Memento mori - Avis_Corvus - idk (2024)

The sun glared down upon the cobblestone manor, casting a vivid yet frightening shadow that stretched along the land. The shadow towers were equipped with beetle-like teeth, a menacing sight. The manor looked lively; however, once entering this lively sensation is replaced by the cold eerie chill of death.
There had been many allegations and rumours surrounding the twisted grand manor due to the many lives lost. The grand home was isolated from the wider public, but its presence was known to all. The presence of the steady streams of unexplained deaths were also widely known. It was rumoured that whomever was associated with the manor or the House of Mori would meet a premature death. These common folk rumours held more truth than one might believe.
The small village gently nestled within the mountains was struggling at the hand of winter. The days were cold, the night colder. Most believed that the manor that cast a ghastly shadow over the town was abandoned, but no one was willing to investigate further. No one dared to approach the property. Within the struggling town, a young pale girl found herself lost in her thoughts, sheepishly playing with the small blade in her hand. The girl, aged 17 on the brink of adulthood, however, she felt like a child. She knew that time meant nothing as she spent her days exploring her surroundings, aiming for a better world. “Any world would be better than this world,” Roslyn repeated to herself, shivering from the cold. A looming shadow crept overhead, causing her horse to shudder and for Roslyn to drop her knife. The manor's ominous shadow was beginning to engulf the forest; without a thought of hesitation, Rose swiftly mounted her horse and began making her journey back home.
Within the manor, a young boy also aged 17 sits by a permanently bored window wishing to know what lay beyond the confines of his home. The boy had never left the home and had very little understanding of anything. He heard his mother calling for him followed by a knock at the door. Louis immediately jumped back, startled by the sound of his own name before rushing over to open the door. Once opening it, he found no one there; no one was ever there. Frustrated, the young lord slammed the door closed before collapsing onto his bed in defeat. He wished for his mind to stop playing tricks on him. The family's doctor, Lady Diana, had prescribed medication for Louis; however, he refused to take it. Most days he would be fine; however, the past couple of days had truly driven him mad. Finally, he left his room and went out to find someone, anyone. To his shock and delight, a middle-aged woman was standing in the hallway, ordering two other gentlemen to rearrange the paintings. “Hello,” the boy said awkwardly, as if he forgot how to speak. The two gentlemen looked at Louis before quickly glancing away, acting as if he was not there. Louis, lost in thought once more, took note of what the men were doing; they were removing the paintings of his parents. Panicked, the young lord demanded to know what was happening, but no one noticed. Only the tall, lanky serving boy who stood in the corner seemed to acknowledge the existence of Louis. He looked sad and lifeless; however, he discreetly offered the lord a small wave. Suddenly, two gloved hands gripped into the boy's arms, and the confused boy was guided back to his room. Neither of the guards even looked at him; they just locked him back in his room. Louis yelled and clawed at the locked door, screaming; the boy felt hopeless. The only time he saw another person was when the chef would bring his meals and then take them away. The young man's hallucinations would worsen the longer he went without interaction; this had been the case his whole life.
It felt like a matter of centuries had passed before Louis was brought out of his room again. The home was wild and buzzing as a stampede of detectives, cleaners, and other well-dressed individuals rushed about his home. Suddenly, Louis was being swept away to his new room, the master's room, the room for the Lord of the manor. Louis crumbled in fear onto the floor with realisation. His parents had disappeared just like every member of the family would. He refused to believe it, but the lord was brought to his feet before the family's lawyer proclaimed him the lord of the manor. “I, Sir George Tompson the second, am here to inform you, Lord Louis Mori XVI, that your parents have disappeared, and you now are in full control over the land and your family legacy,” the voice was husky and monotone as the older gentleman removed his velvet gloves before going to shake the young lord's hand. Louis flinched violently, avoiding the man's hand; his face was drained of what little colour it had. He had never been physically touched before.
After his father miraculously disappeared, a young lord was now the Master of the manor. He was ill-fit for the role but had no other choice; everyone else of his bloodline had disappeared. As time went on, Louis was plagued by more and more horrid visions which Lady Diana would attempt to cure. Day after day, the lord would wander the many vast hallways of his home wishing to distinguish what was real and what was not. There were many rumours even within the household on what caused their young master's ailment. Many members of the staff believed that Louis was haunted by the spirit of his past relatives as his condition worsened after the disappearance of his parents. Others blamed it on his childhood, or lack thereof. The Lord's upbringing was dull and isolated, only ever interacting with his mother and father. The staff and all other members of the household were ordered not to speak to the boy if they wished to ever speak again. The reasoning behind this decision was never revealed, and most of the staff continued to follow their late employers' rules of not speaking directly to their son. This infuriated Louis but alas he had no other options. His parents demanded that no one was to talk to him

Echoes of Eternity

Down in the village Roselyn woke up early to hear an alarm bell ringing in the town square. Quickly, she began running to the main square where a crowd of fearful faces waited in anticipation for news. Atop a pedestal a huntress stod. “I was out on my usell hunt when I hear a sound…” The townspeople listened in awe and terror as the huntress informed them that there was in fact life within the old Mori manor. The entire town broke out in gossip as Roselyn stared at the grand manor. She couldn’t imagine how someone could live in that building, how someone could be so selfish. She wished to find whoever lived their luxurious life up there while she was fighting just to eat each day. Thinking about food caused her stomach to twist, she needed to find some food before she fainted. After returning home, Roselyn begins to prepare for the forest, taking her small statue with all her belongings. Roselyn may have been planning on going to the forest however she did not plan to hunt. Not once had she ever taken a life, she wished that no harm would ever come to an innocent creature, its humans who are the problem. Before embarking into the forest, Rose pinched a couple pastries from an unattended shopfront, stuffing them in her bag and bolting off. She didn't enjoy stealing but she had to. Finally stopping she collapsed to her knees breathing heavily, she looked up and wondered what was happening inside the massive castle-like structure.

Not much was happening with the manor. Lousie continued to hallucinate and often found himself hiding in his old room. He had no reason to be hiding but even within his home he felt fearful. Lousie walked through the many twisted corridors of his home looking for someone who wouldn’t mind breaking the rules and talking with him. Eventually giving up he went back to hid in his old room wishing that he could live a different life. A sharp knock at the door caused Lousie to jump, hitting his head on the shelf above. The door handle slowly turned before being fully opened by a tall lanky figure, “Louis” a voice whispered shyly. This had to be a hallucinate he thought, no one would dare talk to him let alone call him by his name. Peering out from his nook the Lord saw a who boy looked around the same age as him. Louis recognized him as he tall serving boy who always smiled whilst starting at the ground. The two had seen eachother many times before but never had they spoken. The younger man alway wished to speak with Louis but knew it was forbidden. Thedore had spent his childhood in the shadows of the house finding anything he could to entertain himself. He was told time and time again that he was never to speak to the Lord. Thedore was a serving boy who had been trained to be Louis' personal butler but all the boy wanted was a friend. He thought however that now he would find an excuse to talk with the Lord as he was now his Butler. “I’m Theodore” the tall boy said quickly, eagerly waiting for the older boys response. There was no response only a displeasing stare. “Louis” the boy said once more slowly. “You can’t say me name” louie said in a soft yet authoritative tone. “Forgive I ment, Lord Louis James Arthur Victor Apollo Xaivaier Mori XVI” the tall serving boy said with a small grin and a mocking bow. The Lord stood up and stared down the boy as if he was filth on his shoe. This caused a hurt expression to takeover Theadore’s face. Noticing this Louis quickly rushed to do something, he had spent his life wishing for companionship and now he was being offered a friend. “Hello” he murmured, Theodore stared in disbelief. He had intended to try speaking to the Lord but never did he imagine that he would ever respond. Louis was the lord of the manor, his master and he was but a serving boy. The two looked at each other in silent disbelief, both had never really interacted with anyone their own age however Theadore was much better at it. “I’ll let you be my lord, Forgive me” the butler spoke before turning to leave, “wait” yelped Louis. The two stared at each other again, it was only then that Theodore realised that Louis' eyes were tearing up as a single small tear rolled down his porcelain skin. “What's wrong” he walked over to Lousi he was pinching the back of his hand. “I can't bear it’ the boy cried, his servant sat next to him asking for the lord to explain what he ment. “I wish that I could talk with you but I can’t”, the boy's head hung low as Theodore thought of a response. “Why?”, “because you can't be real, my mind is twisted and making me mad, you're not real so let me be '' Theodore stared at the boy in front of him, the broken boy in front of him. “I have no one in my life, don’t mock me vision you dangle peace before me knowing I can not reach”. Finally, Theodore did something no one in the entire household had ever done before, he removed his velvet gloves before gently placing his hand on Louis' back. The lord flinched and looked up in fear but only saw a smiling clam face looking down. Maybe we aren’t so alone, the two boys thought.
“You can call me teddy my Lord”
“You can call me Louis my friend”

No to far away from the newly formed friendship lay a young Rosalny who was watching a beautiful bird peacefully sit in a tree. The young girl saw in her peripheral vision a hunter ready to shoot down the bird. “Fly”! She yelled, causing the startled bird to fly off, away from harm. “Rose''! The hunter yelled, Rose concealed her knife in her hand just in case anything happened. “Yes” she said in an overly innocent mocking tone. The hunter was massive and physically towered for Rose. His fist lifted and swung at her head with enough force to knock her out. However before contact was made Rose jabbed her knife into the man's side piercing through his ribs stabbing his heart. The man fell face first into the snow as a ruby red substance poured out onto the pure white snow. What had she done, she panicked, ripping back her mothers knife and running back to the town. She stopped herself realising that villagers would soon know of her crime and she would be in serious trouble. Still she had nowhere else to go, she would rather be charged guilty for murder than freeze to death in the forest. Rose made it back home, a bloody path followed her. She ripped of her outer coat and threw it at the wall breaking into tears. Rosalny stopped her crying and began to plan out her next course of action. Despite never having a true education Rosa was intelligent and knew all she needed to know from her late mother and father. Rose walked into the town and began strategically walking about the markets pinching jars of pickled items and other various dried foods. She knew she needed her food to last if she intended to not visit the market again. She was lucky enough to find a small pouch of slivers along her path. Using her new found slivers Rose parched various products from the market. Whist walking about a conversion broke out between the huntress and the other hunters discussing there lack of food. “What if we go and take over the manor” The market went silent and stared at the girl asif she was an alien. Realising she had made a mistake the girl quickly ran off but not before she was grabbed by two shoemakers. “Rose!You can not say something like that, you are not to go to the manor” the huntress yelled. Rosalny broke free from the men's grip and stormed off whilst pocketing more small items and stuffing them in her coat. Once making it home Rose locked up her house and began to work on preserving the food items she had bought. A tear rolled down her cheek, she wished she lived a different life.

Back at the manor Louis spent his days quietly walking through the house, by his side was his butler teddy. The pair had been by each other's side for 3 days straight. Though the lord didnt talk much or really act in a friendly manner, Teddy still enjoyed his company. Louie’ visions had lessened in frequency thus causing the men to become closer friends. Louie never wanted to leave tedd’s side Teddy never did, he was the company he never had growing up. The boys had really only known each other for a few days yet that acted like they had known each other for years. The boys went from only exchanging eye contact before and quickly looking away to roaming the manor talking. The other members of staff had no suspension and suspected that the Lord was simply talking to himself like he tended to do. There would only be trouble if anyone hears Theodore talking back. The Lord knew that if they were caught speaking then Teddy would be severely punished and likely locked in the cell below the house. This thought hung over Teddy's mind yet he didn't let him enjoy his time with the lord. Theodores days weren’t just talking with his friend, he also would prevent his lord from getting injured whilst trying to interact with his hallucinations. In an attempt to hold on to his identity, Louis required for his land to be full of riches. The dark halls that spoke to him were now filled with vast paintings and priceless statues. The household believed that the items had aided in Louis’ mental state however Teddy knew as well as Louis did that nothing had ever worked to help. One day as the two gentlemen were playing cards yet the families lawyer Mr Tompsom walked in. The older man's eyes were staring at the young butler in utter disbelief and hatred. Louis looked over to see his friend's face lose all its colour. No words were said between the three men, they all knew what was happening. Teddy bent his head low wishing for any life other than his own. Two guards were summoned to the room and both roughly hoisted teddy up before aggressively dragging him away. Teddy yelped as the blunt force of a fist pounded his head. Louis watched as his butler did not struggle or protest against the cruelty, he simply compiled before collapsing cold onto the ground. Louis ran to his friend but the guards continued dragging away the unconscious body. A tear rolled down Louis' cheek but no one cared. He yelled out demanding they released his friend but no one even looked at him. He was shouting at the top of his lungs but it was as if no one could hear him. In defeat Louis walked back to his room and continued his card games with voices in his head, they weren't nearly as interesting as teddy but still what choice did he have.

One week had passed since Rose went into hiding and Teddy was imprisoned. Rose cried as she cleaned the bloody knife, she never wanted to kill anyone but what choice did she have. Rosnley spent her days rationing food and reading her late fathers book collection. She remembered her mother reading poetry to her, she wished to read it again but it was in french. The girl looked at her mothers poetry, unable to understand it. Rose pushed aside her papers and opened the back widow before climbing out. Everyday Rose would greet and feed her horse cheval. The girl loved her precious stallion and always found a way to take him for a ride without being seen. She was taking Cheval for a ride when she spotted a figure approaching her.

Louis’ visions were worsening and he knew he had to find Teddy, he was the only person who would talk to him. After dusk the Lord waited patiently for the house to become quiet, everyone had returned to their quarters before midnight leaving Louis with a few hours to meet with teddy. The boy quietly made his way down past the servant quarters before finding a locked wooden door. Louis gently tried to open the door but it was useless without a key. He was infuriated, as the lord and master of the house he should have all the keys however he was viewed as ill fit to carry the keys as he might try and escape. Then a thought crossed the boy's mind. He carefully removed his family crest pin from his vest before jamming it into the keyhole on the door. Finally it opened and a rush of relief eased Louis’ mind. Carefully lighting a candle he walked down the steps until he was standing a few metres away from the iron cell, from teddy. Carefully placing the candle down the lord sat crossed legged waiting thinking about the best way to wake up his friend. Peering between the iron bars, Louis saw his friend, he looked scared and hungry even in his sleep. His skin was stretched along his bones, he looked more like a skeleton than human. The boy's clothing was ripped and frayed and a livid bruise had formed around his eye. “Theodore” no response “Theodore” this time he increased his volume. Eventually giving up the lord removed his shoe and simply chucked it at the sleeping boy. The black leather shoe hit teddy in the rib causing him to wake up coughing and curling to his side. “Theodore” Louis exclaimed but his friend flinched and held his hand over his head. His butler was cowering in fear, a crumpled mess glued to the corner of the cold dark cell. Slowly looking up teddy’s face filled with colour and excitement as he limped over to his friend. The boys spoke with each other as normal but Louis couldn't help but feel responsible for his friend's condition. As if reading his mind, Teddy reassured the young lord that it was not his fault. It felt like they had just gotten to see each other before Louis made the climb back up to the stars promising to bring his friend something to eat for their next visit. Once making it back up the stairs the boy quickly hid behind the door noticing his doctor Diana was looking for him. Slowly manoeuvring his way out from behind the door he slipped away unnoticed, or so he thought. Only a few hours later when Louis was being served lunch did he realise he was spotted leaving teddy. The sound of the impact came first before the household heard Theodore scream. No one else seemed at all faced by the violence. Teddy was being scolded for interacting with the lord whilst having a heavy fist pounded into his gut repeatedly. Louis couldn't take it and went to demand for his friend to be let go however he began trapped by an interesting conversation with the wall.

Shadows in the Snow

A few minutes late, or possible hours, Louis decided that he was sick of being held captive in his own home. He only had Teddy and now he knew that he would never be able to talk with him again. The Lord run to the one window that wasnt blocked of and began working to prie it open. He looked like a dischevied mess, one shoe, a hole ripped in his green vest from the pin and derided blood and dirt on his pants from sitting by the cell. Evenly opening the widow Louis felt cold and shivered, he had never know that the outside world could be so cold. He had never been able to escape before, as a child he was always watched and after gaining his title Teddy would follow him. Slowly he climbed his way through the window holding onto the frame for dear life. He was only on the second floor however the drop frightened Louis. He let go and fell into a soft fresh pile of snow. He closed his eyes tightly, the world was so bright and his pale blue eyes had never expensed it before. He knew that he couldn't stay put, he had to run. Stumbling up the boy ran tripping over the snow he stumped actors the courtyard. The boy made it to a tall menacing fence before once again climbing over it. He hadn’t noticed it immediately but he realised that somewhere along the journey he had cut his arm. It oozes red blood yet Louis continued running, trying to get as far away from the manor as he could. He also regretted not bring his cote or anything to keep him warm, alas he ran. His once clean and prestigious dark green suite was now nothing more than a mess of loose threads and snow.

Roslny was taking cheval for a trot when a dishevelled figure began yelling. Was it yelling at her, she didn't want to stay to find out. Rose began making her way home but then realised that the figure had collapsed. Skillfully dismounting cheval and grasping her knife she slowly approche the figure who now lay face first in the snow. As Rose neared she realised that he was a boy who was violently shivering from the cold. She was sure that she had never seen him before and knew for certain that he wasn’t from the village so she didn't feel the need to hide from him. As much as she probably should have left him she knew that he would freeze in a matter of minutes. Her knife still in hand she slowly turned the boy over. His face was almost pure white except for his nose which was a light shade of pink. His soft lips were parted and small ice cells formed around his lashes. She took off her overcoat and tightly wrapped up the boy. She wondered how stupid one must be to run into the forest with a shirt, vest, pants and one shoe on. She hadn’t yet thought about where he came from, purposefully ignoring the persistent speculation. He couldn’t have been from the manor, either way he was going to die if they stayed out any longer. Rose hoisted the boy over her horse and the group made their way back to Roslny’s home.

Meanwhile, the manors attention quickly shifted from punishing Theodore to finding there lord. There was mayhem as the household searched for any sign of Louis. Below the manor in the cell a confused and terrified Teddy sits waiting for someone to tell him what was happening. The household began sending the guards out into the villedge to find the boy. Single file lines of heavily armed guards terrified the village bursting into every home and forcefully searching for the boy. The guards however failed to find the small isolated cottage that sat just on the edge of town.

Rose stood awkwardly waiting for the boy to wake up, he had been passed out for around an hour. Whistl reading one of her books she hears a loud crash followed by a series of yelps and cries. Her home was quite small, only having three rooms however it felt like a journey trying to get to the terrified boy. Opening her bedroom door she was met with her mothers lamp being thrown at her. Rose stumbled to catch the light before staring at the boy in complete disgust. Before she had time to get angry the boy broke down in tears and covered his ear yelling for everyone to leave. She claimed to have reassured him that no one was there and that only she was in the house with him. After a few minutes the boy calmed down and sat on the floor staring at her. “Hi, are you ok? '' she spoke softly, trying not to scare the boy. She understood that this must have been terrifying. The boy stared at her, still shaking from the cold. “Here” she quickly responded before grabbing one of her winter coats and draping it over the boy's small cold body. “Thank you” he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. “Where am I? I can't be here. It was stupid. Where is teddy? '' The boy rambled on before Rose nudged him with her foot. He stood up and demanded that he be released whilst trying to put on the coat. Rose was very confused and went to go assist her guest with his coat. Once she got close to him, Louie yelped, jumped back terrified, hitting Rose in the face. The boy kept yelling blood curdling screams, and Rose was sure he must have caused some damage to his vocal cords. She couldn’t deal with it so she gave him a strong blow to the face. He hit and ground and rose examined his face, his mouth full of blood. She felt bad but she wasn’t expecting a mad man in her own home. Not risking anything she propped the boy up and tied him to the chair waiting for the boy to wake up again. Every Time the boy yelled he drew more and more attention to her home, to her and she was now wanted for murder.

