Locations (2024)

Find an AdaptHealth location near you.

If you have an invoice, you can pay your bill here.

'); infowindow.open(map, marker); var iw_container = jQuery(".gm-style-iw").parent(); iw_container.stop().hide(); iw_container.fadeIn(300); }); /* marker.addListener('click', function() { infowindow.close(); }); */ google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function(){ }); } (function($){ $("#locationSelect").on("change",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); // get all locations state = $(this).val(); table_html = ''; for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { if( locations[i][3] == state ) table_html += '


'; } $("#locations-table table tbody").html(table_html); // show table now $("#locations-table").show(); }); })( jQuery );

Enter Address/Zip Code

Default (A-Z)

'; } if(locations[i][8] == 'NULL'){ leftFax = ''; }else{ leftFax = '

Fax: '+locations[i][8]+'

'; } lat = parseFloat(locations[i][6]); lng = parseFloat(locations[i][7]); locations_data += '



'+locations[i][2]+', '+locations[i][3]+' '+locations[i][4]+'


'; } const stateLabelValues = [ { label: 'Alabama', value: 'AL' }, { label: 'Alaska', value: 'AK' }, { label: 'American Samoa', value: 'AS' }, { label: 'Arizona', value: 'AZ' }, { label: 'Arkansas', value: 'AR' }, { label: 'California', value: 'CA' }, { label: 'Colorado', value: 'CO' }, { label: 'Connecticut', value: 'CT' }, { label: 'Delaware', value: 'DE' }, { label: 'District of Columbia', value: 'DC' }, { label: 'Florida', value: 'FL' }, { label: 'Georgia', value: 'GA' }, { label: 'Guam', value: 'GU' }, { label: 'Hawaii', value: 'HI' }, { label: 'Idaho', value: 'ID' }, { label: 'Illinois', value: 'IL' }, { label: 'Indiana', value: 'IN' }, { label: 'Iowa', value: 'IA' }, { label: 'Kansas', value: 'KS' }, { label: 'Kentucky', value: 'KY' }, { label: 'Louisiana', value: 'LA' }, { label: 'Maine', value: 'ME' }, { label: 'Maryland', value: 'MD' }, { label: 'Massachusetts', value: 'MA' }, { label: 'Michigan', value: 'MI' }, { label: 'Minnesota', value: 'MN' }, { label: 'Mississippi', value: 'MS' }, { label: 'Missouri', value: 'MO' }, { label: 'Montana', value: 'MT' }, { label: 'Nebraska', value: 'NE' }, { label: 'Nevada', value: 'NV' }, { label: 'New Hampshire', value: 'NH' }, { label: 'New Jersey', value: 'NJ' }, { label: 'New Mexico', value: 'NM' }, { label: 'New York', value: 'NY' }, { label: 'North Carolina', value: 'NC' }, { label: 'North Dakota', value: 'ND' }, { label: 'Ohio', value: 'OH' }, { label: 'Oklahoma', value: 'OK' }, { label: 'Oregon', value: 'OR' }, { label: 'Pennsylvania', value: 'PA' }, { label: 'Puerto Rico', value: 'PR' }, { label: 'Rhode Island', value: 'RI' }, { label: 'South Carolina', value: 'SC' }, { label: 'South Dakota', value: 'SD' }, { label: 'Tennessee', value: 'TN' }, { label: 'Texas', value: 'TX' }, { label: 'Utah', value: 'UT' }, { label: 'Vermont', value: 'VT' }, { label: 'Virgin Islands', value: 'VI' }, { label: 'Virginia', value: 'VA' }, { label: 'Washington', value: 'WA' }, { label: 'West Virginia', value: 'WV' }, { label: 'Wisconsin', value: 'WI' }, { label: 'Wyoming', value: 'WY' }, ]; jQuery(".map-locations").html(locations_data); (function($){ $("[name='map-company']").on("change",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); company_name = $(this).val(); console.log(company_name); // save lat and long lat = 39.5500507; long = -100.78206740000002; companies_list = ''; for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { if(locations[i][5] == 'NULL'){ leftPhone = ''; }else{ leftPhone = '

Phone: '+locations[i][5]+'

'; } if(locations[i][8] == 'NULL'){ leftFax = ''; }else{ leftFax = '

Fax: '+locations[i][8]+'

'; } lat = parseFloat(locations[i][6]); lng = parseFloat(locations[i][7]); if( locations[i][0] == company_name || company_name == '' ){ companies_list += '



