15 Most Unique Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked (2024)

Comic books are full of superheroes with common powers such as flight, punching anything into outer space and blasting any kind of energy through their hands, but there are also many characters whose abilities are way more original than that. These strange powers make them stand out, even if they don't make them as popular as other comic icons.

Superpowers like prehensile hair or urban symbiosis sound way less cool than heat vision and super strength, but Medusa the Queen of the Inhumans and the King of Cities have shown that they're just as great. These skills may be uncommon, but they're often as useful as the most basic sets of superpowers. The characters that use these powers truly prove that it is not about the power itself, but rather the one wielding it.

Updated on June 20, 2024, by Natasha Elder: With the frequent release of various superhero media, such as Echo and Madame Web, superheroes and their powers are always on the mind. Unlike many of the heroes that are emphasized in these films, there are also many heroes with strange abilities. We wanted to take another look at some of the most unique superpowers in comics, as well as discuss a few more.

15 Detaching Limbs Doesn't Grant Many Advantages

Doing So Extends Reach, But the User Loses a Limb

The ability to detach limbs doesn’t seem very useful at first glance. The Legion of Super-Heroes certainly didn’t think so, as they rejected Floyd Belkin, otherwise known as Arm Fall Off Boy, when he tried out to join the organization. Granted the ability to detach and re-attach his limbs at will, Floyd could extend his reach and leverage at the cost of having the full use of his limbs.

  • Arm Fall Off Boy will also sometimes go by the superhero name Splitter.
  • Arm Fall Off Boy was introduced in Super Origins #46 in 1989.

Floyd Belkin is not the only character to have this power, however. Cory Ptizner, also known as The Detachable Kid, had the exact same abilities. Unlike Floyd, however, Cory decided to put his powers to use for villainy, even briefly joining the Suicide Squad. While both characters were relatively successful in their fields, with Floyd even assisting the Legion of Super-Heroes on occasion despite his rejection, this is a power that is obviously more hindersome than helpful. As such, it has earned the lowest place on this list.

14 Creating Portals Through Punches is Unusual

While Portal Creation Isn’t Unusual On Its Own, The Method Is Strange

15 Most Unique Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked (1)


The 50 Best Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked

Superheroes and villains have incredible powers, and comic fans have spent decades exploring them. For obvious reasons, some are better than others.

Created by Joe Casey and Nick Dragotta, America Chavez is famous for her super strength, but she possesses an even better ability. She can kick or punch open portals to other dimensions, which makes her very useful when it comes to multiversal adventures. Miss America's power isn't that uncommon on the surface. Many heroes can open portals to other realities, but they tend to do it through gadgets, such as Doctor Strange's ring, and the portals tend to be in an ovular shape.

  • America Chavez first appeared in Vengeance #1 in 2011.
  • America Chavez wasn't the first to use the superhero name Miss America. Madeline Joyce was the first to hold the mantle, before America Chavez started to use it.

America’s method of portal opening is what distinguishes her from others with the same ability. Additionally, the other portals are never star-shaped like America's. This is very on-brand with her superhero name: Miss America. The combination of her unique method and the presentation of the portals has made this ability of America’s a bit unusual.

13 The Emotional Spectrum Power Results In Mood Swings

An Unclear Power Strengthens Rainbow Girl15 Most Unique Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked (3)

Rainbow Girl has a very unique ability -- the power of emotions. In her first appearance, Rainbow Girl was able to create a pheromone field that resembled a rainbow through her power of emotions. This field caused everyone near her to like her. While this didn't continue in future iterations of the character, it was an interesting addition to a somewhat confusing ability. Unfortunately for Rainbow Girl, however, she also suffers from mood swings due to her abilities.

  • Rainbow Girl was introduced in Adventure Comics #309 in 1963.
  • Rainbow Girl tried out to be part of the Legion of Super-Heroes, but was rejected.

One concrete use of her abilities is that she can fairly easily use different types of Lantern Corps rings. She has been shown using the Red Ring, which is based on anger, the Blue Ring, which runs on strength, and the Green Ring, which relies on willpower. Presumably, she can use the others as well. So, her power clearly augments that of other devices when applicable. Even though Rainbow Girl herself doesn't understand the full extent of her power, she is using them for good as much as she can.

12 Prehensile Hair Stands Out

It Acts as an Extra Limb

15 Most Unique Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked (4)

Most superheroes have super strength when using their limbs, but few of them stand out because they have control over their hair, which works as an extra limb. Since hair doesn't have any muscles, this is particularly strange to look at, but still incredibly useful. Having an additional way to restrain or otherwise combat opponents comes in handy, especially as they aren't typically expecting it.