She hears a loud aggressive fist against the door. Panicked she didn't respond hoping they would think no one was home. The door began bending inwards, they were forcing their way in. Quickly Rose flung the chair with the boy out the back door followed by slamming it shut behind them. Praying they would find the hidden back door, the two sat in the snow. More accurately, Rose sat in the snow and Louis was tied to a chair in the snow.
Once the men left she dragged the boy back inside and began reassembling the door.

Back in the manor Teddy lay in his cell waiting for his daily meal for bread and water. The butler had expected that this was his life from now on and he tried to make the best of it. It wasn’t too bad he thought, however even the mentioning of the lawyer's names caused teddys knees to buckle and make him faint. He was completely oblivious to the mayhem involving the lord however he suspected that Louie would do something stupid without him. A loud crash erupted as the door to his cell was swung right open. With wide eyes Theodore stared at the two guards who were towering over him. Teddy was shaking violently preparing for the worst, he wished that he lived a different life. They roughly grabbed him before forcing him up the stairs, he was very confused as he was meant to spend the rest of his life imprisoned. His shines knocked against the steps as his weak body was pushed up the stairs. He was shoved onto the floor in front of Mr Tomphson, “Theodore Osar '' his words were like pins shooting through teddy as his head hung low. “Yes' ' the boy replied, bracing himself for a blow to the face. “Lord Louis has gone missing and we have reason to believe he is in the village, Do you have anything to do with this'', Theodore could barely process what had happen to both him and his friend, he respond “No, I was not aware of the Lord's disappearance”, “If we find your involved in the Lords disappearances'' The lawyer never finished his sentence. Teddy gulped hard even though he had no reason to be in fear, he knew that he wasn’t involved in his disappearances but if Louie wasn’t found the lawyer would sure make teddys life a living hell. The man informs Teddy that if he finds the young Lord and Louie wishes for him to be his personal butler then they will lift his sentence, if Teddy fails to find Louis then he would be brought back to his cell. Theodore understood and immediately prepared to go out searching for Louis. Teddy returned to his old room, it was a small bedroom just adjacent to the servant quarters, he had many memories in the small room however now was not the time to reminisce. He found his coat and went out venturing into the forest looking for his friend.

Ma Petite Rose

Whilst the hunt for Louis was on Rose contemplated what to do with the boy who was still unconscious with a cut check. Rose’s guest started to stir and abruptly woke up, tugging at his restraints in a panicked fashion.”hello, I'm not going to Hurt you, you are safe” Rose spoke in a slow soft tone. “Hi, i'm going to untie you but you can't go yell ok, if we get caught there will be trouble” She slowed united the lord from the chair, he looked on with confusion. He was still shaking from the cold or perhaps fear, rose didn't know. “Follow” she said signalling to the othe room. The pair left the bedroom and made it the fireplace. She wanted to offer some biscuits or something but she only had a few portion of food left. “I'm Roslny Everlean but you can call me rose” she said confidently, “ok” the boy respond dully. Anyoned Rose asked him what is name was. “I'm Lord Louis Morri XVI, but do just call me Lousi unless your poor'' Rose was taken aback as her suspicions were confirmed. In her home was the alleged insane master of the Mori manor, Lord Louis. She had knocked out and punched the master of a large estate then tied him to a chair. “Where am I” Louis asked, this is my home", replied Rose. Louis started at everything in the room he was mesmerised by it all. “I'm sorry your lordship but I was not prepared for umm company of your statues” she said trying to clear up a pile of notes.”ma petite rose” Lousie said in an odd tone. “I'm sorry?” Rose asked, “The paper it says ma petite rose, its french” Rose looked at the young dishevelled lord “You can speak french” She asked. The boy shrugged and began looking around again. “Why are you so far from home?” and asked, “I had to get out, I hated it there”. Rose looked at him in disgust, how could someone be so spoiled and sheltered that they run away from luxury. Louis' clothing could alone cost a small fortune she thought as the boy casually played with a loose thread in his vest. It portable served him well to be punched in the face and tied to a chair. Everything made sense now, Rose realised that there must have been a search for the boy, she knew anyone found hiding the Lord would face cruel consequences. She felt sick as she looked over to see Louis attempting to make conversation with his own hand. Perhaps he was insane, she thought but nevertheless he was a lord and he was now living in her house.

Two days had passed and Teddy was desperate to find his friend and Rose was forced to return to the market to get more supplies. Wearing her fathers hooded robe Rose began her journey out, she had planned to pinch as many items as she could in under an hour. It was late and dark, she assumed that the town would be quieter making her plan easier. The village however was swarming with armed guards all looking for the lost boy. Rose kept her head down and managed to stash a few bags of sweets. Turning her head she saw a single file line of guards walking in her direction, a panicking rose flung herself into the bar across the street. It was meant to be closed but the door was slightly ajar. Without hesitation she ran behind the bar to hide. Once behind the bar she heard someone breathing heavily, she grabbed the massive sword of the wall and began aming it in the direction of the sound. “Reveal yourself” she said in a strong voice expecting to find another criminal. To her supprise a young boy limped from under a table his head bent low with his hands in the air. “Please dont hurt me” he said in a shaken weary voice racked with fear and sorrow. Rose sighed with relief, she put the sword down and approached the young man. “Hello, I’m Roselny Everlean but you can call me Rose, '' she said with an outstretched hand. “Teddy” he responded, shaking her hand. The boys hand was withered and thin, rose could feel each joint, it was like shaking hands with a skeleton. Rose noticed that he wore the same velvet gloves as all the other guards did, he couldn't be a guard though. His soft face was bruised and his eyes were a scarlet red from crying, his weak skinny body looked as if he was going to topple over with the slightest breeze. The two made small talk whilst waiting for the coast to be clear. The boy was clearly hungry as he eyed one of the sweets in her coat, she offered him one. Teddy looked at her in disbelief before snatching the sweet and eating it thanking her for her generosity. Watching the boy she noticed that despite being taller than her he seemed younger, he later revealed that he was 16. Rose watched the boy shivering and knew he must have been freezing in his torne up, frayed suite. “Do you have anywhere to go? '' Rose asked the young man, “No, not at this stage” a tear rolled down his bruised face. Offering Teddy a place to stay for the night Rose had briefly forgotten of the beaten up Lord in her house. Rose thought about the Lord and knew that there could be trouble if teddy found him however the boy looked so scared and helpless. She would simply hide Louie in her room and block of the door, Teddy’s face was full of excitement as he jumped up to follower her. Under rose’s guid the two made it back to her home. “Stay here” she said sternly, Teddy obayed standing outside with his head bent still bent low. Rose ran inside and dragged the sleeping lord into her room locking the door behind. “Enter” she yelled. Teddy looked around the room in amazement, he had technically lived in a manor his hole life but he only had one room. His room at home was much smaller than Rose's house however it was still his home. Rose offered the boy some more sweets as Teddy warmed himself by the fire. Unable to kick him out, Rose awkwardly sat adjacent to the boy waiting for him to leave.

“So what brings you to town” she longed for more information. “I need to find the Lord or my life will be very short and painful” his words were so casual as he twirled a cup of tea, Rose choked on her drink and stared at him in horror. Teddy laughed thinking about his future, he needed to find Louis or he wouldn’t have one. Rose was just about to ask him to leave when a loud crashing sound came from her bedroom. Teddy flinched at the loud sound and covered his face. Rose barged into her room to find Louis bashing up a mirror, his fist cut with blood. Once noticing Rose Louie stopped pounding the mirror and formerly stood upright. The two stared at each other both fearing for their safety. Meanwhile Teddy was in the background pocketing the girls sweets before he ran over to them. Rose watched as teddy ran to boy and tightly grasped him in a warm embrace. Louis was stiff and didn't hug back but Rose knew he missed his friend. “So you two know” Rose said sarcastically, "No” Teddy responded, '' We have never met” he said dryly. Louis was tearing up, wiping dirt of his friends face, Rose was truly baffled by the interaction. Louis couldn’t help but cry as he cleaned the servant's face with the back of his hand, the lord's smooth skin glided along Teddy’s grubby cut face. Louis was thrilled that his butler was safe and Teddy was full of relife. Rose however was full of fear, what would happen to her for keeping the Lord. Teddy walked over to the girl, it was now that the lord and Rose truly realised that either they were both short or teddy was tall. Thedodore was quite skillful at reading the room, Louis was not. “Thank you for all you have done, for me and Master Louis and we are forever grateful” He said kindly “Also can I have another sweet? '' he inquired. Rose nodded her head and laughed, Teddy seamed calm and didnt seam like one to get her into trouble. Louie gave his butler a defiant stare before the two men exsucsed themselves. Louie was begging teddy not to take him back home, tears rolling down his face. Teddy wished he could, he wished that they could be friends in another world. “Please dont make me go back” Louis knelt on the floor beggin, he looked like a pathetic young child begging their parents for help. “Forgive me friend” Teddy said with equal sorrow as he brushed his hand though the lord's hair. Evetly the two prepared to leave and make their way back to the manor. Rose was finishing up her book when the two boys joined her, “What do we do about that girl?” Louis said oblisous to his rudeness. “Ignore him” Teddy mouthed with an apologetic nod. They were about to part ways when the door was kicked in. The three jumped and Rose bought them to the secret back door. If any of them got caught, there will be consequences. The two were silent however Louie’ mind began to wander as he babbled in french to the sky. “What do we do!” Teddy yelled though a whisper. Louie suddenly fell into teddy’s lap, Rose had rocked him in the back of the skull. Teddy gave the girl a wink and slightly smirked at her. Theodore brushed his gloved hands through his master’s blond hair. Rose watched Lousi, she had never sean someone so peaceful before. “Clear” a loud voiced echoed causing Teddy to flinch and tremor. Once the guards left Teddy and Rose began the task of carrying the unconscious lord inside. Rose held the boys feet and Teddy held the boys torse, his head bobbled under him. The boy was surprisingly light making it easy for the two to bring him around the house. “So whats life in the town life” Teddy asked, Rose often found herself baffled by the butler, they where dragging an uncosion body though the snow and he was asking novel questions. The two did indulge in banter whilst waiting for louis to wake up. The boy began stirring and speaking in his sleep, teddy imadenlt rushed to his friends side trying to wake him. The boy woke up with a jotle accidentally kicking teddy in the stomach, Rose laughed as Lousi gave his butler a puzzled gaze as if trying to figierout why he was on the floor. The three shared meal, it was the first propper meal Teddy and Rose had had in a while but Louis could care less. “One thing needs to be made clear” The butler spoke clearly. “Im going to take Louie back to the manor and say that I found him wandering in the forest, You have never met us before and had no idea about Louie, If anyone asks, you dont know” Rose and Teddy agreed, Louis was reluctant but knew if he stayed in the village his friend will be punished. The two boys returned the coats Rose gave them and left, “I wish to see you again” she said in a mocking tone. “Fearwell fine lady” teddy jocked back, “We are forever in your debt” The two boys parted ways with Rose as they headed for the manor.

Once making it near the manor a cascade of guards ran to the boys and took Louie to Lady Diana their families doctor. No one checked if teddy was ok but he was used to it, his life ment much less then Lousi’. Teddy made his was back to his old room when he was stoped by the lawyer. Theodores head dropped and his spine curved, he shook violently and wished for his friend to save him. “So you found the boy” his husky voice acked, Teddy responded his voice was shaky and quiet. Mr Tompsom integrated the boy with a series of questions, Teddy thought he would faint before his fate would be determined. “For now I will have you sent back to your cell and shall make my decision about you later, I have more impanrt things to do” His hand formed a shooing motion as a signalling for Teddy to leave. Theodore hated it, He just wanted to burry his face in his bed and have his friend comfort him. Two hands grasped his backs and he made his way back down his cell. It was lonely and cold and the butler wondered if that was how Lousi had felt whenever they locked him in his room. On the upper leves of the house Diana was cleaning and examining Louis’ cuts, they were all minor and within an hour he was discharged and left the medical chambers. On his way back to his sleeping quarters he noticed that there was no sign of teddy anywhere. He tried asking about but no one would speak to him, they only pointed in the direction of Mr Tompsom. “Tompsom” Louis yelled angrily, the older gentlemen turned around and looked at the weak boy. “Teddy recused me from the snow and he has been trained to be my personally assistant yet you lock him up and treat him like he is nothing”, “Sir, forgive me my lord but what worth dose that boys life have” Louis began crying, Very well” the lawyer quietly said. Normally Lousi would crave human interaction but his whole childhood he hated talking with the family lawyer. Mr Tompsom was the only member of staff aloud to speak to him but yet he often choose to ignore the boy. Later that night Louie hear a knock at the door, enter he said. The door flew open and Teddy flung himself into the room. Laughing and smiling the two boys where now back where they belonged, Louis in his home and teddy by his side. “Mr Tompsom told me that you wished that I was released”, “Yes Theodore, you are my butler and good friend”. Teddy had never felt important before but the fact that the Lord of the manor would actively work to help him caused Teddy to smile and fidget a bit with the frayed edges of his shirt.

The Art of Normal

The following days where like normal, the two boys roamed around talking and the other members of staff did nothing to stop it. Louie had made it clear that he could not be trusted unless theodore was around him. Recently the staff aloud it even mr Tompsom who gritted his teeth together whenever seing the laughing boys together. Teddy was hated among the household but he didn’t mind, he had Lousi and that was all he needed. One day however lousie was struggling with his mind and was brought to the hospital wing for inspection. Teddy was then left to roam about the home occasionally rearranging some plants to look busy.

Rose had alsmot forgent about the two boys, it felt like a fever dream and she would find herself thinking about the interaction constantly. She remembered Louie reading her mothers poem, she had not hear it in years but still her mind was permanmtly imprated with Louis’ french. She also thought out Teddy and wonder if he would be alright, it troubled her to think that he could be treated so cruelly over such a minor action. Rose was surviving, she didnt care what happened but if she lived she won. Rumours had spread though town and Rose knew that she was wanted for the murder of the hunter in the forest. She had her belongings packed in a leath bag ready for her to leave at a moment's notice. Her mothers poetry and father books took up most of the bag, Rose didnt own much but what she did own was priceless and valuable to her. Rose felt a surge of panic in her as she hear the police and huntress talking about her near the house. She was expseting this to happen, she even prepared for it but still she was no ready to be forced to leave her house. Grabbing her bag she quietly snuck out the back and broke out into a run. She didn’t know where she was going but she was getting as far from the village as she could. Eventually finding a place to stop she set up a camp and planed her next moves. A few hours later she made her way back home to fetch her beloved horse. Apologising to him as if he could respond she road him back to her new home. It was no way to live, she was bearly living. She was cold and hunger and what little food she had, she shared it with her stallion. A few days had pasted and Rose’ condition worsened. She needed to find food and sheltered and she need to find it soon. She thought about Teddy, “We are forever in your debt” he told her. She knew it was absorb and she likely would be thrown in a cell for trespassing on Mori proprietary but what other option did she have. The next morning her and cheval made their way up the rough terrain to the manor. Once she arrived at the tall twist gates she looked for a stable or somehere for cheval. Her eyes caught a plae glow just of the side of the manor, it was a stable. She felt a rush of relife and let her horse enter. She wished to follow but noticed that three footmen were playing a game of cards outside, she left cheval their and slowly retreated. She needed to find teddy or Louis but preferably teddy. She made the climb over the tall gates and managed to get into the manor without to many injuries, only a few supsitial cuts and grazes. She looked around at the grand home, Rose had never sean anything like it. The halls where dark and covered with old paintings and dimily lit chandler casted a dull light over her. She wanded about quietly suspecting that the staff where all sleeping, she crossed a few old cleaners but they didnt notice her. She hear someone approaching and ran down the hallway into the nearest room. Teddy was dusting Louis' coin collection when he hear someone enter the room. He quickly ducked before they could see him. Now without Louie by his side anything could happen to him. Rose took out her knife and locked the door. Teddy hear the click and feared for what would happen next. He slowly stood up his head still bent, Rose turned around and screamed had she been caught. Teddy didnt know what was happening but he heard screaming so he joined. The two made eyecontact and took them a few seconds to prosses that they were in eachothers company. “What are you doing hear” Teddy said breathing heavily he graved the duster and held it pointed at rose, “What are you going to do clean me” she sounded frustrated and teared up. “You need to leave ok, I dont know how you got here but you cant stay here”, Rose fainted on the spot and Teddy quickly tried to help her. Whilst picking her up he felt her icy skin against his own, her ribs poked out and her face looked like a skull. He could leave her, he had to help her like she did to him. He picked up the frozen girl with ease, she weighed nothing. She carried a small bag and was wearing nothing but her ragged nightgown. “What am I doing” he laughed to himself. Carefully opening the door he began his journey to his room. He held the girl tight to his chest and was able to doge the few roaming guards who where still up. Finally making it to his room he opened the door gently lowed the girl onto his bed. He felt a sense of embasment looking at his room, it wasn’t even his really his old master gave it to him so he could be kept away from Lousi. Using his small ragged blanket that his mother made from him, he draped it over the girl and fished through his pockets looking for any food. Evently waking up Rose looked around and found herself in a small room by herself, teddy had gone to pinch some food from the kitchen. She coloudn’t be in the manor she thought to herself looking at the small and empty room. There was one very small childs bed barely fitting her, a pile of raged clothes and a few neat sites hung in the corner. There was a single candle in the conor provide a warm and bright light. Teddy retired with a small cup of tea that he offered her. “This is my room I guess” he looked at the floor, “It really isn’t much but-” Rose thanked him for letting her stay and ensured him his room was lovely. “Teddy” she said softly, “I’m wanted for mured but I didnt mean to kill him and…” she broke into a sob. Theodre handed Rose a handkerchief and placed a small pice of toast infornt of her. “I dont care” he said “you helped me and my friend so I will do what I can to help you”. Outside the door a young lord walked about looking for his butler. He tried asking where hwe as but no respone, he wondered why he kept trying. Eventually he ran into Teddy who was anxiously eyeing a leftover pice of bread. Teddy, Louis yelled running over to his friend. Teddy flinched but then relaxed realsing it was his friend. He hadn’t thought things through properly, would he tell Lousi, what should he do how mind was buzzing. The older boy handed teddy the piece of bread and asked his friend what was wrong. “Nothing” Teddy said, it pained him to push Louis away but he had to. Louis looked hurt and tried to pire an answer of of his butler. Teddy just kept walking and acted like he couldn’t hear nor see louis. The young lord felt broken again, how could this happen, the one person who cared about him no longer deared looked at him. Louis was going to cry but then the floor stated talking to him again.

Teddy opened his door and handed Rose the bread. He looked defteat as his eyes weltled up. Whats wrong Rose asked but she had a feeling she knew what it was. She had made him promise to not tell Lousi and it must've caused him great pain. She knew how much the lord meant to the boy. There was a knock at the door causing the pair to jump in fear, not waiting for a response the door opened revealing a tense guard. The man didnt see rose who was hiding under Teddy's bed and went straight to the butler before punching him in the face. Theodore spat out a mouthful of blood before being dragged out of his room. He was thrown headfirst down a flight of stairs and scrambled to get up. A sharp tool hit his temple and his vision was threatened by blackness. What was happening he thought, he was thrown back into the cell he had once lived in and cried out asking for answers.