'+locations[i][2]+', '+locations[i][3]+' '+locations[i][4]+'


'; lat = parseFloat(locations[i][6]); long = parseFloat(locations[i][7]); } } if( company_name == '' ){ lat = 39.5500507; long = -100.78206740000002; } console.log(companies_list); jQuery(".map-locations").html(companies_list); console.log(lat); console.log(long); // initialize map again var image = new google.maps.MarkerImage("/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/circle-new.png", null, null, null, new google.maps.Size(15,15)); map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { center: {lat: lat, lng: long}, zoom: zoom, disableDefaultUI: true, zoomControl: true, }); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ maxWidth: 350, }); geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { if( locations[i][0] == company_name || company_name == '' ) codeAddress(geocoder, map,locations[i],image,infowindow); } }); $(".geocode-me").on("submit",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); address = $("[name='map-search'").val(); radius = $("[name='map-radius'").val(); // show full list companies_list = ''; for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { leftPhone = ''; if(locations[i][5] == 'NULL'){ leftPhone = ''; }else{ leftPhone = '

Phone: '+locations[i][5]+'

'; } if(locations[i][8] == 'NULL'){ leftFax = ''; }else{ leftFax = '

Fax: '+locations[i][8]+'

'; } lat = parseFloat(locations[i][6]); lng = parseFloat(locations[i][7]); companies_list += '



'+locations[i][2]+', '+locations[i][3]+' '+locations[i][4]+'


'; } jQuery(".map-locations").html(companies_list); if( typeof circle !== 'undefined' && circle !== null ) circle.setMap(null); if( address == '' ){ map.setCenter({lat: 39.5500507, lng: -100.78206740000002}); map.setZoom(5); return ''; } geocode_string = address + ", USA"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode( { 'address': geocode_string }, function(results, status) { if (status == 'OK') { console.log(results); console.log(results[0].geometry.location.lat()); var its_state = false; // if its a state, show all companies in that state if( typeof results[0].types[0] !== 'undefined' && results[0].types[0] == "administrative_area_level_1" ){ // its a state // get abbreviation for (i = 0; i < stateLabelValues.length; i++) { if( stateLabelValues[i]['label'].toLowerCase() == address.toLowerCase() ){ state_code = stateLabelValues[i]['value']; its_state = true; } if( stateLabelValues[i]['value'].toLowerCase() == address.toLowerCase() ){ state_code = stateLabelValues[i]['value']; its_state = true; } } } latitude = results[0].geometry.location.lat(); longitude = results[0].geometry.location.lng(); //map.setCenter(results[0].geometry.location); //map.setZoom(7); var image = new google.maps.MarkerImage("/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/circle-new.png", null, null, null, new google.maps.Size(15,15)); map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { center: results[0].geometry.location, zoom: 7, disableDefaultUI: true, zoomControl: true, }); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ maxWidth: 350, }); geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); companies_list = ''; distance = parseInt(radius) * 1609; var sorted_list = []; for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { lat = parseFloat(locations[i][6]); lng = parseFloat(locations[i][7]); if(locations[i][5] == 'NULL'){ leftPhone = ''; }else{ leftPhone = '

Phone: '+locations[i][5]+'

'; } if(locations[i][8] == 'NULL'){ leftFax = ''; }else{ leftFax = '

Fax: '+locations[i][8]+'

'; } if( !its_state ){ company_location = { lat: lat, lng: lng }; difference = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(company_location,results[0].geometry.location); if( parseInt(difference) <= distance ){ //companies_list += '



'+locations[i][2]+', '+locations[i][3]+' '+locations[i][4]+'


'; codeAddress(geocoder, map,locations[i],image,infowindow); sorted_list.push({ distance: parseInt(difference), info: '



'+locations[i][2]+', '+locations[i][3]+' '+locations[i][4]+'


' }); } }else{ if( locations[i][3] == state_code ){ //companies_list += '



'+locations[i][2]+', '+locations[i][3]+' '+locations[i][4]+'


'; codeAddress(geocoder, map,locations[i],image,infowindow); sorted_list.push({ distance: parseInt(difference), info: '



'+locations[i][2]+', '+locations[i][3]+' '+locations[i][4]+'


' }); } } } console.log(sorted_list); console.log(sorted_list.sort((a,b) => a.distance - b.distance )); sorted_list.forEach((element)=>{ console.log(element); companies_list += element.info; }) if( companies_list !== '' ){ jQuery(".map-locations").html(companies_list); }else{ jQuery(".map-locations").html('

No companies matching your postal code were found. Map shows all companies in the given radius so you can choose the one closest to you.

