Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout (2024)

I’ve been gardening all my life, and over the years I’ve learned the hard way that success usually comes down to the preparation that is done before the growing season even starts. There are a few simple rules to follow when considering where everything should go. Get them right and you’re set up for success! Read on or watch our video to discover how to plan the perfect garden...

The Right Location

Choosing the right location for your garden goes a long way to ensuring its success. You need somewhere that gets as much sunshine as possible – ideally at least eight hours of direct sun a day, but if the only space you have gets less than this, don’t worry, there’s still plenty you can grow. It’s worth noting where the shadows fall on a sunny day, and at different times of the year too (including in summer when trees will be in leaf) so you can accurately judge how sunny the area you have in mind is likely to be.

Soil conditions are just as important. Your garden needs to be somewhere that doesn’t get waterlogged in wet weather or over the winter. If your garden soil tends to remain wet, raised beds are useful. By raising the planting area to above the level of the surrounding soil, water can drain away more easily.

You also need to avoid frost pockets, so steer clear of lower areas where sinking cold air tends to collect.

Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout (1)

Your Vegetable Garden Layout

As your garden expands, so too does the importance of being able to easily move about it. Good, clear paths that are wide enough to comfortably get a wheelbarrow down will make life so much easier when watering, weeding or harvesting your crops.

Closely tied to path width is bed width. If you can, I’d suggest keeping the beds or growing areas between your paths to a maximum width of 4ft (1.2m). This means you can reach the middle of the bed from the paths without having to step on growing areas. That’s important, because treading on soil compacts it, which is worse for your plants.

Paths can be bare soil, laid to grass, or even paved. Personally, I love using woodchip on top of cardboard sheets for surfacing my paths. It prevents things from getting muddy and, as it’s a natural material, it will feed the soil and by extension the surrounding crops as it rots down. It will need to be topped up from time to time as it decomposes.

Drawing up Your Plan

There are three options for creating your garden plan:

Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout (2)

Level 1

Sketch out your growing area using old-fashioned paper and pencil. Using a pencil rather than a pen is important because you’ll need to erase and re-draw things as the plan evolves. It’s a very tactile process and one that people with an artistic streak love.

Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout (3)

Level 2

Create a spreadsheet to keep track of everything, with separate rows for each crop. It’s easy to create multiple versions of your plan that take you through the seasons, or even month by month, but harder to map out the overall layout.

Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout (4)

Level 3

Use our online Garden Planner, which makes planning a breeze! I can quickly draw out my growing area and add plants to my plan, and it’s got handy built-in tools like crop rotation and companion planting features. As I add plants, the accompanying Plant List is automatically updated. The Plant List clearly shows how many plants I’ll need to raise or buy, and what I’ll be growing when.

10 Steps to Creating Your Garden Plan

Now for the part we all look forward to – laying out the plants! Where best to grow them depends on their individual needs and growth habits. All three levels of planning above will work with the garden planning rules I’m about to share.

Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout (5)

1. Fussy Crops

The first plants to place are the most fussy ones - the frost-sensitive, warm-season crops like tomatoes and peppers. These need the sunniest spot you can find, ideally sheltered from chilly winds – we’re talking prime real estate! Make sure to position them where they won’t shade out lower-growing crops.

When growing corn it’s important to position them in a block formation – filling the entire raised bed – to encourage better pollination and fuller cobs. They’re also tall plants, but have fewer leaves so they don’t cast quite as much shade as tomatoes.

2. Climbing Crops

Next, we need to place climbing or vertically-trained crops because they will also cast shade on plants that are on their North side once they’ve grown up and leafed out. That doesn’t mean you can’t grow anything behind them though, because…

Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout (6)

3. Shade-Loving Crops

…some plants like spinach actually enjoy the relative cool of a shadier spot, particularly if you’re growing in a hot climate. Salad onions, radishes and beets can also do well in areas that only receive two or three hours of direct sun a day.

The Garden Planner makes it easy to choose shade-loving crops using the plant filters. Click on Show More at the top of the plant selector to display options such as partial shade tolerant. You can also choose to narrow the selection of plants down further, for instance to show only plants that are frost tolerant, easy to grow, or which belong to a particular crop family.

Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout (7)

4. Sprawling Plants

Next up are the sprawling plants, which are often also tender, sun-loving crops like zucchini, melons, and sweet potato. It makes sense to set these big, lolling crops towards the edge of the garden (sunshine allowing), because here they can spread out across paths or onto surrounding paving or lawn without fear of them smothering less rambunctious plants.