Rose lay hidden under the bed and stayed there for a while after the door had shut. She wanted to know what happened to Teddy but feared for her safety if she left the room. A few hours passed and Teddy was dragged up the stairs agrissivly. A tight hand grasped his throat causing him to splatter and cough. He was thrown roughly onto the floor before a knife was brought to his chest, “What did you do to the Lord? '' a voice yelled, Teddy was dazed and couldn’t make out what was happening, a punch to his head did not help his confusion. He knelt on the ground and was clamped in irons. “What did you do” the man yelled in teddy’s face spitting on him hatefully, his hand still held onto the knife. Suddenly a pericing scream erypted from the butler as the cold slick blade pressed into his chest penetration his clothes. Droppelts of red fell from the blade as the young boys shirt became soaked in his own blood. One by one a fist would smash into Teddy’s body each with brutal force. His vision was blurring and blackness began taking over when he heard a voice yell stop. He wanted to see who his mercy was with but fell to the floor slipping into sleep. Louis yelled at the guards as fresh tears rolled down his face, his bloodshot eyes stared at his friend and he fell to his knees. A gloved hand extended to pick the boy up but Louis gave the men the signal to leave. Louis held onto his friend's body and screamed. Clutching onto the boy he cried, he had never cried this much before, not even where his parents disappeared. He brought Teddy up to his room before dressing in his formalist attire to make a statement to the home. He stood in front of the household staff, his blond hair drenched with sweat, his teeth chattering. “I Lord Louis James Arthur Victor Apollo Xaivaier Mori XVI demand that for the next 72 hours No one is to be in the home, I wish for only teddy to stay and I shall give my word that I will forever stay in the house” The lawyer went to confront the boy but Lousi was full of rage and pain, no one could do anything to change his decisions. Within a matter of hours the house became barren and the household retired to the Mori family's second smaller estate. Rose mourned Teddy’s company and grew frail in bed.

The young broken lord ran up the stairs to find his butler still unconscious lying spread across the floor in a puddle of his own blood. “Teddy” he cried out, as if he heard, Teddy stirred awake and growed grasping his head. “Louie” he said shocked, before realising that the boy had wrapped his hands around him in an embracing hug. “Hey man” Teddy chuckled as Louis sobbed into his chest. “Im ok, Louis, '' he stroked through the boy's light hair. “Im sorry” it was all Louis could say, “It was my fault they did this to you.”Teddy waited for further explanation, “I couldn’t bare you ignoring me, your all I have an it killed me to see you hate me, the staff knew I was upset and traced it back to you” The boy buried his face into his friends chest. Even though Louis was older than Teddy by one year, he acted like a child seeking comfort from his older brother. All Louis wanted was a friend, he didn't want anything else. The two held each other crying on the floor when a young girl walked in holding a piece of toast. “Teddy, Rose!” Louis' eyes darted between the two yelling. Teddy placed his hand over the lord's mouth muffling his confused yelling. “Sorry about him, he missed his nap” Teddy said jokingly. Rose did not appreciate the joke. Louis passed out in teddy’s arms and the rose and the butler looked at each other “Deja vu” teddy slowly said dodging the flying piece of bread rose pegged at him. This was not his day, Teddy thought as he hoisted up the unconscious boy placing him on his bed. Rose looked at Louis terrified, “why are you so scared of Louis knowing” he asked. “If he knows that I'm sure to be doomed” she yelled, a mix of anger and fear racked her voice. “I'm hiding in a manor and he is the lord of the manor, think Teddy”. “Sorry i'm not very good at that” the taller boy responded before being hit by Rose’s small pocket watch. Racked with fear Rose knew she had to leave, It was no longer safe for her to stay there. She grabbed her bag of stuff and began finding her way out.

Teddy took no note of the rose and was prioritising Louis, thankfully Teddy had free ragin over the house for 48 hours. The older boy eventually woke up and called out for his butler. Teddy ran over to Louis’ room to see if his friend was alright, he was alright as a slightly insane Lord could ever be. The two laughed like equals and Teddy through a pillow at the lord's head. In retaliation Louis jumped over the covers and tackled his friend. For that time the two boys forgot about everything else and just played like young boys would. It was only when a guard Burst in later that they remembered what was acutely happening.

Rose was unaware that there was an entire army of guards waiting just beyond the perimeter of the house to prevent Louis from escaping. Rose was strong and quick on her feet however she had not recovered from her hypothermia or lack of food. Quickly the guard caught her and clasped her in irons before dragging her back to the house. She struggled and resisted the force but she was defenceless to the 4 men dragging her up flights of stairs. She was going to be forced to her knees in front of the lord of the manor. She sat in a large room awaiting for further information. Two men bursted into the room where Louis and Teddy were talking, the guard walked over and picked Louis up and brought him out of the room. Theodore forget that they never spoke to him, it always made him feel uncomfortable when any of them would drag Louis around without ever telling him why. Louis was brought to the court room where he met Rose, she was in irons and stared at him with hunger and rage in her eyes. Louis stared at her in pity and wished that he had nothing to do with this. The armoured men handed Louis a scroll which read; Lord Louis James Arthur Victor Apollo Xaivaier Mori XVI, Today a young girl was found leaving the estate, she will be held in the cell until your lawyer returns. We are terribly sorry for any inconveniences this has caused you. The girl is to be put to death. Louis looked at the struggling girl, he didn't remember anything that he read beside, put to death. The men snacthed the paper of the boy and roughly tossed the girl out the room causing her to fall into the table. Louis followed as the girl was dragged around, Teddy walked past them and hung his head in fear when seeing the guards. Louis hated the fact that Teddy and Rose cower in the presence of his men. Rose was violently tossed into the cell before the door was slammed behind her. Louis and Teddy watched from afar, neither one could look away as the girl was beaten by the guards. Louis began crying and Teddy shoke, his hands trembling as he held onto louis shoulder. Neither could do anything, there were specific orders regarding not talking to Louis and Teddy was but a servant, his word meant nothing. The guards left the home once more and informed the butler that with the next 48 the household staff would return. Louis was glad that Teddy was there to pass on information but still 48 was not a lot of time. Louis looked over at his friend who looked pale and ill in the face. His skin was slightly more tanned than Louis’ yet in the presences of Louis’ men he was ivory and dull.

New precaution where in place, the entire manor was locked and they gave Louis one key. Teddy asked if he got a key but the man tugged on his collar drawing him near “If the boy is hurt or upset when we arrive I will make sure that you so called life will be slow and painful. Your worthless life will not Impact his Lord” Teddy was trembling in fear and nodded his head. Louis walked in and stared at the two, his eyes went foggy and glossy as he clutched onto the wall, Teddy ran over and tried to catch the boy before he hit the ground. The Soldier gave Teddy a menacing glance before turing on his heal and leaving the house. Theodore held Louis tightly cradling him like an infant. The poor boy's naive brain couldn’t understand the pain of the world. The butler went to bring Louis to his room but then rembed the house was locked, only Louis had the key. Teddy frantically searched the boys coat but then gave up. A thought crossed his mind however as he carried the Lord to his small servant quarter. As he suspected the door was not locked, he pushed open the door and gently lay his friend down on the bed. Teddy noticed how small Louis physically was as he was just able to fit in Teddy’s bed. It wasn’t much of a bed he thought, more a mattress on the floor with a heap of blankets and cloths over it. Sitting against the wall Teddy dozed of into sleep, the house was quite and still. Just under an hour later Louis jolted awake, he scammed the peculiar room he was in and began to panic. Nothing was similar except for Teddy who was fast asleep. They weren’t in the manor anymore, they couldn't be. Louis looked at the small moulded mattress he was on and wondered if the blankets had ever been cleaned before. The room smelt of mold and liqur and a pile of ragged clothes took up most of the floor space. A single wax candle lit the room, it was more of a closest then a room as there was barely enough room for one to stand without tripping over rages. “Theodore” he yelled. He pocked and prodded his friends side until he woke up. “Stoppppp” he slowly said, before rubbing his eye with the back of his wrist. Looking up got staled by the slight of louis standing over him causing the boy to kick his company in the leg. Louis fell to the ground clutching his leg, “Teddy” he said laughing “what is wrong with you”, “so much” The butler responded. “Where are we?” the older boy asked, “This place is filthy, Rose's house was better than this rag and she is a commoner”. Teddy looked away embarrassed, sometimes the boys would forget that they both lived different lives in the same manner. “This is my home” teddy gestured to the room. “Oh, well its rather-”, “you dont have to lie my Lord its nothing like your room but this place is the only place where I can sit and not feel to worried about being punched in the face” Louis and Rose never understood how teddy could be overly dramatic to small things but nonchalantly breezes over truly crue events. The two boys sat in awkward silences when a pitching scream pelted there ears. “What in the name of Mori was that” Teddy exslaimed, Louis quickly chuckled at his friends odd experion before they made there way to the cells where Rose was being kept. Running down the boys found Rose yelling in her sleep, “Rose” teddy yelled pulling on the bars, “Move you imbecile” Louis ` pushed his friend out of the way to use the key he was given. The boys looked at the girl in pure fear and discue. Her face was screated and brused and one of her eyes had swelled shut. She woke up and imdelty kicked Teddy in the face full force, she was weak and injerd but Rose was always stong. She snacthed the keys from Louis and pointed tham at him, the boy was frozen and Teddy dragged him away. Louis wonder how a girl so beautiful so could such a thing. “I dont want to ever see you again” Rose yelled a heart wrenching plea. Teddy pointed to himself “what me, who dosnt love me” Louis silenced him with a look. “No, You Lord Louis Victor james oliver Morri”, “that's not my name” he responded. “I don't care, and also teddy, the second Louis saw me things when badly, I told you” her eyes where full of anger and hatred. “Fine” teddy grabbed louis and two walked back up the stairs.

“What do we do I mean she is clearly in pain and she helped us” Louis beggan flapping his hands and breathing heavily. Teddy held his friend's hand and shared with him an idea. If the two able to befriend Rose and gain her trust then they could work together and free her and themselfes. With Rose’s aid the boy where sure to be free and could change and live out there days elsewhere. The two boys hated to admit it but they both enjoyed there time with her and wished only best for the girl. “How could we possibly convince her to join us in an escape plan” Louis was not convinced. “With my charms and your money she wont resist” Teddy had a nack for humor however this was cernlty not the time. “First lets make sure she eats, we can escape with her if she is starved, we can have tea ” Louis nodded and went to get dressed in his semi formal tea suit. “Where are you going? '' the butler asked, “to prepair for tea” the boy respond, Teddy laughed he forgot how posh and sheltered Louis was. “Stay in that man, you try and convince her to join us in the dinning room for Tea and i’ll prepair some snacks for us” Louis was gobsmacked but the statement, “Do you know how to make food” he asked, “Yes, im a serving boy rember, I've been taught to do anything you might require my Lord” he respond with a mocking deep and overly theatrical bow. “I hate you”, “I know, thats why its funny” teddy joked before Louis handed him the keys to the kitchen. Louis breathed in deeply ignoring the voices talking to him. He mad his way down and called out for rose. A sharp object few in his direction landing in his shoulder. “I was aiming for you head,” the girl shouted. ‘Where did you get the knife from” louis asked. “I made it out of the candle holder you men so kindly left me” Rose was smiling and the swelling in her eye had gone down revealing her hazel eyes wickedly stated through him. “Are you hunger” louis asked akwardsly, “No thanks Im good your majesty” Rose must have picked up Teddy’s sarcasm he thought. Louie handed her a pair of velvet gloves and unlocked the cell. “Please join me and Teddy for lunch, we wish that you accept the invite”. Rose threw the gloves back at Louis but reclanlty agreed. She tried not to show it but she was starving and as a child, she wished for nothing more than to have friends. She refused to where the velvet gloves but stood up and the two walked up the narrow stair case in complet silence. In the kitchen above Teddy prepared tea and carefully arranged various pastries and sandwiches he made. Bringing them to dining room he lit the many candles on the table and awaited his company. Rose and Louis walked through the corridors when Louis saw a stange man running at him, he fell ot he floor and held his head tight begging the man to not hurt him. Rose looked around trying to find this threat by there was no one, perhaps the rumours of an insane Master where true. She tapped him on the back bringing him back to reality, the two continued as if nothing had happened. Rose would never dare say it but Louis home was grand and beautiful it felt like she jumped into one of her fathers books or mothers poems. Louis opened the massive doors revealing teddy who was already pouring himself a cup of tea. Louis pointed to the chair at the end of the table and Rose sat there, the boy walked to the opposite side of the table and sat on his throne like chari. Teddy laughed at the sight, “Ok, Louis get of your thrown and sit closser to Rose” The boy stood and moved next to the girl, he didnt know why he was taking orders from his butler but he trusted teddy with his life. “Sit” the two pointed to the seat next to them, teddy didnt understand, he wasn’t aloud to sit at the table. He shared with them the rules regarding dining with the master. I’m just a servant, I do not sit at the masters table he thought. “Im wanted for muder so what sit” Rose said with a smirk as Louis slightly shifted away from her in fear. Teddy poured three cups of tea and headed them out, Rose looked down at her cup, it was small and dainty with a gold handle. It was precious and beautiful, she loved it. “It’s not poisoned” Teddy said jokingly, “I wish it was” she respond causing Louis to laugh spilling a bit of his drink. “Don’t be rude Rose, Teddy prepared this tea especially for you” “well now im sure its poised” she said. Teddy dropped his cup and poured the entier contents of the drink into roses lap, “Sorry, I must of slipped”. The three laughed like old friends and freedom was already closer. Teddy and rose where tucking into the pasteris and snadwiches scoffing each down. “Dont forget to breath” Louis commented, “Want one” offed Teddy, “No im not overly hungary”. The other two looked at each other and laughed, that was a sentence neither of them had the luxury to stay before. “Very well, it is time we..” Louis didnt finished his sentence, his eyes fixated on the floor, his mouth opened and closed as if he was talking but there was no sound, “Louis?” Rose was confused once again. Teddy rushed over to Louis side and held his arm out to catch the boy if he fell, on que Lousi slowly leaned back into Teddy’s arms before briefly going limp and then returning to his normal stat. “Welcome back my lord”, Louis pushed teddy away smiling. “Care to explain” rose needed answers. Louis left the room and Teddy explained that the boy had voices in his head and would often hallucinate alted worlds. Rose nodded feeling a bit of simpany for the boy, he was rich and spoiled but his own mind was against him. Onto her next question she inquired about the gloves, teddy took a minute to think of a response, “Before Louis’ parents disappeared everyone in the house was forbbidedn from talking to the boy and each member of the household were regularly fitted with these velvet gloves. If required the guards would be able to drage Louis around without skin to skin contact. My mother told me that the second he was born the staff where given clear instruction that thoughs who spoke with him would be severely punished. Now that Louis is the lord I thought we would be able to speak with him but at this stage only his lawyer” Rose listened and wished she had treated the boy more kindly, he had been alone and mad for all his life. “Wait, you can also talk to him” he must of made a mistake, she thought. “No” he lifed up the edge of his shirt to reveal a large cut down his side and a few broken ribs. “I’ve have my fair share of beatings and many nights in the cell but no matter what they do to me, Louis is my friend”, Rose admired the loyalty teddy had, It out shined any master and butler relationship. A tear bubbled in his eyes, the memory of the abuse hurt more than the injuries. Rose began to feel sympathy for both the boys but still, she was going to be executed in a few days time due to Louis.

Teddy excused himself to go find Louis and Rose was left in the massive dinning room exsueted and tried. Evently dozing of her eye lids grew heavy and she sliped into sleep. Outside Teddy found Louis who was staring at a plant. “Stop talking to the plant” he jokingly said, Louis threw him an unappreciative glance. “What do we do now” Louis whispered, “I dont know mate, we can only hope”, Hope, the word hit Louis like a ton of bricks he had never known of such word. “Whats hope?” The boy was so pure and innocent Teddy thought as he exmiled to the lord the contempt of hope. “I Hope you can be happy” Louis said through a sniffied cry. “I am happy” Teddy enclosed Louis in a hug and the two sobbed, they were not sad but hopeful. They did not have much time but still they where hopeful. Louis ented the dinning room to find rose sleeping on the chair, “Rose!” he yelled. The startled girl fell of the chair “What was that for” she demanded, “I wanted you to wake up” Louis said as he turned around to leave, “Follow” he said. Rose was not going to follow but then Teddy pushed Louis back in nugging him towards the girl. The lord reluctantly invited the girl to join them in the palor downstairs. Rose followed the two boy down the endless corridor and down a set of stairs that twisted in a spiral. They eventually made there way into the pallor where the boys used to play poker together, Rose had no idea why she was there. Louis pointed to a chair, “Sit, we don't bite, '' Rose hestanted but sat in the grand armchair sinking into the soft silk cushioning. “Can you play” Louis asked, “play what” Rose was confused, “Poker” teddy said his voice smooth and calm as he shuffled a deck of cards. Rose had only played poker a few times before but agreed to a game, the three opened a bottle of champagne and prepared for there night. After the first few round of poker and champagne the three where loose and jocking about. A Lord, a butler and a an imprisoned common girl, the unlikely group bonned over what little they had in common. “We need music” Teddy whisper counting his cards. Louis stood up and made his way over to the piano that sat in the corner. “What are you doing mate” Teddy did not intend for Louis to play music but still. Louis sat on the piano and began playing a few notes before an eruption of classical music filled the room. The lords fingered lifted of the piano as he effortless played. “No need to show of” rose laughed, Louis began playing a light simple melody and Teddy continued dealing out cards. Rose watched as Louis got lost in the music and Teddy’s hand swayed about to the rhythm as he downed his glass. Maybe she could befriend them she thought perhaps her last few days alive would be good. Little did Rose know the two boys had no intention of letting her die, they had to escape and the three of them could live out there days drinking and playing poker together.

Louis and Teddy knew what was going to happen and they didnt have much time. This was there once chance to convince Rose to escape with them, it was inevital. Teddy raised his hand and drunkenly waved for Louis to re-joinl them. Rose was billsiful unawere of what the boys where going to ask of her. “Rose ' Teddy looked anxious, “We need your help” Louis’ eyes were pleading. What could a Lord possibly wish for a peasant girl to help him with, Rose couldn’t understand. “As you know you will be executed in the next few days”, Rose sighed “Thanks for reminding me” she got up about to leave but teddy's fearful face nodded back to the seat. “We need freedom, You want your freedom as it will spare you from execution, Teddy wants his freedom so that he can live out his life without fear of punishment and I wish for freedom to simply live my life” the words where heavey and the three fell silent, only the occasional sniffle and cough from the Lord. Rose couldn’t, she wished nothing more than her freedom yet when provided with the oppotunity she felt conflicted. She was chocked up on feelings and teddy had to excuse himself before cluching his stomach breathing heavily. Louis' mind was elsewhere but Rose knew he was in pain. Teddy eventually spoke, “It's getting late”. Louis nodded and stood up unbuttoning his coat he was tired and his mind was turning on him again. “Rose, you can have the guest room, its just across the hall three rooms down” Rose stood and made her way to her new room before remembering that a guard would stand by her cell at night. “Why would they do that” teddy asked, “To make sure I don't murder you in your sleep.” Rose thanked the boys for the night and quickly made her way back to the cell before the guard would. Teddy handed Rose the cell key so she was able to lock the door behind her. She quickly fell asleep and barely noticed the gloved man watching her.

