54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (2024)

We’ve got 54 awesome garden water features and outdoor design ideas for your patio or yard. You can’t deny – a water feature in the garden really bumps up the overall ambiance. The sound of running water has always beensoothing to the soul and water is such a primal and basic element. Earth, water, sun. And fire, we can’t forget fire (you’ll see some fire & water feature examples as well).

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (1)


You can install a waterfall or a water wall – both are pleasing to the eyes and ears. Or a rain forest garden water feature. Fountain installations arealways popular outdoor design ideas – especially a bronze fountain with a great sculpture attached. It helps turn your garden into an art gallery of sorts. Glass, stainless steel, copper – they’re all featured here. Along with a few really creative outdoor design ideasand a few DIY garden water features.

Waterfalls & Water Walls: Outdoor Water Features

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (2)

Art glass and a waterfall water wall. We can’t think of a better combination for agardenwater feature, can you?Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (3)

The cacti provides such a juxtaposition – what a great design idea. Water and desert plants are elegant together. Who knew?Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (4)

This reminds us ofstories from the Rome, back in the day. It’sa fantastic rainfall water feature. We almost expect some godin a toga to appear from behind the water curtain. Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (5)

A literal sheet of water running down asheet of glass. Aside from being a great design idea (and we bet it sounds lovely), it has the added benefit of turning the glass wall into a frosted effect for more privacy.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (6)

Another magnificent rainfall water feature – an easy DIY for your garden.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (7)

A waterfall, emerging from an unexpected place, is a visual (and audible) delight. More evidence that your outdoor design ideas don’t have to be expensive. Just well-thought out and not run-of-the-mill. That will do the trick every time.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (8)

And talk about waterfalls. This one is a whole storey high. Perhaps a more expensive water feature for you to add – it should be designed into the house for this level of participation. But truly a stunning outdoor design idea. If you’re building a house, give it some thought.Source

Glass Garden Water Features

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (9)

The Volute Water Feature, which featuresthe driving force of a Vortex being captured and displayed, comes from our Art Garden Sculptures story. It’s a most incredible piece – mesmerizing, in fact. And it’s one of the garden water features that we keep coming back to, again and again. For good reason. Photos above and below.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (10)

This has to be one of our favorite garden water features, ever. So simple. Yet so complex (the nature/vortex part). The Charybdis Fountainisby water artist William Pye. The name, Charybdis, isfrom Greek mythology but a long story.Suffice to say it involves a sea monster positioned as a whirlpool.

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (11)

The Wrong Garden, by James Dyson, features aa continuous flow of water flowing uphill, or so it seems. But it’s actually an illusion. The thinking man’s garden water feature.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (12)

This glass ball functions as a gazing ball – you can see the flowers right throughit. Maybe it’s a crystal ball? Look closely… what do you see?Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (13)

OMG. We love this glass bistrotable garden water feature – it’s so clever!Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (14)

This Arcadia Glass Tree water feature uses LED lights to make it even more appealing. This one has lots of gentle fountain sounds. And sounds are something you should absolutely consider with youroutdoor design ideas. It’s all part of the parcel. Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (15)

Triple bespoke glass sphere water fountain – it’s very calming,isn’t it? And it’s always a good design idea to position things in threes. And good Feng Shui. So why not?

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (16)

The Aqualens garden water feature, by Allison Armour, was first designed as the centerpiece of a show garden for theChelsea Flower Showin 2000. She won the silver medal for her “Garden of Reflections” (and no wonder, we think she should have gotten the gold). Source

Stainless Steel Designs for your Outdoor Water Feature

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (17)

The sphere theme is carried into stainless steel – this is also a reflecting ball and has LED lights.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (18)

These three water tubes are stainless steel poles, designed as bamboofor an Asian influence.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (19)

This water feature is on display at Alnwick Gardens.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (20)

This simplistic and modern mirror-polished stainless tube water feature fits in any garden. Its presence is subtle, but sublime.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (21)

This elegant stainless steel water feature is a cross between aquestion-mark and a Cobra. Great outdoor design idea – combine a sculpture with a water fountain for double duty.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (22)

And here’s the almost ampersand @ water feature.Source

Copper Design Ideas for Garden Water Features

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (23)