  • Medusa the Queen of the Inhumans was introduced in Fantastic Four #36 in 1965.
  • Rapunzel from Earth-616 has wrist-mounted knives in order to cut her hair once she grew it out.

Characters like Medusa the Queen of the Inhumans, Rapunzel from Marvel: The Lost Generation and Nocturne use this ability to their advantage in different ways. For example, Medusa and Nocturne use their prehensile hair to punch or trap their enemies, while Rapunzel grows her hair at will and can even mesmerize her opponents. There is clearly a medley of ways that prehensile hair is advantageous for the user, despite its strangeness as a concept.

11 Matter Ingestion Results in Eating Everything

The Circ*mstances of Its Usage Can Look Strange

15 Most Unique Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked (5)

Matter ingestion is the power that allows Matter Eater Lad to consume all kinds of materials, which is definitely something that seems strange. However, the power is surprisingly useful. Matter Eater Lad can not only eat any type of gas, solid or liquid, but he can do so at a superhuman speed. This is due to his heritage as a Bismollian, though it is certainly surprising to any civilians that see him use his power.

  • Matter Eater Lad was introduced in Adventure Comics #302 in 1962.
  • Matter Eater Lad is a member of the Legion of Superheroes.

Due to the fact that he is able to rapidly eat all types of substances, Matter Eater Lad once saved the Earth from a meteor. Clearly, his power is more useful than it seems at first glance. It is also worth mentioning that this power is different from invulnerability or super strength, as it is based on the fact that he produces different kinds of digestive enzymes.

10 Omniligualism is Surprisingly Helpful

Though It’s Not a Power That Immediately Comes to Mind

Omnilingualism is the ability to speak any language in existence. With this ability, characters like Thor (who calls it All-Speak) and Shazam (who also goes by Captain Marvel), show how strength goes beyond muscles. Other characters, like the mutant Cypher, also possess it. Having omnilinguialism connects characters such as these to the people they're helping, making them more approachable in their respective universes.

  • Although the character of Shazam was created in 1939, he didn't make an appearance in comics until 1940, when he was introduced in Whiz Comics #2.
  • Thor was introduced in Journey into Mystery #83 in 1962.

Omnilingualism is uncommon, and it's sadly rarely mentioned. This power is an excellent narrative device to deal with communication amidst different cultures – especially when it comes to characters from other planets. That's why it makes sense for characters that frequently interact with other aliens and cultures, such as Thor. Although it is a useful ability, it is not the most unique, nor the most powerful, which is why it is number ten on this list.

9 The Staff of One Is Uniquely Powerful

The Weapon Demands Creativity

15 Most Unique Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked (6)


20 Underused Superpowers We'd Like To See More Of

Many amazing superpowers have been unloved and overlooked, and they deserve more attention in mainstream comic book stories.

Only a handful of Marvel characters have used the Minoru's family Staff of One. This staff used to be an ancient magical entity that was called the One, but Tokiko Minoru (Nico Minoru's ancestor) conquered it and turned it into a magical weapon that has gone through many generations in her family. The Staff of One is a unique weapon because it only works if its user sheds blood – even bleeding gums would work. The strength of the spell also seems to be directly tied to the amount of blood shed.

  • The Staff of One is connected to the Dark Dimension.
  • The character of Nico Minoru was introduced in Runaways #1 in 2003.

Furthermore, it can only cast each spell once per user. Any attempt at the same user repeating a spell results in either a complete failure, or an unpredictable magic result. This means Nico has to be very creative whenever she uses it. There isn't any other staff like this one in comics. The staff is almost limitless in its powers, with even the likes of Dormammu being wary of its wielders.

8 Imperceptibility Leads to a Lonely Existence

It’s Good For Stealth, But Bad For Making Friends

15 Most Unique Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked (8)

Xabi, also known as ForgetMeNot is an underrated mutant with one of the most unique abilities ever. He is completely forgettable. Villains fail to perceive him even when paying attention, and nobody ever remembers him, not even his teammates. Despite this, he is highly motivated to help others as he feels it is better to do good and not be remembered than to not do good at all.

  • To ensure he didn't permanently forget ForgetMeKnow, Professor X put a psychic reminder in his mind that went off every hour.
  • ForgetMeKnot has been one of the X-Men for at least six years.

ForgetMeNot's imperceptibility comes in very handy during secret missions, because it makes him invisible, even in plain sight. However, it also affects his civilian life, since he can't form real connections with people. Thus, his power is definitely a double-edged sword as he can do a lot of good, but suffers personally from it. Until now, ForgetMeNot is the only character in comics with this ability.