“Sleep well my Lord” Teddy had just finished dressing Louis in his nightgown and was making his way back to his room. Louis remembered the boy's small room; it was cold, damp poorly lit and moulded. He felt bad for his friend, he worked in such a lashive home yet his sleeping arrangements where dull and poor. Louis felt a sense of guilt looking at his four poster bed, it was lined in silk blankets and had a carefully place arrangement of pillows piled over it. He understood that Rose was sleeping in a cell becuse she was being charged for a crime however teddy had never done anything wrong in his entire life. He was beaten, starved and forced to live in a tiny modelled room yet he still managed to be the kindest person Louis ever met and his closest friend. As a child teddy loved his room but now he could not look at his room without be reminded that his life meant nothing. He wondered if Louis and Rose where ok, he hoped they where. Unlike Louis, Theodroe didn't have many laish changes of clothes or nightswere, he simply wore a loose pair of pants to sleep. Teddy sat close to the caldel letting the warm glow back his bare chest, his room was always cold and drafty but Teddy just expected it. Evently blowing out the candel he attmped to lie on his bed, his long limbs could fit and he barely was able to sleep on the lumpy moulded mattress. Lousi couldn’t let his friend sleep in such condition, the boy made his way down to the servents quartes and tried to find teddy’s room. His nightgown was long, pale and modest adorned with an embroidered symbol of the Mori crest on the back and royal blue ruffles at the cuffs. Only Teddy and his parents had ever seen him in them, he felt embarrassed at their lack of modesty, his forearms were shown and his ankles could just be seen. The lord knew that showing much skin was unesceleble but still he went to find Teddy. Evetuly finding the cold moudled room he opened the door quitety to find teddy spred along the floor asleep, the tiny mater he lay on did nothing for him and his small knited just covered his torso. “Teddy, wake up” Louis tapped on the wall causing teddy to sluggish wake up. His eyes perked up when he saw his friend and he sat up immediately, the blanket fell revealing his thin bare batter chest. Louis looked away in shock, he had never seen anything like that before. He pressed his hands over his eyes and tried to locate the door shutting it. He stood in the hallway his eyes tight shut, “In the name of decency where something your a butler not an animal. Teddy crackle as the Lord stood traumatised in the hall. “Never seen skin before” he yelled while looking for a shirt to where. “You speak of this to no one and we pretned it never happened” he demanded. Teddy threw on a stained white undershirt, it was loose and had a hole in the elbow but it would suffice. “Your safe your royal highness” he swung the door open and laughed at Louis who still looked mortified. “Where is your sleep wear” he asked, instead of respond to the question Teddy bent over laughing, this infuriated the older boy. “My dearest friend, not everyone has the luxury of your closet”, Louis looked at his friend and no longer cared about seeing his skin, he just cared about providing his butler with a better life. “Follow” he said as they made their way out of the servants quartes. Teddy felt embered by his clothing, his friend was use to such a electric way of life he must of been discued by him. Louis didn't care what life Teddy lived; they would soon be living a new life as friends. Once the boy made it to the fourth floor Louis guied teddy to the gest room chambers. He causly opened the doors revels a small living room like hall leading to three sepeorte room, the bedroom, the bathroom and another room for the guest clothing and personal items. Feeling very uncomablet and akuwards Louis relised how stuck up and spoiled he must seam to his friend “Good night, loctat my chambers is you need anything” louis quickly made his way back to his chambers feeling spoiled and cruel.

Teddy aimlessly wandering through the sleep quarters, he had only been in this room once when he was young and then got stiked across the face for it. He didnt know what he was doing, the bed was so perfect and he felt so out of place. No wonder Louis felt loney he thought the rooms where large and had an echo. There was no warmth or life in the rooms, they where large and isolating. Teddy tried sleeping but he couldn’t he felt so alone and unconfmebt having the massive chambers to himself. He carefully made his way up the stairs to Louis sleeping chambers, he didn’t know why but he just needed something familiar. He ented the bedroom quarter and slowly approached the lord. He was fast asleep curled in a ball on his side, his hands held onto a smallar pillow and his mouth was slightly opened. He had a blond lock of hair hanging over his eyes and in the moonlight his skin shone. He looked like a child peacefully sleeping, Teddy watched as his friends chest would slowly rise and fall, just like his music the boy was in perfect rhythm. Louis’ skin was perfect, not one imprection on his procline like face. Teddy couldn’t wake him up, he decided to have a rest on the large widows seat, the butler had no intention on sleeping there but with the sound of Louis breathing teddy was lauded to sleep. Louis mind was still racing even in sleep, he woke up from a night terror breathing heavliy. He noticed a figuer in his room and got up to explore. Spread along the window seat Teddy was peacefully sleeping on his back, the moonlight outlined his tall figure and highlighted each individual freckle on the boy's face. Louis fetched one of his many slik balntes and carefully draped it over the butler's body. The tired Lord fell asleep once agin curled up in he four poster bed. On the last morning of no guards Teddy woke up first, his warm body was drpeed in skill and he began wondering why when he looked up to find the Lord sleeping in his bed with one less blanket. Teddy smiled as the sunlight shown on his masters face, Louis woke up and waved to his friend. “I’ll go check Rose” Teddy stood up, “No, sit my friend rest i’ll get Rose”. Still in his nightgown he made his way down to the cell but Rose wasn’t there, he began looking around before a hand grabbed his shoulder. Louis yellped and turned to see Rose laughing at him. “Forgive me your Lordness I was not prepared for you to be dressed for a baptism” her sarcastic laugh caused Louis to tear up. “Sorry” she was still laughing but didn’t want to really hurt Louis. “Meet us in the pallor for breakfast two of the cooks are preparing our food, Once they’re done with the food they’ll leave again” Louis walked back up the stairs now hateing his nightwear.

Rose had thought about the night before, the boys request. She didn’t want to exscpe, she had to and she knew that Teddy and Louis needed to as well. Hope of freedom is the only thing keeping the three alive. She would agreed what could she loose, shes already lost everything. Making her way up to the same pallor they where in last night. Teddy still wearing the clothes he slept in helped the chiefs bring the food over to the palor before they left. His mouth watered as he saw the food layed out before him. For teddy food was a luxury and reward for service. Before he became Louis butler he was merely a serving boy and was given small infrequent meals consisting of whatever Louis didn’t eat. A few moments later Louis enterd the room in his monring suite, it was a light grey vest over a white shirt with light purple thredding. The boys sat next to eachother waiting anxiously for rose. “Thank you” Teddy said quitly looking down, “For what” Louis didnt know what he had done. “For treating me as your equll” Teddy teared up and smiled, Louis didn’t say anything back he simplly smiled and placed his hand on his friened back. They where equales. Rose enters a few minuets later and sat across from the boys, they where all nerveues hoping for freedom. “Shall we eat” Louis gently placed a foled napkin over his lap and delicated poured himself a cup of tea. Teddy’s eyes darted to all the food as he began messily piling breaskefest itmes onto his plate. Rose had never eating anything so nice she thought as she devoured their meal. Louis had not eaten anything yet and was drinking his tea delicately. “Aren’t you going to eat my Lord” Teddy offered louis a half eaten bread roll. “No thanks” He sarcastically declined the offer. “Teddy” Rose asked him how much time they had before the guards would retune. “Why” the boys asked, “I need to know how much time we have to get out” She smired. The boys looked at teacher in disbelief, Teddy felt sick and couldnt fathom having a chance at freedom.

The three parted ways to collect there peronel belongings. Rose took her dealate bag and teddy chucked what few things he owned into the bag Louis gave him. Louis had never really prepared for leaving his home, “Teddy!” he needed help. Teddy arrived shortly after and began helping the lord to carefully place as many items into his two suit bags. Teddy felt the delicate threds and soft fabric of his masters clothing, “I’ll purches more clothes once we atlest make it out of the village”. Louis had four suits and two spare undershirts in his bag alongside collone, a deck of cards and a few generous piles of gold and silver. Louis asked teddy where his stuff was, “Here” teddy poitinted to the almost empty bag outside, “Everything I own”, Louis felt for his friend but now was not the time for sympathy. Now was the time for action. “Shall we get Rose” Teddy dragged Louis off his seat, “Yes” the two boys found Rose sitting on the guest room floor holding onto so old papers, she was crying. “What's wrong?” Teddy franquied tried to help the girl. “I can't read it” Rose said between deep breaths, she was a well read girl however her mothers French poetry mocked her. Louis picked up the sheet and read out the first stanza of the poem, “Ma petite rose, comme j'aime mon bébé le plus cher… Your mother is saying how much shes loves you Rose” Louis’ french was perfect and sent chills down the others spines, Rose luched up and tightly hugged the lord. Not knowing what to do back louis brought his hands around her and patted her on the back. “Lovey french Louis but we got things to do and more importantly places to be” Teddy brought out his and Louis bags into the pallor and the three became plotting to exscape the manor. “We cant stay in the village, Louis would be found, Teddy would be serveily punished and I’m an alleged muder so yea, not ideal” Rose’s words where harsh but true. “Where would we go anywhere within this very country won’t be safe for us” Teddy threw his hands up in disappointment, “France” Louis said so quietly it was barely even a whisper. Rose and Teddy stared at the boy yet it did make scene, Rose was french and still had her old documents, Louis was flute in the french langue and Teddy has really nothing to offer but still. “How could we make it to French”, Rose quested, “Boat”, Teddy asked the next question “How would we get a boat”, “I’m the lord of the Mori manor, I have some gold to sprare”, The two went back and forth asking questions and to each Louis provided a solution. Only once part of their plan was lacking, a crisuil elements that would set there new lives into motion. They still had to escape the mansion, the heavily guarded mansion. “We need a distraction”, Rose and Louis nodded at eachother there smiles grew, “What are you guys doing” Teddy was panicked. Before he knew it he was being pushed out the front door and putting on an act requesting for the early retune of the guards. Racked with fear Teddy approached one the guard who poting his sore at his chest, “I come on behave of Lord Louis Mori” teddy began renabling about varies matters whilst the other two climbed out the window and made there way to the stable to collect cheval before Rose gave Louis the single, Louis let out a piercing scream. All the guards ran over to the house thinking that only the Lord and the crimal where there leaving Teddy outside, Rose and Louis were ridding cheval and Teddy quickly flung himself over before Rose took of. Rose was graceful and sat on cheval controlling his everymove, Louis and teddy where clinging on to eachther behind her less gracfullly. Louis body gave out and Teddy held on to his masters limp body as they road through the forest. Teddy felt sharp pains in his chest, Louis regained consionessnes and Rose decided they need to rest and sort out what they where doing. Rose dismonuedt cheval before Teddy fell face first into snow with Louis laughing at him. “Alow me to assist you” Teddy fromaly spoke before punching louis backwards of cheval. The boy hit the snow giggling and Teddy managed to trip over his own feet. Rose was not impressed with he boys, they had to set up camp and start a fier before they would all freeze to death, “I’m going to find some wood that we can make a fire with you two stay here and dont accidentally kill eachother please”. Teddy followed to help Rose and Louis rested in the snow, his head ached and his stomach growled as he had refused to eat food for the past few days. Luckly Teddy hadn’t caught on to the lords new dite of tea and champion, Louis knew it wasn’t healthy but if his friends lived without food then so could he. Teddy came be holding a handful of twigs, behind him Rose followed her arms full of logs and tall pisces of timber. The boys huddled togher shivering as Rose started a fire, the warm wild glow was addictive and they wished for the flame to never go out. The three had sescufuly left the manor but where unseflces in thinking ahead, they had brought no food and they would find a market for gods know how long yet the three where happy as they huddnled around the fier. Louis was the first to fall asleep his proline cheek squashed aganeites teddy’s shoulder, the younger boy feel asleep next his head rested on louis. Rose put out the fire and curled up with the boys as they sleept peacefully. A Only a few hours later Teddy and Louis were woken up by a sharp kick to the ribs, “Wake you your royal highness, and teddy” Rose quickly mounted cheval as the boys stood up. Once Louis stood up his vision when bluray before he fell back into the snow, he was starving himself. Teddy helped his friend up and the Rose insisted on louis sitting on cheval and the other two walking, Teddy lifted the boy up and propped him onto the majestic being. They made there way through the dense forest terian taking small infrequent breaks, there goal was to find a different village where they could lay low for a few days. They needed to leave the country but still they needed food, drinks sleep and atlest a few moments of relaxation even if they are short and simple.

The next morning the three saw a very small girl picking wild flowers, there must of been a village nearby. “Don’t scare her” Rose looked to see Louis waltz up to the girl causing her to scream bloody murder and run. “Louis!” The two were disappointed in the lord but gave chase chase to the small girl. A small child, an escaped murder, a runaway butler and a partly insane Lord all in a line running. Eventy though Rose convinced the girl to trust them and stop running, she looked to be around 6 years old and was truly terrified of the three strange people who emerged from the forest. The girl guided them to her village, it was quite similar to Rose’s old town but to the three it was heaven on earth. The girls father ran up and snatched her away, “Who are you and what is your business,” Louis was about to answer when Teddy spoke over him. “We where travling to vist the Mori manor but got lost on the way, your daughter guide us to your town” The man was satisfied with the answer and walked of with his child. Rose found a stable at the edge of town for Cheval to rest and Louis and Teddy wondered about the town looking for a pub or place for them to relaxe. Louis had only ever been in a town once and technically he didnt make it to the center, every sound, smell and light seamed to burn his white skin Teddy held his friend close as the two walked about. Louis saw a table full of watches and handkerchief, he casually picked one up and pocketed it before walking away, Teddy was too distracted by the food across the road to notice. A hand roughly grabbed Louis shirt causing him a metal onto the floor shaking, “Thief” the man yelled. Louis handed back the handkerchief violently sobbing and shaking, the man raised his fist asif he was going to strike the boy “Oi, get away from him”. Teddy ran to his friend's side and tried to explain to the owner that his friend meant no harm, Louis' body went limp as he passed out. The man spat on the passed out boy and left, Teddy hurried to toss louis over his shoulder and found rose again. Louis had no understanding on the real world, his words everything was handed to him without anything in return, Teddy watched the innocents boys pale skin regain colour in his arms. Teddy had never truly left the Nori household however as a serving boy he knew life was tough and unfair, Louis being the Lord of the manor however had not learnt this lesson. Rose evently caught up with the boys and Teddy quickly passed over the sleeping body before darting of to bye food using Louis money. Rose looked down at the boys face, he looked so scared despite being unconscious, she pushed his hair out of his face and cradled him like a baby. He was quite short of his age, short then both Rose and Teddy so the two found it easy to hold him he was also quite light, each day he seamed to get lighter and lighter. Rose felt the boy's sharp ribs poking out and relasied that the boys skin looked almost stretched aloud his frail bones, they had only left the manor a few days ago leaving Rose to ponder Louis' ailment. Once Teddy had bought a good bag of food Lousi had gained consciousness, they found a bench to sit on and began disrptiuting the food out little did they know Louis was shoving the food into the bag and didnt eat a bite.

The sky grew gloomy and a dark colowd was over head they needed to find a place to stay for the night, “Prefeably with drinks” Teddy jocked. After a defunct aount of time wandering they managed to find a bar that had rooms for them to stay in. “Hi just us three we need it tonight and tomorrow” The boys admired Rose’s confitnadince and ability to get what she wants. “We have two rooms right now, take it or leave it” Rose handed the man a pouch of sliveres and they where given to brass keys, one room was on the second floor and the other the third. They gave Rose the key to the smaller and the boys agreed to share the other slightly bigger room. “Thanks boys, sleep well” Rose to her bag down the a hallway to find her room. The boys walked up the crooked stairs and threaded along to creaking floor birds util they found their room. Teddy had to pu his entier body wait into the door before it would open. The boys where met by a stong smell of liquor in the dimily lit room, Louis went down to the bar to fetch some drinks while Teddy lit some candles and prepaird there motel room. He closed the dusted curntes and careful hung up Louis’s suites. He had not yet reilsed that there room had one element missing, a second bed. Teddy didn’t think it would be a big deal as he would just sleep on the floor, it was something that he had become accustomed to.

“I’ve got us two shots of wisk..e, I’m not sure what it is but enjoy” Louis handed Teddy the small shot glass filled to the brim with a whiskey. Teddy easily drank the shot in one glupe however , Louis began coughing after one slip, the lord had only tried his delicate wines and champagnes. Teddy laughed as Louis pinched his nose and scrunched up his facing takling the shot. Teddy stacked there glasses up on the small table bedside table whistl Louis was in the bathroom dressed in his nightgown. Teddy took of his shirt and began rummaging through the bags trying to find his grey undershirt when Louis walked into the room, the Boy droped his brush and covered his eyes agin, “Theodore!” Teddy couldnt help but laugh as the fancy Lord stood in his expensive nightgown pressing his eyes shut yelling. Louis turned around and made his way back into the bathroom and waited for Teddy to evently fins his shirt. “Your safe now” Teddy laughed as the pale boy careful peeked from behind the door before walking in the slapping him across the face, “Have you ne self respect” Louis laughed as teddy giggled on the floor. “Good night, we need rest” Louis rubbed his eyes and climbed onto the bed, he noticed Teddy laying on the floor with his blanket behind his head, “What are you doing, one can’t possibly sleep on the floor” Teddy often found himself taken aback but Louis’ comments the sheltered Lord truly had no idea how different there lives where,
“Look around my Lord, see another bed”. Only then Louis realised that the room only had one double bed in the croner, he couldn’t let his friend lie on the cold filthy ground. Relcunclty Louis sat up and moved across making room for his friend, he pet the spot next to him and gesuted for teddy to come. “What”, Teddy had not understood, “You’ll freeze or get a disease for that floor, we can share but by no means will we ever speak of this to anyone” “Desperate times call for desperate measure” Teddy jocked as his carefully sifted his weight onto the mattress, Louis’ eyes stared straight at the ceiling, Lord’s are forbidden to share beds even if it is not in a romance way Teddy knew this so he made sure to stay as close to the edge of the bed as possible. Louis did the same, squashing himself into the wall leaving a decent space between the two, Louis' mind began to spin as he quickly fell asleep. Teddy looked over at his sleeping friend, his mouth slightly open with his hands tightly grasped onto the blanket which he held to his face, the boy's pale face was so calm and Teddy stroked the boy's hair. He knew it was a bad habit but oftentimes when he was stressed or uncomblet he would brush his calloused cut hands through the boy's fine delicate hair. Dozing of the two boys spent the night peacefully sleeping, they needed their energy for the upcoming days.

The next morning Rose woke up before the other two and began preparing for their day. She laced her thick boots up and dressed in her fathers old clothing, she wore a pair of tattered work pants and buttoned up her shirt, she also wore her mothers bright red coat over her leather satchel. She made her way up the stairs to find the boys room, she knocked on the door no response “Get up” she yelled, “Sorry your but your fancy royal self needed to get up… and Teddy you as well” An elderly couple walked past staring at Rose, “Good Morning” she waved to the couple who looked mortified by her. Teddy woke up to Rose’s yelling, “I’m up” he yelled still groggy, “I’m going to find us a place to eat breakfast, I saw a cafe i’ll go check it out, meet me downstairs before in half an hour”, How is she so put together teddy wondered. He went to get up by feeling resistance at his arm; he hadn't yet realised that at some point during the night the two had shifted coles together and Louis cradled Teddy’s arm. “Louis” he whispered, the butler smiled as the lord's eyes flickered and his blond lashes flutter open, the boys blank expression was met by horror as he quickly let go of Teddy’s arm. “Forgive me” the Lord was embarrassed, Teddy didnt mind and he stroked the boys hair again laughing, Louis lay back down and rubbed his eyes with the edge of his sleeve, “Good morning” Louis murmured as he stretched “Morning, Rose wants us to get ready in around twenty minutes, we going to get breakfast”. The two eventually got out of bed and Teddy fetched one of Louis' suits for him to change into. Teddy didn’t change, he merely threw on a large patched leather trench coat that was somehow too big from him in some places and two small in others. When Louis finished changing he looked perfect, no matter how long Teddy had lived in the Mori household Louis’ lavish wardrobe always amazed him.