A copper sheet is a stunning backdrop for a waterfall spout.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (24)

This copper tree water fountain also becomes a rain chime when the water cascades from the copper leaves.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (25)

This copper willow tree weeps with elegance. Truly a sculpture able to stand on its own – combining it with a garden water feature means it can be one or the other. It’s a water feature when turned on but a sculpture when not. Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (26)

This Humphrey Bowden copper sculpture water feature has a happy look to it – we’re not sure what it is, but it looks cheerful. Even if it does make it look like it’s raining out. Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (27)

This is an old repuprosed Louisiana sugar kettle. A garden water feature with history – and it looks fantastic with that old patina.Source

Bronze Gallery-Quality Water Feature Sculptures

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (28)

This bronze fountain has a definite style – and incredible oxidation. Some of these water features – while part of the garden design – truly are pieces of outstanding art.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (29)

Małgorzata Chodakowskacreates some of the most pleasing bronze water features ever (in our humble opinion). We featured a full story about her incredible workrecently on Fresh Patio.

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (30)

This angel water fountain, by one of our absolute favorite sculptors, is nothing less than spectacular. The pinnacle in outdoor design.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (31)

Isn’t this ballerina water fountian wonderful? The water is part of the art in these incredible garden water features. And there’s a lot more to be explored.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (32)

This guy is sort of creepy, but intriguing. By Tom Lomax.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (33)

We adore David Goode’s pixies. Adore them. And clearly, so do the hummingbirds. Seriouslythough,his site and his work are worth checking out. It will give you a million outdoor design ideas. At least.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (34)

Michael Zabo creates beautiful water features for the garden working with metal and water.Source

Creative & DIY Water Features for the Garden

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (35)

Canadian DouglasWalker’s whimsical, quirky and lovelymusical garden water features are not to be missed. Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (36)

This is a very creative idea – build a water featureinside a canoe and sit it flush to your deck. We like it a lot.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (37)

Watering cans make a perfect tiered water fountain. Something like this really becomes part of your outdoor design – it’s a major feature in the garden.

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (38)

Speaking of major features… this is a large andunusual hand-shaped water feature.This piece would really need to be part of your outdoor design. It’s not something you just add on a whim (even though it is quite whimsical).Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (39)

Old barn board and a galvanized tub are a perfect DIY materials for the weekend. And before you know it, you’ve got a garden water feature that is a large part of your outdoor decor. Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (40)

This is too creative – an old glass patio table top, repurposed. An absolute higher use, no question. One of the best recylced garden water features andoutdoor design ideas we’ve stumbled across.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (41)

This garden water feature looks like a real ice bucket, doesn’t it?First listed in our glass bottle ideas story – it’s got charm, especially for a wine lover’s garden.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (42)

This drinking horse frieze fountain isby Patricia Borum – an unusual water feature for the garden with Mediterranean flair. You know what they say: You can lead a horse to water.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (43)

A supersimple DIY garden water feature and the lip of the large pot serves as a perch for hummingbirds who are coming in for water. It would also make a good perch for pollinators such as butterflies and bees.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (44)

This glass flower garden water featureis highly detailed.Source (above and below)

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (45)

Each of the glass flower petals emits a fine spray of water.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (46)

The Tropism Well bends down to pour you a glass of water when it senses you coming closer (that’s a water jug on the end of its arm). Seriously. You need to check it out (there’s video). We’ve never seen a water feature like this before.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (47)

This river rock water feature sculpture reminds us of Dr. Zeuss.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (48)

Stonehenge in the garden. it would be a perfect backdrop for your summer solstice party. A historic water feature -it’s one of thoseiconic outdoor design ideas and sure to be a conversation starter. Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (49)

This piano waterfall is adorable. And it’s the phrase that makes all the difference, no? It would have been cute anyway. But it’s been taken to a much higher level by going one step further with this DIY garden water feature. And there is music in water, if you stop to listen.Source

Mixing Fire & Water Features in the Garden

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (50)

Double fire and water features – we love the rainfall wall between the columns.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (51)

Waterfall lips andsteelfire pits make a great fire and water feature combination.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (52)