'); } } else { alert('We were not able to retrieve coordinates for this location. Pleaae try another.'); } }); }); $("[name='map-radius']").on("change",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); address = $("[name='map-search'").val(); radius = $("[name='map-radius'").val(); // show full list companies_list = ''; for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { if(locations[i][5] == 'NULL'){ leftPhone = ''; }else{ leftPhone = '

Phone: '+locations[i][5]+'

'; } if(locations[i][8] == 'NULL'){ leftFax = ''; }else{ leftFax = '

Fax: '+locations[i][8]+'

'; } lat = parseFloat(locations[i][6]); lng = parseFloat(locations[i][7]); companies_list += '



'+locations[i][2]+', '+locations[i][3]+' '+locations[i][4]+'


'; } jQuery(".map-locations").html(companies_list); if( typeof circle !== 'undefined' && circle !== null ) circle.setMap(null); if( address == '' ){ // update center map.setCenter({lat: 39.5500507, lng: -100.78206740000002}); map.setZoom(5); return ''; } geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocode_string = address + ", USA"; geocoder.geocode( { 'address': geocode_string }, function(results, status) { if (status == 'OK') { console.log(results); var its_state = false; // if its a state, show all companies in that state if( typeof results[0].types[0] !== 'undefined' && results[0].types[0] == "administrative_area_level_1" ){ // its a state // get abbreviation for (i = 0; i < stateLabelValues.length; i++) { if( stateLabelValues[i]['label'].toLowerCase() == address.toLowerCase() ){ console.log(stateLabelValues[i]['value']); state_code = stateLabelValues[i]['value']; its_state = true; } if( stateLabelValues[i]['value'].toLowerCase() == address.toLowerCase() ){ state_code = stateLabelValues[i]['value']; its_state = true; } } } latitude = results[0].geometry.location.lat(); longitude = results[0].geometry.location.lng(); var image = new google.maps.MarkerImage("/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/circle-new.png", null, null, null, new google.maps.Size(15,15)); map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { center: results[0].geometry.location, zoom: 7, disableDefaultUI: true, zoomControl: true, }); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ maxWidth: 350, }); companies_list = ''; distance = parseInt(radius) * 1609; var sorted_list = []; for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { lat = parseFloat(locations[i][6]); lng = parseFloat(locations[i][7]); if( !its_state ){ company_location = { lat: lat, lng: lng }; difference = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(company_location,results[0].geometry.location); if(locations[i][5] == 'NULL'){ leftPhone = ''; }else{ leftPhone = '

Phone: '+locations[i][5]+'

'; } if(locations[i][8] == 'NULL'){ leftFax = ''; }else{ leftFax = '

Fax: '+locations[i][8]+'

'; } if( parseInt(difference) <= distance ){ //companies_list += '



'+locations[i][2]+', '+locations[i][3]+' '+locations[i][4]+'


'; codeAddress(geocoder, map,locations[i],image,infowindow); sorted_list.push({ distance: parseInt(difference), info: '



'+locations[i][2]+', '+locations[i][3]+' '+locations[i][4]+'


' }); } }else{ if( locations[i][3] == state_code ){ //companies_list += '



'+locations[i][2]+', '+locations[i][3]+' '+locations[i][4]+'


'; codeAddress(geocoder, map,locations[i],image,infowindow); sorted_list.push({ distance: parseInt(difference), info: '



'+locations[i][2]+', '+locations[i][3]+' '+locations[i][4]+'


' }); } } } sorted_list.sort((a,b) => a.distance - b.distance ); sorted_list.forEach((element)=>{ console.log(element); companies_list += element.info; }); if( companies_list !== '' ){ jQuery(".map-locations").html(companies_list); }else{ jQuery(".map-locations").html('

No companies matching your postal code were found. Map shows all companies in the given radius so you can choose the one closest to you.

'); } } else { processing = false; alert('We were not able to retrieve coordinates for this location. Pleaae try another.'); } }); }); jQuery(document).on("click",".company-each-holder",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if( typeof jQuery(this).attr("data-lat") !== 'undefined' ){ lat = parseFloat(jQuery(this).attr("data-lat")); lng = parseFloat(jQuery(this).attr("data-lng")); console.log(lat+" "+lng); console.log(map); map.setCenter({lat: lat, lng: lng}); map.setZoom(12); } }); })( jQuery );

Locations (2024)


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Article information

Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Last Updated:

Views: 5925

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.