The pair made their way to the cafe across the Road to find Rose causily snacking on a piece of cake. Teddy and Rose enjoyed their breakfast, still not noticing Louis’ lack of food. “We need a cart” the boys were confused, “Or a wagon, something that Cheval can pull so you two and our stuff can safely make it to the docks”. The three agreed, Teddy and Louis made there way through town looking for a cart of wagon, Rose was retrieving Chevel. The boy evenly found a small wooden cart that could easily hold all there things plus them, they handed over a pouch of silvers and brought it to the edge of town where Rose was. Rose atched the cart to Chevel and helped Teddy place all of their belongings into the back “In you get my lord” she mocked as she mounted her horse. Teddy knelt down and Louis placed his hands on his friends shoulders, Teddy hugged the boys thin waist before luching him up into the wagon with a thud. “You to” Rose was becoming impaction, Teddy threw himself into the cart before the three made there way through rough first terina. When night came Rose would start a fire and the three would sleep in the cart, the two began to ntoices that the lord seemed to be growing thinner each day. Teddy had also noticed that the boy's huslation had gotten better and Louis was able to live in the real world for long periods of time before getting lost. Lucky for them the weather was warming up ever so slightly, they where still in winter however the worst had passed. On this particular night Louis began thrashing about in his sleep, the two woke up to find the seizing boy breathing heavily. Teddy jumped over the boy and shook him, “Louis''' Rose could hear the panic in his vocie. Louis’s eye shot opened and he clung onto teddy in fear, Teddy Strocked through the boys hair. “I’m sorry” The lords voice was soft, Teddy held onto the boy and Rose placed her gentle hand on the boys shoulder, he was safe. A few days later the three mad it to another village, this time only Rose went in to collect supplies they couldn’t risk anything. The search for the lost Lord of the Mori manor was on, not only that but all three of them were being searched for. Teddy is allegedly linked to the disappearances of the Lord and Rose was now an escaped murderer who is believed to have abducted the two boys. Every time they made contact with civilians they were losing their chance of freedom, after everything they’ve gone through none of them were prepared to face their old lives again.

It had only been two weeks since the three left their homes; however it felt like years had passed once they made it to the docks. They needed to board a ship to France, with Louis’ money and Rose’s documents the three should’ve easily made it across the sea. There was one slight problem all three of them failed to consider, they were all wanted with cash rewards for returning them to the Mori household alive. Before entering the docks they were met by the stench of salt water and Louis’ eyes started at the ocean. Rose got dressed into her fromilist atier, it was a rich blood red gown with a matching hat, it was her mothers. Louis gave Teddy a rundown on what to do yet there was no currently that all three of them would make it off the docks with their freedom. What else were they to do, the three lined up in the maze of people and waited to purchase a ticket. Once reaching a well dressed man Rose handed him her documents and as she came from France she was allowed to travel back without a fee, Louis was next and the boy handed over a heavy pile of Gold and the older gentleman handed him a ticket and then there was Teddy. The man quickly discovered the boy’s lack of money or status, Teddy was roughly escorted off the docks. Louis and Rose sat on a bench waiting for Teddy, they didn't see him but they heard him, everyone on the docks heard him. Teddy was being dragged off the docks and was demanding to be let onto the ship, his legs flayingling about like a toddler throwing a tantrum. With a heavy sigh Louis stood up when all the blood left his face and he began shaking and gagging before he collapsed onto the pavement. Rose acted quickly and caught the boy for his head could hit the ground but still Rose knew that this wasn’t his normal loss of consciousness. His face looked more skeleton like than human and she could feel all the boys ribs, he was starving himself she realised. Rose quickly checked the boy for a pulse, he had one but it was faint and irregular two doctors rushed over and began questioning the girl. Not wanting to give anything away that could lead to their identities being discovered she claimed, “I have no idea we met a few days ago im not sure whats wrong”. The boy's pulse was fading and they rushed Louis to the medical tents, “I’m sorry but no visitors until we have assessed the boy.” Rose watched as the boy's head bobbled of the side of the stretcher.

In the background the irritating sound of Teddy’s yelling was still anying Rose. There ship would leave in the next hour and one of her friends was being escorted of the primes and the other is pracilty pulses in a tent. She wasn’t aloud to see louis yet so that left her with the task of sorting out teddy. Using her formalist accent she caught the officers attention. “Forgive me sir but he is my servant and I do not appreciate you removing him for the docks”, “Rose i'm not your ser-” he began but Rose stomped on his foot with heels, “He’s unruly as you can see, and very irritating but still he is with me”, “Forgive me madam” the officer roughly pushed Teddy away and walked of. “Irritating, Unruly” Teddy rambled on, “I’m offended”, “If it weren't for me you would still be being dragged off the docks' Rose smirked as teddy shut up. “Where is louis'', Rose paused trying to think of an easy way to tell him, “He collapsed again but this time it was quite serve and his pulse was fading so he was brought to the medical tents” Theodre stared at her in disgust before storming of in the direction of the medical tents. Rose ran after him but her lack of experience in heels caused her to trip over several times. Teddy burst into the tents like a mad man, the room was full of doctors and officers who all jumped up to stop the boy. “Sorry sir but you must leave here right now, there are no visitor until propper examinations and paperwork have been completed”. Teddy bluntly ignored this fact and barged past the doctors freaniqly searching for louis.

Louis’ eyes peeled open as he stomach growled, above him a doctor was bring him a bole of soup, “eat” she said, “I dont know how or why but you are starving but body is shutting down, eat” She left. Louis started at the bole of broth infront of him and mixed the food with the small spoon, he brought the spoon to his lips but didnt let the food enter his mouth. He didnt know why but he just couldn’t. A few moments later the head doctor ented the room again, “I told you you have to eat, your starving” her voice was athrotive as she handed louis a few biscuits, “The sooner you eat the soon you will be able to get on a ship”, Louis was confused, “Don’t worry sir we have made sure you have a full refund on your ticket”, Louis Remained adamant that he was going to leave today. “In your current state we will not alow you to leave im sorry” She walked of and Louis began panickin. He couldn’t eat he thought when suddenly a loud crashing sound and a heap of ruskes eryped elsewhere. It couldn’t be Teddy he though, his friend was more dignified than to be ramsacking medical tents. Louis was wrong Teddys arms where now frimly clapsed behind is back in irons yet he madged to get loose and continued running. Louis jumped where the opening to his room flew open and in ran a tall figure with it’s hands behinds its back, It was teddy of course is was teddy. He hid behind the older boys bed and whipped for louis to be quite. Only after the army of people ran past did Teddy get up, “How are you feeling”, Louis was shocked “Im fine I could ask the same of you”, teddy esxpimed to Louis what had happened when he was partly dying. Three officars and the head docter ran in and grabed Teddy up, “Unhand him” Louis yelled, “I’m sorry sir-”, Louis held up the bistucts and yelled “You leave him and un shackle him and then i’ll eat, Teddy and the oficres where cofused but the head docter orded everyone to leave the recovering boy with his friend, lover, no one could tell. “You haven't been eating”, Louis nodded slightly, holding back a nuker feeling within him “you’ve been starving. Teddy couldn’t of believed that he let that happen, the boys eyes filled with water as he knelt by the lord's bed. His sobs of hysteria where endless as his back rose and fell rapidly, his face was buried into Louis bed. “Why” Louis didn't give him an answer, “Why!” Teddy begged, Lous still said nothing his empty eyes stared at his butler. He was so young and innocent, he still was that small serving boy he wanted to befriend all those years ago. Teddy Looked up at his master, his pale face was so sad, he cupped the boy's face and gently stroked through his hair. Louis took a deep breath and bit into the biscuits, he never knew food could taste so good. Teddy hugged his friend tightly and wished he could never let go. “Lovey reunion boys but we got places to be” the boys flinched as Rose called stood behind them. “How’d you get in” teddy was still breathing heavily, “I walked in” Rose was fed up with Teddy for one day. “How are you”, Louis nodded and Teddy helped his friend stand up. “I’m not allowed to leave, they wont physically let me onto the ship” Louis was still panicking, “I’m probably not going to be welcomed onto the boat as well”. The three where in silences, “What if they don’t know your on borde” Rose’s face contorted into a slight grin, she intended to sneak Louis and Teddy onto the ship to france. Once on the ship there would be no troubles or run ins with security officers once they were off the docks.

The first order of action was all three of them leaving the medical tents unnoticed. Rose quickly found the cloister with the medical coats and dressed as a doctor, on her way back to the boys she pinched a wheelchair. “Hop on” she rammed the chair into Teddy’s shine, “ow, what was that for” sorry did I hit you rose responded in a stupidly high pitched voice, “Just get on”, now with Teddy in the chair Rose was able to wheel him out of the medical bay without any suspicion. However they needed the better plane to get Louis out, so Rose forced Teddy to sit out for this escape. Rose was hit by a great idea, an idea so impossibly lutriect it just could work, “Teddy” she fluttered her eyes and flirtingly held his hand, Teddy imedelt backed away he knew what was happening, he was bait, again. Teddy denied against it by after a few moments the medical team were forcing Teddy to the ground for trying to steal some documents, it was the perfect distraction. Rose simply walked out with louie and approached the medicis now in her normal atier. “Truly forgive me but my mentally ill servent tends to act in psychotic ways, do excuse him” Rose’s voice was laced in a posh english accent similar to Louis’. The doctors unhandled Teddy and let him go with a warning. At last the three were reunited and they only had 10 minutes to board the ship. The three ran over to the boats before entering a long que. “Mentally ill, physiot, that's even worse than last time” Teddy was fed up with Rose calling him names, “Also i'm not your servant” he said pointing his callused finger at her, “But your Louis’ servant’” she replied. “Fine, I might be annoying but I am not and insane psycho”, oi! Louis yelled “Bite your tongue” his childish voice laughed, “Is being insane really such a bad thing” The three cackled, “My Lord only you can pull off being insane” Rose was using her fancy voice again. The three laughed like old friends almost forgetting the upcoming struggle. How would all three board the boat if they had only one ticket now and they couldn't purchase more or reveal their identities. The three conspired as before Teddy and Louis snuck out of the que to the bagging area. The boys saw many men and women in uniforms working to maintain the ship and carry on the bagage, Teddy found a hanging rack with the same grey musty uniforms. Louis looked disgusted by the clothing even though it was the key to them getting to France. The uniform bearfly fit Teddy's long thin figurer and Louis’ short childlike frame left the sleeve falling past his hands and Teddy having to roll the boys pants up. Louis held his breath and began feeling faint, Teddy held the boys shoulders, he knew something was wrong, “Louis”, the lord didnt hear him, there was a voice, a horribly terrible voice, his mothers voice. Louis clamped his ears and stumbled down before he began yelling, teddy held the boy tight and cover his mouth muffling his cries for help. The butler would hold his master in his arms until the boy recoved, it could be minutes or hours, Teddy was faithful and loya to his master and always at his side. Teddy felt alump in his throught and began quenting their choice, he did what he always did when he was uncomtbale he stroked his hand through Louis’ fine blond hair. The boy evently regained his sense of reality, Teddy continued cradling the boy for a few minutes until Louis reassured him that he was ok. The boys stood up and graved their own luggage, acting like the beige carried the boys brought their items onto the ship and no one noticed, once on board they passed the bags to Rose who had made it onto the ship easily. The boys ran off and quickly removed their uniforms, Teddy watched as his friend transformed from a dull uniform to a formel three piece navy suit. The three made it onto the ship with no troubles, they were brought to their room and began planning out there for the next few days.

The boat swayed side to side as the anchors were lifted, Rose took hold of Louis’ hand and rushed him out of the room onto the deck Teddy followed close behind. Teddy’s legs wobbled and as clutched onto the railing, “Where are you taking us?” Louis asked. “You boys have never been on a boat before” Rose asked but really she knew the answer. “Look” she pointed towards their home, it was slowly shrinking and the three watched in silence as their home grew further and further away, in awe the three tightly held each other's hands the further they were for home the closer they were to freedom. No one knew how long they stood there but it had become dark. Louis sluggishly made his way down the stair before completely falling, Teddy stumbled barely standing up on his own. Rose laughed as the two obilivouse boys tried walking on a moving deck. Rose hadn’t been on a boat in a while but she remembered being a child and running across the deck when she first left france. Many stumbles and falls later the three made it to the lower deck at the back of the ship. There were many small circular tables all set up and candle lit aboard the ship. The three made there way to the table furthest from the water to ease Teddy’s fears. Louis sat first and carefully fold a napikine before laying it over his lap, the boy aragned his silverware and carefully unbuttoned his coat. The boy removed his scarf and carefully hung it over the back of the chair, the others looked at the boy with surprise. Louis was somehow so formal and mature at times and childlike and obilouse at others. Rose and Louis browsed through their menus but Teddy stared blankly down at the papers, he was not willing to admit it however the boy knew that he couldn’t read. Teddy never had a chance at education, his childhood was robbed of friendship and knowledge, he was a serving boy and since birth his life was meaningless. He remembered being a child and sitting crossed legged on the ground as Louis’ tutores spoke, his ear was pressed to the door and he managed to learn many things; Reading however was not one of those things. Rose and Louis were discussing the menu, the menu that he couldn’t read. “Rose, When did you learn to read?”Louis asked, Rose told the boys how her mother and father taught her everything when she was little, they valued her education. Louis nodded at the two counties reading the menu, “See anything yet Teddy” Rose asked, Theodore quickly shook his head, he was thinking about his mother. Teddy’s mother ? promised her son that she would teach him to read, she promise her boy that she would give him a life worth living. Teddy’s mother worked tirelessly as the personal maid and assistant to the mistress of the manor lady (?). After giving birth to her son Louis ? required around the clock assistance leaving teddy for the most part alone, the few times he did see his mother however were the best moments of his life. Sadly his mothers life was cut short as she grew ill when Teddy was four. Teddy’s thoughts where lost when Rose nudged him, “Teddy” she asked if the servant was ok. “Yea” he mumbled looking anixouly at the water, “What are you going to get” Louis asked, peering over his menu, “What are you do getting” he quickly respond, the two listed there meals and Teddy agreeded to get the same. The three where ready to order when a 2 viouse pairs of hands tugged Teddy backwards. The boys chair flew out from under him as he smashed his head into the floor, a foot was forced into his chest and the leather boot caused him to cough and squirm. “Teddy” Rosed yelled but no one heard her over the commotion, there were three angry armed officers pushing teddys weak body into the floor. “What in Gods name” Louis yelled, the officer bowed his head “Good evening Sir, we will remove this thing from your quaint dining experience”. The man shot teddy a look and the other 2 men roughly dragged the boy away, “His life is more vauvble then yours” Louis was furrious, Rose remind silent and snuck a fork into her coat. “Sir, our ship caries many people of different classes but we ensure you that the lowers will not interfere with your” the man was cut of as a napkin was throw at his face. Louse looked like he was about committee attempted murder with his own fist, Rose clenched onto the fork tight and hid it below the table, “Louis” she ushed for the boy to remain clam. A piercing yell caused the all the dinning guest to look over in fright, whilst dragging Teddy out of the fine dining deck they pushed him towards the water. Teddy looked as if he had seen death itself, the boy lay flat on the gorund and frandily clushtdd onto the deck, his fingers bleed as he dug his nails into the flooring. “This is curle” Louis was shouting, “He is afraid of the water you imbusiles” Lousi ran over to his friend and begin lecturing the officers, the men didn’t seem to care for Louis moriarty speech and ended up throwing both the boys out.

Teddy still looked pale and he clutched onto his right hand, Louis looked down to see the boys spilted figures oozing blood. Looking up Louis saw a stedy strem of tears rolling down his checks, “It’s not to bad we can wrape it” Louis pulled out his white hankerchife and held it to the boys hands. “It’s not that” he whisper, “Your safe now they won’t hurt you and your away from the edge of the boat”. The butler shook his head agin, “I’m nothing” his words where barely audible, louis asked him to repeat himself, “I’m nothing” the boy yelled through his loud sobs “They took one look at me and knew that my life is worthless and nothing compaird to yours” The younger body tightly held the hankcscihe to his bloodied figures, the bold splots of red wher visible and Teddy hung his head in despair. Louis placed his hand on the boys back and rested his head on him, the young lord wispered to his friend “Your life is the most impoanrt thing to me”. Teddy found himself stroking though his master hair again. The boys made there way back to their room but louis knew that Teddy was hiding something form him. “Anything els you want to share” Teddy looked away, after a few miustes of silences teddy whispered “I can’t read”. Louis was shocked by this, but tired to hid his exsiprion form the hurt boy. “Why”, Louis tried to be gentle, “Louis, your life is important and you where given an education, I however was not a young Mori lord I was a serving boy” Teddy laughed as he thought about his childhood. “You know the tutors you had when you where like 5” Louis nodded, “I use to sit outside your library and press my ear to the door trying to learn, I did that for a week until your mother caught me and things got ugly” Louis cringed whenever his parents where mentioned. “Rose can read because her parents taught her, I never knew my father but my mother promised me that she would teach me how to read” Teddy’s swallowing red eyes filled with tears again. Louis never asked about Teddy’s parents or his upbringing, the boys made it to there room agan, Louis set on a chair as Teddy lay on the bed with his feet dnalging of the side. “Did I ever teel you about my mother” Teddy looked up as Louis shock his head. Louis began recounting all he could rembed about his mother. He recalled his mother holding him tight on the cold nights they where together and she taught the boy how to sew when Teddy got a hole in his only shirt. “What happened to her” Louis asked respectfully, Teddy paused and thought about it. “Im not to sure what she acutly had, I rember working in the garden right, some of Lady (?) men brought me inside. They took me to my room and I saw my mother lying in bed” Teddy was only 4 when he first witnes his mothers decaying sick body, she was alive but barely. He firmly held onto his mothers hands as her shallows breaths slowed. “My mother, the last I remember of her being alive was her soft hand running through my hair” Teddy’s puffy eyes let streams of running water soak the boys face. The sadness turned to anger, “I begged them to help her, but they did nothing, they left her to die, the house of Mori killed my mother” Teddy looked up and all the hate in his body melted away. Not a single bit of hate or anger could ever be at Louis, the inccnet boy walked over and sat on the bed next to him. “The menu wasn’t even that good” Louis joked, Teddy laughed and hugged his friend, when he was with Louis he felt like he was important, when he was with Louis he was important. “I’ll teach you to read”, Teddy looked up at his master, “promise” he whispered mourning his mother, Louis placed his hand though the servants hair, “Promise”.

Teddy wondered what Louis’ relationship with the master and mistress was, croutiisty got the better of him and he blurted out the question. Louis looked shocked and thought about the question, his brows narrowed not in a form of anger but though he was digging within to find an answer. “I don't think they overly liked me, I know they didn't, they needed me to be their air, that is all I was to them. I was never their son Louis, I was just an extension to the Mori name” Teddy got the scenes that Louis lacked a true family. “They only spoke to me when I needed to do something or to correct me, I was never allowed to go up and talk to them without permission and for the most part my mother couldn’t stand to even look at me”. Louis’ childhood was dull and his connection with his parents was very limited, his father was generally busy in his office, no one in the entire home was allowed in that room so no one knew what he was ever doing. For his mother, after giving birth to Louis lady ? was disgusted by the boy as he resembled his father, vise verses Lord ? was unable to look at his child without seeing his wife, the loveless margie was worsened by Louis. Teddy couldn’t help but feel bad, at least his mother loved him and cared for him, the butler couldn’t imagine a parent being so disgusted by their child that they caused them such emotional pain. The two boys sat side by side each feeling bad for the other.