This is like a floating boat of fire – it’s very simple and zen-like in its reflection.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (53)

This garden water feature features a step fountain and fire pits flanking either side.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (54)

This brick pillars hold the steel fire pits high – and the waterfall faucets extend from down the bricked columns. It’s a strikingly designed garden water feature when you put them together.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (55)

A waterfall behind a campfire scene. It’s a rustic, but elegant, fire and water feature.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (56)

Fire and water just go so well together. And what a view this is, over the fire and water.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (57)

Elena Colombo’s fire and water feature elevates the idea of mixing the two elements – to an art.Source

54 Garden Water Features: Awesome Outdoor Design Ideas (2024)


Are backyard water features worth it? ›

Decorative water features not only add aesthetic appeal but can also create a sense of calm and relaxation, transforming your yard into a personal oasis. There are many great reasons to add a water feature for your backyard, but you also want to make sure that you've thought through some key considerations.

Should a water fountain be in the sun or shade? ›

Think About Placement. “All water will evaporate,” Viola says. “If you are placing a water feature in a spot that will get full sun most of the day, be prepared to mind the pump and see that the fountain doesn't get too dry or it will burn the pump.” A slightly shady nook, she adds, is always best.

Where should water fountain be placed in garden? ›

If your garden has a formal design a fountain should be placed in a central location where it can serve as a focal point. In this case, fountains are often placed at the intersection of two paths.

What is the easiest water feature to maintain? ›

Bird Bath. A bird bath can serve as a simple, low-maintenance type of water feature for your backyard or garden. Bird baths with a fountain can even offer an element of moving water.

What plants to put around a water feature? ›

Water Hyacinth

Indispensable to any water feature, this plant cleans the water while rewarding you with pretty lavender flowers that grow to a height of six inches. Water hyacinth tends to spread quickly but can be easily thinned out. It prefers full sun to partial shade.

What to put in a water feature? ›

Waterfalls can usually be separated from water lilies and other plants by placing the cascade at one end of the pool and installing a few well-placed rocks to diffuse the current. Choose the form of moving water that best corresponds to your pool. Fountains and other pool ornaments are best for formal pools.

What is the best material for a water feature? ›

Granite is one of the ideal building materials for outdoor water fountains. Granite comes in various grey tones, making it elegant and sophisticated. Moreover, granite is highly resistant to rust-causing elements. Stone has a natural beauty that looks great in any landscape setting.

How to make a simple water feature? ›

1. A pot. Any watertight pot of a good size can be turned into a mini-pond. Surround it with lush planting to integrate it and add one or two aquatic plants to help keep the water algae-free.

Do you leave water features on all the time? ›

However during the winter many people do put their water features away to protect them from any harsher weather conditions. Such as ice, which can expand in any crevices in the water feature and cause cracks. If you won't see your water feature much during winter it might be worth turning it off.

How to position a water feature? ›

7. It's much easier to get a water feature, or any feature, to look good if it's placed in among planting rather than at the centre of a space. Nestled among the plants, it doesn't matter if it's a bit too big or small.

Should you leave outdoor fountain on all the time? ›

Fountains work best when they are left running. Shutting off a fountain overnight may save you a few dollars in energy costs, but it leaves behind stagnant water that encourages bacterial overgrowth. That bacteria can even harm the fountain's equipment if they are not removed from the fountain pump's textured surface.

Can you leave an outdoor water fountain on all the time? ›

If your fountain runs 24 hours a day you can just leave it that way. If you currently run your fountain on a timer and have it come on and off each day, you will have to make a decision. Either set the timer to allow it to run 24/7 or turn it off until the hard freeze is over.

How do you prepare the ground for a fountain? ›

So, you need to level the ground. It doesn't have to be perfectly level, as the weight of the fountain will flatten out minor imperfections. It does, however, need to be reasonably flat. The easiest way to do this is usually to add a layer of topsoil or fill dirt and smooth it out.

Do you need a water line to an outdoor fountain? ›

Most outdoor fountains are connected to a home's water supply and they'll have a continuous supply of water so long as the home supply is turned on. However, there are some fountains that can be filled using a water hose without the need for a permanent connection.


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.