5. Staple Crops

With the choicest garden spots taken, it’s time to position what’s left. Vegetables like potatoes, onions and most root crops will appreciate at least five hours of direct sunshine but will still grow okay – just a bit slower – if they get a little less than this.

Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout (8)

6. Thirsty Crops

Watering can be a time-consuming job in hot summers. You can minimize how much you need to water by growing thirsty crops like celery in an area of the garden that holds soil moisture for longer, or try grouping water-intensive crops together so it’s easier to water them all in one go.

You’ll also want to be close to a water source, or somewhere you can install barrels to collect rainwater for irrigation.

7. Convenience Crops

Convenience is always worth considering for things like watering and, of course, harvesting. I like to position crops that will be harvested more often closer to the house. For instance, my herb bed is the closest bed to the back door, so I’ll be more inclined to go out and nab a fresh sprig of aromatic goodness whenever a recipe demands it. Other crops you might want close by for regular picking might include tomatoes, salads, and chard.

Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout (9)

8. Pest Defense

Make sure to include plenty of nectar-rich flowers in your vegetable garden. These will attract both pollinators and pest predators like hoverflies. Last year I planted poached egg plant, calendula, and nasturtium along my main vegetable garden path, and made an effort tuck in a few flowers within the beds themselves. They added a stunning splash of color while attracting the sorts of beneficial bugs any gardener would be thrilled to see.

If you’re seeking inspiration, the Garden Planner has all sorts of companion planting ideas, including plenty of companion flowers that’ll make your garden sing! Just click on a plant in your plan to highlight it, then click on Show Companions. All suitable companion plants will then appear in the plant selector, making it easy to add them to your plan.

Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout (10)

9. Compost

As well as your paths and growing areas it’s important to make space for a compost heap or bin – either within the vegetable garden itself, or close by. Your garden will generate a lot of compostable material – and all of it can be easily turned into nutrient-rich compost to feed your soil next season.

10. Plant Protection

An optional extra is to include somewhere sheltered for starting off your seedlings, plus protecting more tender crops in cooler climates. A simple cold frame is good or, if space and budget allow, a greenhouse. You needn’t spend big bucks on this – I’ve seen some fantastic homemade cold frames! Anything you can use to keep the chill off will really help tender seedlings make the transition from indoors to out during those bright spring days when night-time temperatures can still be nippy.

Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout (11)

I reckon my garden plan looks pretty colorful in its own right, and having this at-a-glance, easy-to-tweak way of making a plan has honestly transformed the way I garden, so I’m ultimately getting more from the space I have.

If haven’t yet tried out the Garden Planner, we offer a free 7 day trial so you can give it a whirl. We hope you’ll love it, but don’t worry, you won’t need to put in any payment details, and there’s no obligation to continue once the trial’s finished. Click here to start planning your garden the easy way!

Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout (2024)


Plan Your Perfect Vegetable Garden Layout? ›

As a general rule, put tall veggies toward the back of the bed, mid-sized ones in the middle, and smaller plants in the front or as a border. Consider adding pollinator plants to attract beneficial insects that can not only help you get a better harvest, but will also prey on garden pests.

What is the best way to layout a vegetable garden? ›

The other rule of thumb when using this layout plan is to organize your spacing so that your tallest growing vegetables are planted on the north side of your rows. Follow them with medium height vegetables, and then plant your shortest crop on the south side of the rows.

In what order should I plant my vegetable garden? ›

Generally speaking, in the north tall plants such as beans, peas, and corn do best on the north side of the garden. Medium size crops such as tomatoes, cabbage, squash, pumpkins, and broccoli in the center of the garden.

What is the most common garden layout for growing vegetables? ›

The most basic garden plan consists of a design with straight, long rows running north to south orientation. A north to south direction will ensure that the garden gets the best sun exposure and air circulation. A garden that runs east to west tends to get too shaded from the crops growing in the preceding row.

What vegetables to plant together chart? ›

Vegetables and Herbs Companion Planting Chart
PlantGood Together
PotatoBush Bean, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Horseradish, Onion, Parsnip, Peas
RadishBeet, Bush Beans, Pole Beans, Carrots, Cucumber, Lettuce, Parsnip, Peas, Spinach, Squash
SpinachCelery, Corn, Eggplant, Cauliflower
SquashCorn, Onion, Radish
15 more rows

Can I plant tomatoes and cucumbers next to each other? ›

Cucumbers and tomatoes can be planted by each other as they share similar growing habits and therefore you can grow tomatoes by cucumbers. Greg Volente from Greenhouse Today explains that: 'Cucumbers and tomatoes are two vigorous growers in a spring garden. They're both vining plants and share similar basic needs.