The shared sentimental moment ended when Rose angrily stormed in, “Well that went well” her voice cracked in sarcasm. “Sorry Teddy that they treated you like that as for louis..” She walked over and slapped the lord across the face, “Please behave yourself next time”. Rose knew the boys were hungry, reluctantly she opened her bag and handed the boys various breads and meals that she stuffed into her bag. Teddy began scoffing down him food, Louis was hesitant but he did snack on a roll. One by one the three entered their bathrooms to change, Louis dressed in his nightgown and rose changed into a loose fit sleeping gown. Due to Louis’ money their living arrangements were formal, One bathroom, a shared living room and three small bedrooms. Louis walked out and winced at the sight of teddy’s figure, the cuts weren’t to bad however Louis called teddy to his room. The butler watched as Louis methodically wrapped white ribones of slik over his hands, the boys hands where smooth and perfect as they tended Teddy’s blister cut calloused skin. “Good night” Louis got into his bed and rubbed his eyes, theodore laughed as the boy looked to young and childlike in the large silk bed. Teddy carefully got into his bed, scared that he was going to ruin the perfectly smooth silk sheets. His room was in between Rose’s and Louis’ yet he still felt so alone. The subtle sway of the boat lulled Rose to sleep and Louis was able to sleep through the war however Teddy’s stomach turned as he feared that at any moment they would sink. After Teddy’s mother died the crying boy begged for the lawyer to bury her body, he didn’t. The young serving boy stood as he saw his mothers lifeless body sunk into the river, her dress clung onto her decaying figuer. The young servant jumped into the lake after his mother but a maid pulled him out and locked him in the cell for acting in such a reckless way. Whenever he remembered that they were on a boat he only thought of his mothers body slowly sinking into a river. Was Louis ok?, Teddy thought to himself, the boy slowly got up and clung to the walls as he made his way into Louis room. The boy opened the door slowly and saw his master sleeping peaceful in his bed, his soft lips parted his typically neat hair fell messily over his face. The boy carefully moved the hair out of the boys face and sat at the end of the bed. Without releasing it Teddy fell asleep his head dengled of the edge of the bed his legs layover louis’. Rose woke up first and began preparing for the day, it was difficultlt to uphold her new identity as a noble woman, she did her hair and carefully dressed in her mothers formal outfits. “Lous, Teddy” she yelled, no repsoned Rose decided to check on the boys, she couldn't help but giggle at the sight of the two boys sleeping on the same bed. Louis woke up and quickly kicked Teddy in the side before sheltering his head, “It’s just Teddy” Rose resaures causly leaning against the door frame. Teddy woke up with a jolt and jumped of the bed, “Sorry was I interrupting something” Rose’s mocking laugh caused the boys to angrily throw pillows at her, “Get up we need breakfast”. Louis dressed in morning atier before the three made they way to the highest deck of breakfast, “Teddy you wait here” Rose pointed to a small bench outside, Louis felt horrible as Teddy looked down and nodded. Rose wasn’t trying to be rude but she knew that Teddy was not aloud in the upper class events.

A stange chill ran down Louis’ spine as he felt like he was being watched. The Lord frantily spuna around, everyone was starteing at him, thousands of empty eyes started at him. He fell to the ground and sheltered his head, it felt as though the eyes where shooting pins, lanching throwe his pale body. Louis ran down the stairs trying to find Teddy, “Teddy” the boy was yelling as he went to find his friend. The edge of the boat drew near and Louis hung onto the railing, he had no options. The boy was sitting on the ground when a felt someone speazing his hand. He looked up to see Teddy’s crying face looking down at him, the lords stomach dropped as he relaised what he had down. The young Mori boy was dangled of the side of the ship, his butler clung onto him preventing the boy from falling to his death. Teddy pulled his master back over the rails, he felt a pulse pounding against his head. What was he doing, Teddy was sitting when her heard frantic breathing, looking up he saw the Lord running to the edge of the boat, he ran after him. “Louis” the boy was begging for his friend to get away for the edge. He didn’t know why but he was frozen he coudn’t walk to his friend he was stuck in palace. Louis forced himself over the railing and Teddy lost control of himself, suddenly he was standing at the rails leaning over the edge using all his strength to carry his master. Louis was silent for a few moemnets before he looked up and then began panicking. Once he magned to get the boy back onto the boat Louis tightly grasped his butles waist and pushed his head into the boys chest crying. Teddy fell to the ground as his master clung onto him, “I’m sorry” Louis was begging for forgiveness. There memoires ended there.

Teddy woke up to find himself lying in his bed, he quickly got up as Rose entered the room “where is louis”. Rose was baffed, the boy had gone through such a terrifying experience yet the first thing he asked was about Louis. “He is in the living room reading, he woke up just before you did” she handed Teddy a cup of tea and the boy gratefully expected it. “I’m going to get breakfast now ok”, Rose swung her bag over her shoulder and left. Teddy brought his tea with him as he entered the living room he saw Louis curled up in a big armchair reading a book, a cup of tea sat abandoned on the small table next to him. “Hello” Louis looked up, startled but sighed with relief as Teddy smiled at him. The boys sat adjacent to each other each sipping tea, “I’m sorry”, Louis blurted out, Teddy reassured his friend that there was nothing to be sorry about even though he almost led to both their deaths. “What are you reading?”, Louis smiled and put down his cup. “It’s called the yellow wallpaper, it was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Im one of the few people lucky enough to have a print copy of it”, Louis watched Teddy’s fascinated eyes dart frown word to word on the cover, his mouth was opened and a hint of joy was in his face. “What is it about?” Theodore eagerly listened as Louis recount the book. He reveals that the yellow wallpaper is a novel that follows a lady whos is suffering from psychosis, she lives in a room with ugly yellow wallpaper but after a while she being sleeping during the day so that she could stay up at night and watched the wallpaper that she believed was communicating with her. Teddy was fascinated by it and Louis said something that he never expected to hear in his life. “Would you like me to read it to you” Louis’ embarrassed smile creeped over as Teddy jumped up childishly. His eyes widedn as he quickly nodded his head, Louis’ posh formal voice effortlessly read the words from the paper. The boys voice was like music and his words where like magic, teddy watched eagerly as the lord's pale eyes skimmed across the delicate pages. Rose entered soon after with a small paper bag counting pastries, the three sat down and enjoyed there breakfast. No one spoke, they just ate staring at the warm embracing fire before them.

They had been on the ship for a total of three nights and four days so far, lucky Louie' mind was relatively calm and Teddy managed to slip under the raider of suspension. Rose continued her fancy act and oftentimes found herself micromanaging the boys to ensure no more incidents would occur. “Rose” Teddy asked, “What where your parents like, do you rember then”, Rose looked up and thought for a miuntet. Rose’s rection was very different to the boys, a small smile crept upon her face, a bittersweet exsperion. “I loved my parents very much, they passed when I was little however, We lived in france but when I was 3 for unknown reasons we where forced to leave. Mother was a poet and father was a painter” Rose thought fondly of her parntens and believed that they where still alive, waiting for her somewhere. The three evently retreated to their own rooms and get dressed for the day. Teddy was half dressed when Louis called his name, The boy instantly ran over to the Lords room to find him with an unbuttoned shirt loses clinging onto his slim palace body. Louis clenched his eyes shut and gagged, “Why are you not dressed” he yelled, “Your not either” Teddy protested. Without opening his eyes louis found one of his coats and roughly threw it in Teddy’s directions, “Now” he demand before tripping over the rug. Teddy threw the coat on and Louis looked as though he was about to muder someone, possibly him. “What do you need” Teddy pried, “Oh yea umm..” the lord was embarrassed. “I require assistance getting ready into a laced vast so umm” Louis gestured to the opened back of his vest shyly. Teddy chuckled and began the tedious task of lacing the boy's clothing, typically the job was deemed unholy and ill however Teddy saw no fault in his ways. There was no fault in Teddy's ways. Whilst lacing the vest Teddy began slightly shaking and a beat of sweet creased his forehead. Physically dressing the boy was not painful however he had very painful memories attached.

Merely a few days after his mothers death Teddy was summoned by the Lord of the manor, Louis’ father. “Theodore, I have reason to believe that your mental state has been altered” Teddy was taken aback “Sir, my mother” his voice was shaky and weak. The Lord held up his gloved hand and cleared his throat abruptly, “I couldn't care less now Lady ? and I will be leaving and the entire staff will be coming, you however will stay in the manor we can not been seen with such a pathetic thing waiting on us” The tear bubbled in the boys eyes, “Did I give your premonition to cry” Name’s words were harsh and ricudiling. Teddy quickled rubbed his eyes with the back of his gloved hands nodding. “If I hear that you had any interacting with my son you will face severe consequences”, Teddy never understood why the lord and lady acted as though they hated Louis. “Sorry sir but Is master Louis not going with you” The olderman laughed as though Teddy asked the most obvious question in the world. “I will not let the Mori air, master Louis interfere with the noble household I married into, Leave” The servant boy ran out of the room before kneeling down crying, “Hello” a voice spoke. Quickly looking up he saw a pale clean face staring at a painting, Louis! He thought of a response but only then did he realise that the boy was not talking to him. Lady Diana whirled around and collected the boy he was speaking to the portrait. Like clocklwoke the house became empty and it was only him and the Lord left, or so he thought. Teddy was sitting by the window humming along to a tune he hear earlier when he heard a crash. He made his way up the many grand staircase before finding himself a few steps away from the master's bedchambers. He heard sobbing and deep breathing he clutched the cold silver handle and opened the door. Before him sat a young boy crying with frustration, louis looked so weak and pathetic with his unlaced vest. Teddy walked over and Louis flinched hardly pushing his face into the ground “Hey it’s ok master Louis” teddy resured and he began lacing the boys clothing. The moment he finished lacing the boy a tall figure entered the room. Sir George Tompsom gleaned down at the boy before harshing yanking him away and slamming the door behind them. The story becomes a blur of pain and blood and from that day onwards Theodore promised to himself that he would never make the mistake of befriending the Lord again. “Teddy” the boy tripped back to see Louis attempting to finish the lace work looking down at him. “Are you ok?”, Teddy had become so invested in his daydream he forgot what he was doing, “Now I know how you feel” Teddy laughed as Louis playfully hit him over the head. “Thank you” the two boys laughed and Teddy pushed away the painful memories, there was no time to dwell on the past when his new future awaited him, his freedom. When looking at his friend Teddy knew that he had not made a mistake.

The next day went on like normal with the exception of Teddy emptying his stomach and Rose throwing a bread roll at Louis. That night Louis and Rose sat across from each other enjoying their meal and they heard Teddy screaming like a manicia. Quickly jumping up Louis raced off leaving the rest of the guest staring, Louis stumbled down the sirts closely followed by Rose. They didn’t immediately see teddy, they did however notice the rising water upon deck and franitl guest and crew members running about. A larg bell sounded leading to an eruption of travels pooling out for their rooms onto the higher decks, Louis lost consciousness and rose was forced to plung her head under the water to retiver his body. Rose raced down onto the flooded deack to retrieve two lifejaekts, she slipped one onto her self and by the time she magned to fit the lord with his own he had regained consciousness yet still looked ghostly pale. The two ran down below the deck, water was up to their waist at this point, Rose was yelling out orderd to Louis who simply stood there in shock. “Forget it “ she yelled angirliy as she forced there door open, luckly their personly belongings where not damaged by the water yet. Rose protised what was important and needed, she took hold of louis smaller case and opened it empty its contents onto the flooded ground, she found lords stash of money and pouches of gold and silver, throwing them into the bag she heard the faint cries of louis outside. Next, she ripped open her bag and retrieved her mothers porty and fatheres books, she would rather die than loose those. Once fishing packing the bag she bolted out only to find louis not there, with no time to wander about she held the suitcase over her head preventing it from dampeing as she clibed the stairs back onto the deck. Louis was standing on the main deck clining onto the railing as the swaying boat slowly descended, there was still no sign of teddy and now he had lost Rose aswell. A cascade of yelles and prayers where being shouhted yet and umgon the commotion the lanky servant caught a sight of his terffiered master. He managed to mounrove through the panicked croweds to louis side, “Teddy” the boy yelled filing his arms around the boys thin waist. Theodore held the boy tightly as the two listened carefully to ships crew who where trying to keep the passengers calm to no avail. The two boy shoke in knee high water when louis noticed teddy lacking a life vest, “You need one of these” he yelled over the noice pointing at his inflated vest. Teddy looked down upset, “They won’t give me one, they are for upper class members only” he yelled, “Hold on to me than” louis responded looked out blankly into the endless mass of water before them. They couldn’t of been to far from land however there was still about half a days trip left yet they ship was not going anywhere, anywhere but down. Rose repaired soon after holding onto louis’c case, the boy where glad to see Rose in good health yet their joy was short lived as louis collapsed again. It took all teddy’s remind strength to keep the boys head above the water, nitcing the week younger boys struggle Rose hoisted louie over her shoulder and gave teddy the bag. The younger boy slightly open the bag peering in, to he was imadelty filled with even more loss as he noticed his mothers blanket, the only thing he owned not there. Quickly without even thinking the boy raced down to the stairs, Rose yelled hatfuly at him yet he ran. Barely managing to got down the steps the boy cearfly stepped down as rushing water flew into the lower deck. He hadn’t even made it the hole way down when he noticed the water sitting above his waist line. Teddy thought to himself, he could scarcely bear the thought of loosing the only possession from his mother, he coudld bear the thought of not being there for louis. The boy pushed his way uo against the streaming water thawing himself and the bag onto the deck. Louis was awake once angin yet the water was rising and there time was limited, Rose took his hand tightly and raced back up to the higher deck they where on before. Upon noticing Teddy rose called out getting te boys atation who imdelity raced over to the massive crowd of despert people tring to get to higher grounds. One of the staff mebered eagerly helped the two up aswell as a few other well dressed people yet he left most of the gest on the lower deck. “Let them up” Rose yelled crying, “We must pirotise upper class mebemrs” he yelled back ignoring the fighting crying guest clawing to get up. “Teddy” Louis called out when a saw his friend, the boy ran over around the crowd and jumped up holding onto theupper deck rialings, as he bagan tring to climb over a rough pair of hand pulled him down. Louis cried as his friend was thrown back onto the flooded deck, he ran back around to the other man blocking the entrenact and began begging him to let teddy up. Nothing, there was nothing louis could do to help his friend, Rose held him tightly as he sobbed mercilessly into her arms. In the corner of her eyes she saw two mothers each crddling there nursing infants. Rose ran to the edg of the deck and lent down over the rialing with her arms wide. The two woman franily handing the girl the two children in an attempt to save them, Rose held the two tiny newborns to her chest and sobbed as the mothers where dragged away. Rose found an older woman dressed in mourning sitting on the upper docks with a prame, “Would you like to have these children” Rose didn’t wait for an answer before placing the infants into the prame where another sleeping baby lay. Whilst Rose was doing everything she could to help the other guest louis was hellbent on saving Teddy. Giving up the boy flung himself over the railing sending his weak body plummeting onto the lower deck. Teddy helped the boy up still cradling the bag, “Teddy what is it, your eyes there empy” Louis cupped the boys cheek, “My lord we are sinking” Teddy replied. “There is something els” Louis insisted, “My mothers blanket it still in the room-” without letting the older boy finishing louis ran of into the croud. Louis forced himself down a set of staris, the water was almost up to his chin and the boy had to walk on the very tips of his shoes to stay above water. Using his hole body weight he barged the door down and kicked of the doorfarm propelling him throw the flooded room. Louis plugged his head below the water searching for the item resurfacing for air ever so often. Teddy stood at the edge of the now blocked of stair waym an engraded sailor fenced it off preventing anyone from going below deack. The servant fell to his knees sobbing into his hands believing he had lost the most important person to him when he noticed a few air bulbbles rise. The water rippled as louis arm stretched out, Teddy yanked the boy up and over the fence throwing him onto the deck. Louis was cold wet and gasping for air as he handed teddy his mothers gift. Teddy stuffed it into the bag and helped his friend up crying. “Teddy do you know what they are doing over there” the boy pointed to a ground of people swearing around something covered in a tarp. “They have a few rescue boats for the rich, once they are ready and aftly lowered into the water they will let you and rose exsapce” he said smiling throw tears. Louis was not going to let Teddy get left behind as him and Rose got to enjoy their freedom in france. Teddy heard a filiarar voice as noticed that rose to had jumped form the higher deck, her sore expression masked her dread. “What do we do?” she asked, the boys looked at eachother not undersadning, what did she mean, they where going to die if they didn’t get selected for the boat. Suddenly Rose began smiling, “this is not a time to smile” teddy scowled but rose paid no attention, she was busy preparing to survive. “Teddy you’ve been on this deck alot how many boats are there?” she asked, the butler looked up and sqinted, “3, i think” rose looked satisfied with this answer. “Come on boys” she took both their hands and raced around the captions room to the far end of the dock where the staff began hosting up the pulley system for the boats. “Rose, we can’t they have to slowly lower the boats into the water” louis cired as the girl began ripping the tarp of the small wooden boats. “No need” she instead, “Held me throw this off the edge for the boat, the boys looked socked but compiled. The three of them thrusted all the force and weight into the boat which propped it onto the railing. With a lost of force and tiring effort the boat slid of the deck and splashed into the water creating large ripples and white foam to splash up. Rose bagne removing the outer lay of her mothers heavy gown leaving her in just a simple white knee length skirt, the boys where to speechless to ask any questions. Rose took hold of the bag and thrw it of the side of the boat, the boys yelled as there precious belongings fell into the water, or so they thought. Rushing over the boys saw the case sitting in the small lifeboat below. Teddy was about to ask how rose intended getting on the boat when she answered him. Rose ran and flung herself of the baot edge, her arms where swinging as she landed in the water feet first. She was sumbered for a few seconded before she shot up resursivng gasping for air. She clung onto teh edge of the small boat and called out for the boys. Teddy came next though his fall was much less graceful, landing stomach first the boy plumted under the waters surface. All the dreaded memorise came back but now was not the time for anything but survival. His legs fumbled around as he resourced just in time to see his master fall nearby. Louis kicked frantliy and teddy reached out dragging the boy to the edg of the boat. All three clung on breathing heavily to tired to even make an ateptmt at getting in. After a few minutes of heavy breathing Rose began kicking her legs furiously as she pulled her self up and over the edge of the boat. Teddy flung himself in aswell as Rose pulled Louis into the boat. The three sat in silences as they minds sound with the recent events. Louis opened up the suite case and began sorting through its contenteces. Rose located two wooden oars held on either side of the boats. She sat herself at the back of the boat and secured the oars in place before creating cirlicualr motion. The boat slowly moved forward and the three where glade to leave any and all memoriy of the ship ride behind them. What was meant to be a half of a days tripp was now going to be three days straight of rowing to land. The three would take turners altring who would paddle, this was primarily down by Rose and Teddy as the Louis lacked any and all forms of strength. The sloshing waves rocked the boat about racking the two boys with nasure to which rose mocked. “It’s not our fault we have never been in water before” Teddy protested, louis nodded, “It’s the Mori’s fault” louis nodded agin before releasing what teddy said. “Oi” louis threw a friendly punch into his friends arm, “Not you Mori, other Mori’s” he corrected himself. “How about you both be quite” Rose suggested tired of teddy’s endless shangens, “Yea” louis respond. Teddy sat in the center of the boat sulkingly as he tried his beat to stay quite. Turners out Teddy’s best at staying quite latest between three to four minuets max. Once night fell the three found themself struggling to stay awake, “Rose forget it, we can’t row all night” Teddy whispered half asleep, Rose was determined to get to land but Teddy had a point. “I’m afraid you might be right for once” Rose pulled the oars back in and sat next to the older boy. “I’m offended” Teddy moped, Louis who was pracility sleeping on the boys should held his finger to the boys lips silcncing him. “Even louis and his half asleep half minded brain can see” Rose mummbels. Louis eyes hsot open and who pointed to the girl, “I may be slightly insane but i’m not half minded” his plae blue eyes looked prackely dead fro exsugion. “Possible more than slightly” Teddy whispered but Rose sent her foot into his side shutting him up. “Good night” louis muttered and the three fell into a deep and restful sleep. Louis was the first to wake up, the sky was a mutted purple on the brinks of dawn. Rose woke up soon after to find the lord sitting at the edge of the boat admiring the sunrise, his blonde wet hair and plae skil shown in the mourning light. Louis tuared arnoud and simled to Rose “Morning” he said weakly. “I’ll wake theodre up” Rose said before hitting the boy in the side with the edge of the ore. “Oww” Teddy woke up clutching his waist, “Sorry, I axedenlity hit you with the oar” she apogiled laughing. Teddy didn’t say anything, he just sat there like a sulking toddler as laugh laughed uncontrbley at the ordeal. The following two days where grulling and melocney as the trio’s bodies ached and longed for food. The sun beat down on them tirelessly and the lack of fresh water began planing with louis mind again.

