good and choice 183-330 pound weights at 14.83 ceiling; other weights scarce; broad shipping demand; sows slow, steady to IS cents, mostly 10 to 15 cents lower; bulk good and choice sows 13.85-14.00, with choice lightweights at 14.10 ceiling: complete clearance.

Salable cattle 8.000, total 8.300; salable calves total fed steers and yearlings. including yearling heifers, strong; numerous loads fed steers 17.50-1800; bulk 15 short load 950 pound heifers 18.00; bulk 14.00-17.00; cows 10 to IS. cents higher; bulls 35 cents higher, very scarce; veaiers It to 50 cents up for week to date, generally 15 5 down: stock cattle scarce, steady at 10.00-13.50 Bioetfy. Salable sheep J.OOO, total 8.500; slaughter lambs and ewes steady to strong, yearlings practically absent; most early sales good and choice native and fed wooled western lambs 14 load Montana fed lambs averaging 95 pound at 14.75; several decks fed western lambs held for 15.00; odd lots common natives 11.00-13.00, backs in-eluded; bulk slaughter ewes few choice natives 7.35. and odd lots culls and common kinds around 5.50: load medium to good 83 pound white-faced feeding lambs J4.S4 A copy of the Prospectus may be obtained within any State from such of the Underwriters as may regularly distribute the Prospectus within such State.

'Goldman, Sachs Co. Lehman Brothers The First Boston Corporation Harriman Ripley Co. laewpmtad Smith, Barney Co. Union Securities Corporation Mellon Securities Corporation Blyth Inc. niuirnr.anwi3 sitodcks December 11, 1943.

We have just completed a careful analysis of SS leading companies manufacturing automobiles and automotive parts. Of these 56 stocks, we have selected 14 which we have rated BUY. We consider them the outstanding attractive Mail $1 with this ad and study and the list your name and address for this important of 14 stocks rated BUY. At I0 added cost, we will send you the next 3 issues of Poor's Investment Advisory Service, a leading guide for thousands of successful investors. Offer open to new readers only.

Netice te Helders ef 3' Debentures due 1940 of National Dairy Products Corporation Holders of the outstanding; 34 Debenture due I960 of National Dairy Products Corporation, to be redeemed upon issue of the new Debentures, may obtain the full redemption price (including interest to the date fixed for redemption) at the office of the Fiscal Agents, Goldman, Sachs 30 Pine Street, New York, N. immediately following the day of issue of the new Debentures, which is expected to be December 14. 1945. RATIONAL DAIRY PRODUCTS CORPORATION Goldman, Sachs 4k Fiscal Agents. POOR'S INVESTMENT ADVISORY SERVICE Issued by Standard Poor's Corporation 345 Hudson Street..

The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.