Which vegetables should not be planted together? ›

14 Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together—Gardening Experts Explain Why
  • 01 of 14. Beans and Onions. ...
  • 02 of 14. Tomatoes and Potatoes. ...
  • 03 of 14. Corn and Tomatoes. ...
  • 04 of 14. Tomatoes and Brassicas. ...
  • 05 of 14. Cucumber and Squash. ...
  • 06 of 14. Lettuce and Celery. ...
  • 07 of 14. Fennel and Tomatoes. ...
  • 08 of 14. Peppers and Cabbage.
Jan 16, 2024

What month is best to plant vegetable garden? ›

You can plant or harvest something from your garden almost all year. The two major planting periods, however, are spring (March to May) and fall (mid-July to September). The spring plantings are harvested in June and July, while the fall plantings are harvested from October to December.

What can tomatoes not be planted with? ›

As you plan your garden this season, avoid planting the following crops near your tomatoes to keep the plants as prolific and healthy as possible.
  • 01 of 10. Potatoes. Scott Little. ...
  • 02 of 10. Corn. Bob Stefko. ...
  • 03 of 10. Eggplant. ...
  • 04 of 10. Ground Cherry. ...
  • 05 of 10. Large Brassicas. ...
  • 06 of 10. Rosemary. ...
  • 07 of 10. Cucumbers. ...
  • 08 of 10. Fennel.
Apr 17, 2024

How to group vegetables in a garden? ›

It recommends that you divide crops into four main groups as follows: Legumes (bush beans, peas, pole beans, broad beans); root vegetables (radish, carrot, potato, onion, garlic, beet, rutabaga, sweet potato, shallots); leafy greens (spinach, chard, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach); and fruit-bearing( ...

What is the basic pattern in garden design? ›

Grid lines drawn at 45 degrees can be used as a guideline to design the garden. Rectangular themes are the most popular and widely used. They are adapted to give a formal look to the garden. Long or narrow gardens can be easily divided into even sections using this particular theme.

How do I choose a garden placement? ›

When selecting a location for a garden, there are 4 key considerations; (1) how much sun or shade a space receives, (2) water drainage, (3) soil quality and (4) proximity to water & home.

Is it better to plant vegetables in rows or groups? ›

If you have the space for it, row gardening allows you to plant more and harvest more vegetables. Squares are limited because if they are too big, you can't reach the plants in the middle. You are also limited in the amount of plants/veggies you can grow in the given space.

How to plan a vegetable garden layout? ›

As a general rule, put tall veggies toward the back of the bed, mid-sized ones in the middle, and smaller plants in the front or as a border. Consider adding pollinator plants to attract beneficial insects that can not only help you get a better harvest, but will also prey on garden pests.

What 3 vegetables grow well together? ›

The crops of corn, beans, and squash are known as the Three Sisters. For centuries these three crops have been the center of Native American agriculture and culinary traditions. It is for good reason as these three crops complement each other in the garden as well as nutritionally.

Can peppers and tomatoes be planted together? ›

Although it's usually recommended to not plant tomatoes and peppers right after each other in the same bed every year, they can be grown together in the same garden bed (and then rotated to another bed next season).

How should I set up my vegetable garden? ›

Most plants should be spaced 2 to 3 feet apart, so they'll have room to grow and get plenty of sunlight and air circulation. Put your plants in the holes and cover them with soil. Don't bury them any deeper than they were in their containers. Gently press the soil down around them.

What is the best orientation for a vegetable garden? ›

Always plant the tallest vegetables to the northern side of the garden and the shorter growing vegetables to the southern side of the garden. That said, most recommendations agree that planting north-south is marginally better. The north-south orientation allows the sun to penetrate the garden by shining down the rows.

What can you not plant near tomatoes? ›

Here are some plants generally considered to be unfriendly in the tomato patch:
  • Corn. Both corn and tomatoes attract the same predatory worm, so when they are placed together, your crops can become a feast for undesirables.
  • Potato. Like corn, the potato shares a potential problem with tomatoes. ...
  • Rosemary. ...
  • Fennel. ...
  • Dill. ...
  • Carrot.


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.