Once making it to a rough rocky shore the three where starved, dehydrated, soaking wet and sore. Not bothering to keep rowing teddy threw himself out of the boat into the shallow water. Waves hit the back of his head as Louis and rose jumped out. The three where able to walk and dragged their boat behind them before adabning it at the shoreline. Louis had never loved being on the ground so much before. Teddy collapsed onto the shore and Rose sat down by a tree, the three looked disheilved but they were alive thus winning. “We did it” Rose exscimed softly half asleep from exhaustion, “You sound surprised” Teddy jocked as his hole body ached, “we’ve been stuck with you for over two days” Rose replied with a dull laugh. Louis woud of laughed yet his ribcage felt sore and bruised and his throat was so dry he felt like he could scarcely talk. The three didn’t truly know where they where, all they knew is they were on land and away from the dangers of the old homes. Louis had adapted quite well to the exterms change in lifestyle, for the first time ever the boy had felt aalive, he was finally living his life. He may of been starving tired and barely alive but it was his life and he was living it. Rose didn’t know how long the three of them had been sitting on the shore but she knew that dehyadtion and starvation where nere by. Mustering up what little strength she had she pulled herself up and instantly felt racked with dizziness nearly falling over. Even though they where on a beach the weather was cool and the sharp winds nipped at her nose. “Teddy, Louis” She yelled, holding onto a tree for support, the boys didn’t move besides the slow rise and fall of their chest. “Hello” a voice called fighting Rose, a young girl with a horse was standing not far from them with a warm yet concerned smile. The girl could speak english fluently yet her voice was laced with a soft french accent. “Do you know where we can find refuge, just until we get onto our feet” Rose smiled back trying to hide her exhaustion. “My master is out so you three can rest up a bit but thats all I can offer” the girls eyes wandered over to the other boys. “That would be great” Rose let out a sigh of relife meanwhile teddy started to stir awak. The young servant sat up and sleeping rubbed his eyes before jolting back realising where he was. “Who are you, leave my master alone” Teddy yelled, “I wish you no harm and I would appreciate it if you meant none in turn,” the young girl smiled. “Teddy we need somewhere to go, we’ll die out here and she offered a night at her home” Rose muttered to tired to even deal with teddy. “Is your short friend ok” she asked walking up to louis until she was standing over the young lord. “Yes, I doubt he will wake anytime soon” Rose followed the girl and looked down at louis, he looked so traniqul in his sleep opposed to the troutered self he normally is. Teddy and Rose worked to lift louis up over the girls horse and soon after they arrived at a large estate though it was smaller than louis’. The young girl whose name was Alex pushed open a small servant door and led the three down into the kitchen. The girls hands were filthy and calusoued like Teddys though her face was soft and femiima like Rose’s. The kitchen was small yet warm from a bubbling fire, “the master shouldn't be home for another hour” the girl raced off up a small set of stirs leaving the three alone in the room. “Teddy” Louis mumbled slowly waking up, “where are we” he asked looking around terrified, “It’s ok my Lord, your safe, we are in someones kitchen” Teddy smiled and began stroking through the boys hair. Rose walked over to the fire and held her hands out warming them up, “Join” the boys got up and joined her by the fire. “Rose” louis mumbled suddenly growing sickly pale, “did that girl say her master would retune” he asked was a frail voice, and Rose nodded her head. “Would he recognize me, I’m a lord, the Mori Lord he might know who I am” Louis stretched, breathing heavily and sobbing, Teddy hugged the young lord but looked sickly pale. “I can’t go back to the manor, they will beat me to death,” Teddy whispered cradling the shorter boy in his arms. “We need to get out of here” Rose jumped up but a short older man entered the kitchen. He wasn’t of noble birth yet he held a high role in the manor based on his attire, “who are you” he yelled drawing a knife from his waist, “we are sorry to intervene with you we will let ourselves out” Rose held her hands up submissively ordering the boys to do so. Louis started shaking violently and fell to the ground convulsing on the floor. The older man watched the young lord go from shaking to limp on the ground. “Don’t move” he barked but teddy didn’t listen, he fell to the ground next to louis and began trying to wake the lord up. “Boy you listen to me” the olderman yelled approaching them. “Teddy stop” Rose whispered looking down at the sobbing boy, “get up you piece of filth” the man yelled, “hold your tongue, you have nothing ill to say of my friend” teddy yelled crying. Rose stepped back hearing another voice nearing. “Madam” the olderman bowed and let a taller younger woman walk through, the lady was proud and posh with an upturned nose and permanently disgusted face. “What is this?” she ordered, staring at the youngsters. “I'm sorry mistress, they were refugees” the young servant girl mumbled. “You” the olderman yelled and tugged on the girls arm throwing her down into the kitchen, “we will deal with you later” the woman laughed. The older man held out a pair of irons he had taken off the wall, Teddy starred in pure terror and began sobbing hysterically. “Shut him up” the lady order and the older man walked over to teddy who punched him in the face shaking fearfully. Instantly an army of guards flooded into the kitchen to taim Teddy who was falling around like a wild beast. Rose stood back and hid behind a table as the man ran in, there she found the young servant girl, shaking and crying as well. “It’s ok” Rose whispered, smiling at the girl, “I'll get you out of here.” Rose took the girl's hand and simply slipped out unnoticed among the competition. Running up the servant quarters Rose carried the young girl and the two ran. Back in the kitchen Teddy was knocked unconscious and Louis was sobbing heavily over his friend's body. No one dared enter that kitchen for the radical boy was unpredictable and somewhere between sanity and insanity. Eventually Louis, much like a toddler, tired himself out and fell unconscious on the ground alongside his companion. It was now that the two boys were brought to a cell and locked up. It was around now Rose had successfully brought the younger girl to an orphanage where a few nice looking nurses took her in. It was getting extremely late and Rose was close to collapsing from exhaustion thus she spent the night at a motel, the boys would be fine without her right. Wrong. “Teddy” Louis wailed for the hundredth time, “please wake up” the boy mumbled, checking his servant's pulse once more. “Please” tears streamed down the boy's face, “I am your master and I demand you wake him,” the boy yelped, sobbing even more. As the night dragged on, Louis's cries echoed in the empty cell, but Teddy remained unresponsive. The boy's breathing was shallow, and his body lay limp on the cold, hard floor. Louis felt a sense of helplessness engulf him as he realised he couldn't do anything to bring his friend back to consciousness. The cell felt suffocatingly small, the walls closing in on Louis as he struggled to contain his rising panic. He pounded on the bars, hoping someone would hear him, but the dungeon remained silent, save for the occasional drip of water echoing in the darkness. Louis's mind raced with fear and uncertainty. He felt the weight of responsibility crushing down on him, the burden of being the only one conscious in their dire situation. His thoughts drifted to Rose,, he wished she were there with them, her presence a source of comfort in their darkest hour. Desperation gnawed at Louis's heart as he knelt beside Teddy's still form. "Please, Teddy," he whispered, his voice choking with tears. "I don't know what to do. I need you to wake up." But there was no response, only silence enveloping them like a shroud. Hours passed like eternity in the dimly lit cell, each moment stretching out into infinity as Louis kept vigil over his friend. He prayed for a miracle, for some sign of life from Teddy, but none came. Summoning whatever strength he had Louis stood up and began methodically fiddling with the lock hoping that he could open it. He had to, Louis had never really done anything by himself yet he had to. But he couldn’t. Crying in defeat he lay next to his friend's motionless body. “Help, someone” the boy screamed at the top of his lungs, “I need a drink” he cried out longing for something to take the edge of his pain. It was now that louis realised how filthy his nails had become, he had never noticed it before as he began picking at the caked on dirt. Any and all sense of time was gone and Louis refused to blink, picking at the skin around his nails. One of the nails was longer than the rest he noticed after removing a good amount of skin and dirt. Help, the boy thought suddenly feeling a rush of pain in his body, it wasn’t real but he felt it. Before he really knew what was happening he began ripping at his nail and picking at his finger tip causing blood to trickle down his hands. It hurt at first but after a while it began to feel good, he forgot about everything else in his life and solely focused on the one thing he was currently in control of. That trickled into gushing blood as Louis removed his nail, nail bed and most of the skin of his index finger. He wasn’t done though, he kept picking at the raw flesh ensuring that not a single speck of dirt was there. After a long while he stopped and looked at his hand proudly, that only lasted a minute though. The boy dropped his hand and began crying once more, “what have I done” the boy mumbled looking down at the bloody mess. Teddy began to stir awake but Louis didn’t even notice in his state of hysteria. “Louis” the boy mumbled weakly sitting up, Teddy felt a dull thudding headache against his temples and it took him a moment to realise what happened. “What did you do?” the boy muttered watching his friend in a state of pure panic. “Teddy” the boy yelled out throwing himself at his friend burying his head into the boys chest. Teddy tightly hugged his friend horrified by the blood, there was a lot of blood. “Teddy I can’t get out i’m stuck” the boy cried harshly, “Louis what happened to your hands” teddy asked slowly taking hold of the boy delicate hand, “i’m sorry” Louis mumbled snatching his hand away but Teddy took hold once more applying pressure so the blood wouldn't continue to gush out. “What possessed you to do that” Teddy mumbled weirily watching what little colour louis had drain from his face, the boy un shrugged his shoulders he honestly didn’t know why. Louis stood up and began methodically fiddling with the lock, his movements almost mechanical. His fingers trembled slightly as he struggled with the stubborn mechanism, his mind racing with desperate thoughts of escape. But no matter how hard he tried, the lock remained steadfast, refusing to yield to his efforts. Teddy watched his friend with growing concern, sensing an air of desperation in Louis's actions. "Louis, maybe we should wait for Rose," he suggested, his voice tinged with unease. But Louis shook his head, his gaze fixed on the lock with an intensity that bordered on obsession. "We can't wait, Teddy," he muttered, his voice strained. "We have to get out of here." As he continued to grapple with the lock, a strange sense of déjà vu washed over Louis, as if he had been in this situation before. It was fleeting, barely noticeable amidst the chaos of their predicament, but it lingered in the back of his mind like a half-forgotten memory. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through Louis's head, causing him to wince in agony. It was gone as quickly as it had come, leaving behind a lingering sense of disorientation. Teddy watched him closely, a furrow forming between his brows as he observed his friend's behaviour. "Louis, are you okay?" Teddy asked, his voice tinged with concern. Louis blinked, his thoughts momentarily scattered. "I'm fine," he replied curtly, though his voice lacked conviction. But Teddy couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Louis, as if he was hiding something beneath the surface. As they sat in the dimly lit cell, surrounded by shadows and uncertainty, Teddy couldn't shake the feeling that their escape might not be as straightforward as they hoped. Little did he know, the truth of their situation was far more complex than either of them could imagine.

Reluctantly and nervously Rose stood before the towering house that held her friends, right now all she wanted was for them to be safe and to slap them across the face for being idiots. The house itself was considerably smaller than that of the Morri estate but it was large enough to make Rose feel tiny. The girl summoned any and all courage remaining and knocked on the large oak door, no response. She tried again yet nothing happened, “hello” she cried out begging for someone to open the door but her pleas fell on deaf ears. Rose giving in to temptation drew out a thin hat pin that she had stolen from a widow aboard the now sunken ship. Carefully and with precision she threaded the keyhole with the pin working to create a makeshift key. She pressed her head against the door listening carefully to the rhythmic clicks of the inner workings of the door. Suddenly the door opened sending rose crashing to the ground with the pin still in the door. An older butler looked down at her unimpressed watching as Rose scrambled to get up, she mumbled an apology as she yanked her hatpin out of the door. “Curious,” the man noted, he was speaking English yet it was drowned out by a heavy french accent. “Bonjour… umm” the girl began but the man chuckled to himself, “english?” he asked, and Rose nodded relieved. This negotiation would be a lot easier in english. “Sorry but what is ‘curious'’' she asked the man, “nothing, it’s just that hat pin is very beautiful, just like the one my Lady has but she is currently on her way back to France, its quite odd acutely the boat was meant to dock a few days ago” he wandered off pulling out a pocket watch worth more than Rose’s entire village. As Rose stood there, feeling somewhat embarrassed by her failed attempt to pick the lock, the butler regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. "Are you a friend of the master or mistress?" he inquired, his tone polite but guarded. Rose hesitated, unsure of how much she should reveal. "We... we're acquaintances," she replied vaguely, hoping her response would satisfy the butler's inquiry without raising further suspicion. The butler nodded, though his expression remained inscrutable. "I see. And may I ask what brings you here?" Rose took a deep breath, steeling herself to fabricate a convincing story. "We were travelling together, my friends and I, but we became separated during our journey. I was hoping they might have sought refuge here." The butler's gaze softened slightly, his suspicion giving way to a semblance of sympathy. "I'm afraid the master and mistress are currently away," he explained. "But I can provide you with food and shelter for the night, if you wish." Relief flooded through Rose as she realised they would at least have a safe haven for the time being. "That would be most kind," she replied gratefully, offering the butler a faint smile. The butler returned her smile with a nod of acknowledgment before gesturing for Rose to follow him inside. As they entered the grand foyer of the house, Rose couldn't help but marvel at the opulence surrounding her. She felt a pang of longing for her friends, hoping they were safe and perhaps even on their way to reunite with her. As Rose followed the butler through the ornate halls of the house, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. There was something unsettling about the silence that pervaded the mansion, as if it held secrets too dark to be spoken aloud. The butler led her to a cosy sitting room, where a fire crackled in the hearth and plush armchairs beckoned invitingly. "Please make yourself comfortable, miss," he said courteously, gesturing for Rose to take a seat. "Thank you," Rose replied, sinking into one of the armchairs with a sigh of relief. She couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding, however, as if the calm facade of the house concealed hidden dangers. As the butler bustled away to prepare some refreshments, Rose's thoughts drifted back to her friends, Louis and Teddy. She wondered where they were and if they were safe, their faces etched in her mind with a mixture of worry and determination.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the cell where Louis and Teddy were imprisoned, a sense of despair hung heavy in the air. Louis sat hunched against the cold stone wall, his mind swirling with confusion and fear. Teddy, ever the optimist, tried to offer words of encouragement, but his voice was tinged with uncertainty. "We'll find a way out of here, Louis," he said, though even he wasn't entirely convinced. Louis, however, seemed lost in his own thoughts, his gaze distant and unfocused. He couldn't shake the feeling that none of this was real, that it was all just a figment of his imagination. As the hours passed and their situation grew increasingly dire, Louis couldn't help but wonder if he would ever escape the tangled web of his own mind. And little did he know, the answers he sought lay hidden within the depths of his own subconscious. As Louis sat there, his thoughts becoming more tangled and disjointed by the minute, he suddenly became aware of a faint whisper in the recesses of his mind. It was as if a distant voice was calling out to him, urging him to remember something long forgotten. Frowning, Louis tried to grasp at the elusive memory, but it slipped through his fingers like smoke. Beside him, Teddy watched with growing concern as Louis's brow furrowed in concentration. "Louis, are you alright?" he asked, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. Louis shook his head, the whisper still echoing in his mind. "I don't know, Teddy," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I feel like... like I'm missing something important." Teddy frowned, his own worry mounting. "Don’t worry Louis," he said, though the uncertainty in his voice was palpable. "Together, we can get through this." But as Louis stared into the darkness of the cell, he couldn't shake the feeling that their escape from this nightmare would require more than just physical freedom. Deep down, he knew that they would have to confront the demons lurking within their own minds if they ever hoped to find true salvation.

Whilst the boys continued to rot away in the confines of a cell Rose had found an opportunity to make a run for it, to find wherever her missing friends were being held. As she glanced around the grand entrance hall, Rose couldn't help but notice the opulence that surrounded her. Intricately carved furniture adorned with plush cushions lined the walls, and a grand staircase swept up to the upper levels of the house. But despite the lavish surroundings, there was an air of neglect that hung over the house like a pall. Dust gathered in the corners, and cobwebs clung to the chandeliers, giving the impression that the once-grand estate had fallen into disrepair. Suppressing a shiver, Rose took a hesitant step forward, her footsteps echoing in the empty hall. These hesitant steps broke into a jog which eventually became a run for survival as she stumbled down a steep set of spiralling stairs. As Rose descended the spiralling stairs, her heart pounded in her chest with each step she took. The air grew colder, and the darkness seemed to press in around her, but she refused to let fear paralyse her. Finally reaching the lower levels of the house, Rose's eyes darted around the dimly lit corridor, searching for any sign of her friends. And then, just as she was about to give up hope, she heard a faint sound coming from a nearby cell. Rushing forward, Rose peered through the bars and her heart leaped with joy as she saw Louis and Teddy huddled together in the darkness. Without a moment's hesitation, she called out to them, her voice filled with relief and excitement. "Louie! Teddy!" she exclaimed, her words echoing off the cold stone walls. "I found you!" Louis and Teddy looked up, their faces lighting up with hope and disbelief as they saw Rose standing there before them. For a moment, they could hardly believe their eyes, but then reality set in, and they rushed forward, reaching out to embrace their dear friend. Rose held onto the boy's hands tightly, tears of joy streamed down Teddy’s cheeks yet Louis remained silent. He just sat there looking blankly into nothing, a moment later he smiled seaming to finally catch on. Louis managed a weak smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "When am I ever okay?" he muttered, his words tinged with bitterness. leaning back into the arms of his servant who brushed his filthy calloused hands through the blonde Lord's hair. Rose returned moments later with a ring full of heavy keys each covered in a thick layer of grim. After about two attempts Rose found the correct key and swung open the heaven door, the hinges screeching as she did so. Teddy decided to half carry Louis who was concise but out of it, his eyes were glossed over as if he were asleep standing up. When asked a question he would respond and he was able to walk about but by no means was he ok. It was the dead of night so carefully and quietly the three made their way up and navigated through the large home.
Fractured Realities

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they emerged into the cool night air, the moon casting a silvery glow over the overgrown grounds of the estate. With a sense of relief washing over them, they made their way towards the wrought iron gates, their freedom finally within reach. And then it wasn’t. Standing by the gate was a gardener, but unlike any they had ever seen before. The tall man seemed to have no age, his skin and eyes seemed to be untouched by any form of passing time. He was impeccably dressed in a pristine suit, his appearance sharply contrasting with the unkempt surroundings. Yet, what caught their attention most were his hands, velvet gloves covering them, but dirt smeared across the fabric as if he had been digging in the earth. "Stop!" the gardener called out, his voice surprisingly firm. "Don't look back. If you do, you'll never leave." His words sent a chill down their spines, and they exchanged uncertain glances. Was this man serious, or was he simply another eccentric inhabitant of the manor? "We don't have time for this," Teddy muttered, attempting to push past the gardener. But Louis hesitated, his gaze locked with the gardener's. There was something in the man's eyes, a glimmer of understanding that sent a shiver down Louis' spine. "Come on, Louis," Teddy urged, pulling him away. But as they walked away, the feeling of unease lingered, settling like a weight in the pit of their stomachs. They couldn't shake the strange encounter with the gardener, and though they didn't dare look back, they couldn't help but feel as though something was watching them, something unseen and unsettling. Rose carefully pushed the gates open but a feeling of déjà vu sent shivers down their spines. They exchanged confused glances, but none of them dared to voice their thoughts aloud. With trembling hands, Rose reached out to push open the gate, only to find it swing open with an eerie creak of its own accord. Heart pounding, they stepped through the gates not daring to look back upon the house they had just left in. Louis dared. The young boy turned around his eyes glossy and teary as they found themselves standing once again before the imposing facade of the Morri Manor. But how could this be? They had just escaped from there moments ago, hadn't they? A sense of unease settled over them as they exchanged bewildered looks, their minds reeling with unanswered questions. How had they returned to the manor without even realising it? And what did it mean for their supposed escape? As they stood there, grappling with the unsettling reality of their situation, they couldn't shake the feeling that something far more sinister was at play. And little did they know, the truth of their predicament was far more twisted than they could ever have imagined.

As they stood before the imposing facade of the Morri Manor once again, a sense of dread settled over them like a heavy fog. Louis' eyes, still glossy with unshed tears, darted around the familiar surroundings, his mind struggling to comprehend how they had returned so inexplicably. Before they could even begin to process their situation, they were met by the sight of guards approaching, their hands gloved and faces stern. Without a word, they ushered Louis inside, their gloved grip firm as they led him up to the doctor's room. Louis offered no resistance, his thoughts consumed by the surreal turn of events.

Meanwhile, Lord Thompson's rage boiled over as he laid eyes on Teddy. With a cruel sneer, he advanced towards him, delivering blow after punishing blow. Teddy gritted his teeth against the pain, each strike driving home the harsh reality of their captivity.

As for Rose, her heart sank as she was escorted back into town, her fate sealed with the knowledge of her impending execution. Though her mind raced with fear and uncertainty, she remained determined to face whatever lay ahead with courage and resilience.

Déjà vu

Returning to the medical wing of the manor, Louis sat down, and Miss Diana screwed his body for any signs of external injury only to find nothing. Not a nail missing or single sketch upon the Master of the house. The same however could not be said for teddy who spat out a mouthful of blood crying silently in his small room. A knock at the door startled the boy, immediately he opened the door surprised to find Louis, Teddy flung his arms around the boy sobbing. Louis held him back in a tight brotherly embrace. “I’m cured” he mumbled, Teddy looked up, it was now that he noticed Louis injuries or, more specifically lack thereof. Louis carefully lifted up the edge of his coat and, using the inside he dabbed his servant's split lip soaking up the blood from his innocent face. “Shall we play cards?” Louis asked, smiling gleefully, jumping to his feet. Teddy injured his pain and the two rushed to the boy's pallor where they played cards so long ago… or recently.

Déjà vu

Returning to the medical wing of the manor, Louis sat down, and Miss Diana screwed his body for any signs of external injury only to find nothing. Not a nail missing or single sketch upon the Master of the house. The same however could not be said for teddy who spat out a mouthful of blood crying silently in his small room. A knock at the door startled the boy, immediately he opened the door surprised to find Louis, Teddy flung his arms around the boy sobbing. Louis held him back in a tight brotherly embrace. “I’m cured” he mumbled, Teddy looked up, it was now that he noticed Louis injuries or, more specifically lack thereof. Louis carefully lifted up the edge of his coat and, using the inside he dabbed his servant's split lip soaking up the blood from his innocent face. “Shall we play cards?” Louis asked, smiling gleefully, jumping to his feet. Teddy injured his pain and the two rushed to the boy's pallor where they played cards so long ago… or recently.

In the dimly lit parlour, the atmosphere was heavy with anticipation as Louis and Teddy settled themselves at the table, a deck of cards scattered between them. Despite the events that had transpired, they found solace in the familiarity of their pastimes, a brief respite from the chaos that surrounded them. With practised hands, Louis shuffled the deck, the sound of the cards echoing softly in the silence of the room. Teddy watched him, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as memories of simpler times flooded his mind. As the game began, tension melted away, replaced by the easy camaraderie that had always existed between them. Each hand dealt with it a sense of normalcy, a reminder of the bond that held them together in the face of adversity. As the hours passed and the game wore on, Louis' spirits lifted, his laughter filling the room as he revelled in the simple joy of their shared company. For a moment, it was as if they were just three friends enjoying a quiet evening together, the troubles of the outside world forgotten. But only for a moment. A gloved man with a cynical grin walked in on the boys. Teddy dropped his cards, which was lucky for Louis who had junk, and fell over trying to get away from the man. Louis stood up to say something but the words never came, lost to his mind or vice versa. The large older man extended his hand and Teddy flinched expecting a blow, a blow that never came. The lawyer grabbed the boy's arm and yanked him up off the floor which would have been a kind jester if it came from anyone but him. “We have an event this afternoon that will stretch out into the evening. I suggest you two begin behaving like a Lord and master of the Morri name and a worthless serving boy” The man's rough voice was all too familiar to the boys who could do nothing but nod as the man left. Even though he had left, the man's presence in the room like a grim reminded of something dark and inevitable.

In the dimly lit chamber, Teddy helped Louis fasten the buttons of his finely tailored jacket, the fabric feeling foreign against his skin. Louis stood before the mirror, his reflection casting a distorted image back at him. His blond hair, usually meticulously styled, now looked dishevelled, and his once bright eyes held a haunted expression. "Are you sure you're alright, Louis?" Teddy asked, concern etched in his voice as he adjusted the collar of Louis' shirt. Louis forced a smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'm fine, Teddy. Just a bit... disoriented, is all," he replied, his words sounding hollow even to his own ears. Teddy nodded, though the unease in the air was palpable. Nothing seemed quite right, from the way the servants moved about the room with a sense of urgency to the whispers that lingered just beyond the threshold. As they made their way down the grand staircase, Louis couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu that washed over him. It was as if he had done this all before, attended this same party countless times in the past. As they made their way down the grand staircase, Louis couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu that washed over him. But try as he might, he couldn't recall any such occasion. As they entered the ballroom, Louis felt a sense of dread settle over him like a heavy shroud. The guests, dressed in their finest attire, moved about the room with practised grace, their laughter ringing hollow in Louis' ears. And as the night wore on, Louis couldn't shake the feeling that they were all just players in a twisted game, their lives nothing more than pieces on a chessboard manipulated by unseen hands. But try as he might, he couldn't decipher the rules of the game or the identity of the player pulling the strings. “Louis.” A voice called out, spinning around he couldn't figure out where it was coming from, the voice called him again and again getting louder each time. “What” Louis yelled covering his ears. Suddenly he felt a hand grapes his shoulder, flinging himself back the boy cowered in fear. When he opened his eyes there was no sign of any nobles or chessbords, he wasn’t even in the ballroom yet he realised as he lay on the floor of his bedroom. Teddy knelt helplessly beside him holding onto a pair of white velvet gloves. “Are you ok?” he asked, helping his friend up, Louis clung onto teddy like an infant, the young servant could feel the boy's thin frame breathing rapidly against his. Teddy placed the gloves onto his friend and was ready to go when Louis stopped him. As Louis steadied himself with Teddy's support, he suddenly withdrew a small velvet box from his pocket, his eyes gleaming with an uncharacteristic excitement. With a flourish, he opened the box, revealing a pair of exquisitely embroidered gloves crafted from the finest white velvet. "Teddy, I... I wanted you to have these," Louis said, his voice barely above a whisper as he extended the gloves towards his friend. Teddy's eyes widened in disbelief as he gingerly accepted the gift, his fingers tracing the intricate stitching with awe. "Louis, I... I don't know what to say," he stammered, his voice choked with emotion. Louis smiled warmly, a genuine expression of gratitude lighting up his features. "You've always been there for me, Teddy. Through thick and thin. I just wanted to do something nice for you, for once," he said softly, his words filled with sincerity. Touched beyond words, Teddy pulled Louis into a tight embrace, his heart overflowing with gratitude and affection. In that moment, surrounded by the opulence of the manor, the two friends shared a bond that transcended wealth and status, a bond forged in the crucible of adversity and strengthened by the trials they had faced together. And as they stood there, enveloped in each other's embrace, Teddy knew that no matter what the future held, he would always treasure this moment and the friendship that had sustained them through it all. That is, if there was a future. “I suggest you go to your room, I’d like some space before this event” Louis mumbled jumping onto his bed childishly. Teddy nodded and walked off clinging onto the gift in his hands. His walk down to his room was more adventurous than he remembered passing armies of maids and lines of servants all preparing for an event that he nor Louis really understood. Once opening the door to his room he found a beautiful suite laid out over his makeshift bed. His already teary eyes overflowed as he took the delicate clothing into his hands.

The Illusion of Time

After… Some period of time Louis stood in his opulent hall, his gloved hand tightly gripping a delicate glass of champagne he was yet to drink from. The usually quiet and isolated manor now buzzed with life, filled with nobles and elegantly dressed guests celebrating the young Lord. Despite the house filled with drunken nobility not a word was spoken to Louis, once again he was alone. The air was alive with the murmur of conversations and the clinking of champagne glasses passed among the crowd. On the contrary, death's cold presence seemed more recognisable than ever. The halls were full of quiet chatter and the sound of champion glasses being drunkenly passed about until one voice in particular caught his attention. It was a voice he knew well, one that stirred memories that were now… fuzzy. Turning his head, he spotted Rose, elegantly dressed like a princess amidst the throng of guests. Yet, despite her striking presence, no one seemed to notice her, their eyes passing over her as if she were invisible. A wave of confusion washed over Louis as he locked eyes with Rose, her gaze mirroring his own bewilderment. How had she come to be here, in this place, at this moment? The unanswered question hung heavy in the air between them, adding to the sense of mystery that enveloped the manor and its inhabitants. Together, Louis and Rose stood silently, watching over the festivities unfolding before them. In that moment, they shared a connection that transcended the bounds of time and space, their intertwined fates bound by the enigmatic forces that governed their lives. And as they observed the revelry unfolding around them, they couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this night than met the eye, that hidden truths lurked just beneath the surface, waiting to be uncovered. “Louis, remember that room were to be played cards” she asked, Louis nodded and guided her through the mass of drunken nobles to his pallor. As Louis and Rose entered the opulent parlour, the soft strains of music filled the air, drifting like a melancholy melody through the room. There, seated at the grand piano, was Teddy, his fingers dancing effortlessly across the keys in a mesmerising display of skill and emotion. His eyes were closed, lost in the music, as if he were communing with a higher power through the language of notes and chords. Louis and Rose stood in awe, their breath caught in their throats as they listened to the haunting melody that seemed to weave a spell around them. It was as if time itself had slowed to a crawl, each note hanging in the air like a delicate thread waiting to be woven into the fabric of their shared reality. For a moment, they forgot about the chaos of the party outside, the whispers and murmurs of the guests fading into the background as Teddy's music enveloped them in its embrace. In that fleeting moment, there was only the music, and the three friends bound together by the unbreakable bonds of friendship and fate. As the final notes of the piece echoed through the parlour, Teddy opened his eyes, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Louis, Rose," he greeted them warmly, his voice filled with a quiet joy. "I didn't expect to see you here." Louis returned the smile, a sense of warmth flooding through him at the sight of his friend. "We couldn't stay away, Teddy," he replied, his voice tinged with gratitude. "Not when we have you to serenade us with your beautiful music." Teddy chuckled, a hint of colour rising to his cheeks at the praise. "Well, I'm glad you came," he said, rising from the piano bench to greet them. "I was just practising for the performance tonight. Would you like to hear another piece?" He smiled warmly. It was now that Louis realised something, “Teddy, I didn’t know you could play Piano… or read sheet music” he asked. The younger boy's face dropped and his tone became dull and monotone, “my lord I can not play Piano nor read sheet music” as he said that the air became thick and heavy, almost suffocating Louis. Then there was a knock at the door, Teddy returned to his normal self and opened the door, “Rose good to see you” Teddy laughed hugging the girl tightly, “I just got here” she smiled walking over to greet Louis. “You were already here” Louis cried out, distancing himself from the others. “I just got here” she smiled yet her concern for the boy was growing but the second, or minute, or hour, or day. Teddy jumped onto the large seat next to Louis and began playing around with a pack of cards, "Take a seat, we're harmless." Rose hesitated but eventually sank into the plush armchair, enveloped by its silk cushions. "Do you play?" Louis inquired, and Rose, bewildered, asked, "Play what?" she asked. "Poker," Teddy interjected smoothly, his voice calm as he shuffled a deck of cards. Though Rose had only dabbled in poker before, she agreed to join the game. The trio uncorked a bottle of champagne and settled in for the evening. After a few rounds of poker and champagne, they grew relaxed, joking around. "We need music," Teddy whispered, busy with his cards. Louis, ignoring Teddy's protest, made his way to the piano in the corner. "What are you up to, mate?" Teddy questioned, but Louis paid him no mind, sitting at the piano and beginning to play. Classical music filled the room, effortlessly flowing from Louis's fingertips. "No need to show off," Rose teased, but Louis transitioned into a lighter, simpler melody, while Teddy continued dealing cards. Rose watched as Louis became lost in the music, and Teddy swayed to the rhythm, glass in hand. “la chanson d'un fou” Rose smiled, the french words formed perfectly in her mouth as the language flowed from her lips. Louis froze suddenly, “pouvez-vous parler français?” He asked, “Of course I can speak french, why are you looking at me like that, you're playing la chanson d'un fou i, it’s french and translates to the song of a madman.” Rose smiled, taking another sip from her glass. “You can’t speak French '' he yelled out tears welled in his eyes. “Louis, are you ok, who are you talking to?” Teddy asked, shaking the boy gently. Louis looked up to find Teddy looking down at him in deep concern. “Sorry I was… it was Rose '' he looked around for the girl, the girl who was not there. “Louis, Rose isn’t here” Teddy mumbled, tears fell down his face as he helped the lord up. Suddenly, as Mr. Tompson, the lawyer, entered the room with an air of pride, the guards swiftly moved to escort Louis away. Despite Teddy's protests, Louis was led out of the parlour, his mind spinning with confusion and fear. Before having time to acknowledge the lawyer's presence he was briskly ushered into his late father's office, adjacent to the hall they were in. Which was odd considering that he remembered his fathers office being upstairs.


Once they reached his late father's office, Louis found himself standing in the dimly lit room, the heavy oak desk looming before him like a spectre from the past. Memories flooded his mind as he glanced around the familiar space, the weight of his family's legacy pressing down upon him. Mr. Tompson, his expression grave, gestured for Louis to take a seat as he settled behind the desk. "Louis, my boy," he began, his voice low and solemn. "There are matters that must be addressed, matters of great importance." Louis felt a knot form in his stomach as he braced himself for what was to come. He couldn't shake the feeling that something sinister lurked just beneath the surface, waiting to be revealed. That late evening the Lord of manor was sheepishly snacking on various delicate pastries whilst eyeing his lawyer. The older gentleman sat formally in his armchair. His dull beige suit blending into the antique.The pallor was silent except for the occasional outburst of muffled laughter from the celebration in the halls. The lawyer signalled for a maid to work at creating a fire whilst the two slipped on champagne admiring the priorities in slitent. The office they were in showed many delicate oil paintings of the lord throughout his youth. The maid knelt next to the fire palace lazily twiddling sticks together before a warm light emanated from smoke. Louis felt a sudden sense of coldness despite a crackling fire being created. The lawyer hadn’t said a word yet but signed to the young woman to leave them. She quickly left the room but not before the Lord caught a glimpse of her deathly pale face and dull lifeless eyes. Suddenly the older man spoke, causing the young startled lord to drop his glass. The glass shattered upon impact with the floor causing a piercing sound. Despite the glass the Lawyer did not even flinch and continued talking asif there wasn’t a mess of glass and drink speaking into the carpets. The Lawyer's horse yet posh voice drowned out to chaos erupting outside “Please excuse me but I will return briefly, I'm getting a drink”, the young boy stated before rising from the chair “My Young Lord don't waste your time, I have taken the liberty to bring a drink for you” He responded. The Lord looked down to the table and noticed the glass and tablet. He had not noticed its presence before the gentleman brought it to his attention. Louis gloved and grasped the glass before proceeding to disscue state affairs with Thompson. The lord listened to the monotone gentlemen but began to feel the impact of the champagne. It was odd as he had only had a slip of the champagne but he was feeling his world slip from his grasp. Wide eyed and fighting to pay attention to the two discuss the many deaths attributed to the house. They were discussing alleged murders when the pair were interrupted by a panicked knock at the door. Louis's heart skipped a beat as the panicked knock echoed through the room. With a glance exchanged between him and Mr. Tompson, Louis rose from his seat, his mind swirling with apprehension. He reached for the door handle, his hand trembling slightly as he pulled it open. To his relief and confusion, Teddy stood before him, his usual jovial expression replaced by one of urgency and concern. "Teddy, what's wrong?" Louis asked, his voice betraying his unease. But Teddy's response was not what Louis expected. Instead of answering, Teddy simply stared at him with vacant eyes, his gaze unfocused and distant. Louis felt a chill run down his spine as he took in Teddy's odd demeanour, a sense of foreboding settling over him like a shroud. "Teddy, are you alright?" Louis pressed, his voice tinged with worry. But Teddy remained silent, his lips forming a thin line as he continued to stare blankly ahead. His voice quivered with a palpable fear, the tremor betraying his inner turmoil. "Um... my, uh..." the boy stuttered nervously. "Relax, my friend. Would you care for a treat?" Louis offered, gesturing towards the snacks he had been enjoying. "NO!" A sharp voice interjected, the attorney fixing a piercing gaze on the younger boy, as if attempting to convey a message. The troubled expression on the boy's face suggested he was baffled by the sudden outburst. "He will not partake in the treats, My Lord. They were specially prepared for you," the lawyer declared. Teddy, though observing the exchange, seemed to gaze past them, his detached eyes wandering the room until they settled on the Lord. In that moment, the vitality and youth seemed to return to the young man as he inquired, "My Lord, are you feeling unwell?" Louis wanted to pose the same question to his troubled companion, who stood trembling at the door, but he was not afforded the chance. "Forgive the interruption, My Lord, but I have brought you the drink you requested.” Louis watched as his friend shifted from side to side, he looked as if the slightest breeze would send him toppling back. "No need, Teddy. Quite frankly I don’t remember asking for a drink but either way Mr Tompson has already given me one," Louis replied, holding up his glass. "I insist that either of you gentlemen try one of these treats," Rose said, everyone flung their heads around to see the young girl indulging in one of the treats, “Rose '' he examined, “I thought I was crazy you are here”. "Are you alright?" the lawyer inquired, his voice heavy with concern. "Yes, I'm fine. I should ask the same of you," he retorted defensively. The two men exchanged troubled glances once more. “There isn’t anyone named Rose here, there isn’t even anyone else in here” he mumbled. Louis looked around yet the man was right, no Rose, no Teddy.

Another knock at the door startled Louis, suddenly the doors flung open and ran Teddy. His breathing heavy and rough as beads of sweat fell down his face, his once perfect suit now frayed and distressed. “Sorry Louis but I need to tell you something.” a small army of guards followed, tackling the boy down, Louis cried out begging for them to stop but they didn’t. And then this did. Teddy stood up nonchalantly as if nothing happened seemingly oblivious to the large cut on his cheek. Mr Tompson signalled for the guards to leave and once they did it was just Louis, Teddy standing in front of each other face to face with the older man in the background “Sorry sir but, No one is here”


“Sorry sir but, No one is here” Teddy said in a soft childlike voice. Louis was baffled by such a statement but disregarded it blaming it on the champagne. He looked to the lawyer but found only an empty chair where he sat. His blood ran cold as he whipped his head around to find the butler's tray laying on the floor. The room wreaked of champagne and dust as the young adolescent sat crossed legged on the ground. He felt like a child again, tugging at the threads in the carpet in the empty parler. The boy's head was full of confusion and dizziness. It was only now that the boy realised how loud his guests really were. The loud sound of laughter and drunken discussion pelted his head, each laugh pricing his ears. Suddenly, as quickly as he took note of the sound it stopped. Not a single sound was ushered causing him only more fear. Slowly grasping the brass handles he opened the heavy door allowing for a dark shadow to crawl in. He had never noticed how difficult it was to walk until that moment when each step drove in further away from the answer and towards the mystery. The lively guests were now nothing more than a memory, not a trace of life was to be found. Perhaps the manor was not made for company, the young lord was alone again.
He was always alone.
always alone.
always alone.
always alone.
always alone.
always alone.
always alone.
always alone.
always alone.
always alone.

memento mori

Memento mori - Avis_Corvus - idk (2024)


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.