7 Superior Adaptation is a Life-Saving Superpower

Although It’s An Uncontrollable One

15 Most Unique Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked (9)

hom*o Superior are considered the next step in evolution by some in the Marvel universe, but Armando Muñoz took this to the next level. Known as Darwin, he has superior adaptation, which means his body changes immediately to ensure his survival. If Darwin is surrounded by fire, his skin becomes fire-proof, if he falls into water, he develops gills.

  • Darwin was introduced in X-Men: Deadly Genesis #2 in 2006.
  • Darwin's body adapts to non-threatening situations, as well. For example, he will never be able to get drunk as his body will process the alcohol too fast.

This power is so adaptive, in fact, that when he tried to kill himself after his mother's rejection, his body became light as a feather, allowing him to land on the ground. Thus, his abilities will even counter anything that he tries to do to himself, not just outside forces. This does reveal this power is not necessarily voluntary, however. Thanks to this unique ability, Darwin is pretty much invincible, as much as he might not wish it were so at times.

6 Pheromone Control Equates to Mind Control

The Power of Suggestion Influences the Unwilling

15 Most Unique Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked (10)

While mind control is a fairly common superpower, the method through which Persuasion controls others' minds is distinct as she releases pheromones to control others. Formerly known as Purple Girl and Purple Women, Persuasion's real name is Kara Kilgrave, and she is the daughter of Zebediah Kilgrave. As such, she inherited her mind control abilities from her father.

  • To prevent Kara from mind-controlling others, she needs to be wrapped in plastic or otherwise quarantined.
  • Kara was first introduced in The New Warriors #75 in 1993.

Releasing pheromones to control others isn't the only unique aspect of Kara's powers, however. Those affected by Kara's powers temporarily turn purple as a side effect. This makes her power less helpful, as others will definitely notice something off about the controlled person, as well as distinguishes her abilities from other super-powered beings in comics. Due to the unique way that Kara controls people, when she is at the height of her power, she is able to control multiple people simultaneously and thus has established herself as an exceptionally strong mind controller.

5 The Penance Stare Makes Others Suffer for Their Sins

It Is Used on The Guilty

One of the darkest powers in Marvel Comics, the Penance Stare is one of Ghost Rider's most important abilities. When using it, Ghost Rider can make his enemy experience the same amount of pain they've inflicted on someone else. During Deadpool #4, by Daniel Way, Carlo Barberi, Juan Vlasco, Marte Gracia, and Joe Sabino, even Wade Wilson was forced to reflect on his violence. This is why most people choose not to look Ghost Rider in the eye.

  • While Johnny Blaze is the most famous Ghost Rider, he is not the only to use the title. Others such as Danny Ketch and Alejandra Jones have also held the title.
  • Ghost Rider was introduced in Marvel Spotlight #5 in 1972.

No other superhero in the Marvel universe, or any other universe, possesses the Penance Stare. This is a Ghost Rider-exclusive superpower – and it's often a burden on the antihero, who can see everyone's soul's final destination in the afterlife. While this move is highly effective, there are some noticeable drawbacks, which is why it is number five on this list. It can be reflected back at Ghost Rider, and it may not work on beings who are amoral or remorseless. So, despite its great power against sinners that feel guilt, it is not always going to work.

4 Eidetic Kinesthesia Allows One to Acquire Skills Quickly

It Has Led to the Defeat of Skilled Superheroes

15 Most Unique Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked (11)


The 20 Easiest Ways To Gain Superpowers

Gaining superpowers is much easier than many people think. A quick study of the most popular comic heroes reveals just how many methods there are.

Also known as photographic reflexes, eidetic kinesthesia allows a person to copy anyone else's actions to perfection. This comes in very handy in different circ*mstances. For example, this allows the user to mimic their target's movements during an art performance, as well as their fighting style and even their voice. The versatility of this power gives it an edge over others.

  • Despite being Deathstroke's daughter, Rose Wilson is on the Teen Titans team.
  • Echo was introduced in Daredevil #9 in 1999.

Few characters in comic books have photographic reflexes. In Marvel, Maya "Echo" Lopez uses this skill to emulate Daredevil's movements and defeat him, just like Taskmaster captured Ant-Man, the Wasp and Yellow Jacket. In DC Comics, Rose Wilson (Deathstroke's daughter), who goes by Ravager, and Caden Park, who goes by the title 'Immortal Man' also possess this ability. All of these characters have one thing in common – their impressive ability to beat the competition by using their own moves against them.

3 Chimera Creation Is Campy

But It Results In a Powerful Being

15 Most Unique Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked (13)

Mike Maxwell, also known as B'Wana Beast, possesses superhuman strength and speed, as well as hunting abilities. Additionally, he has one of the most specific abilities in DC Comics. Using an ancient helmet, he can merge up to four different animals to form a Chimera that will assist him in battle. While it is unknown why the formed Chimera will help him, or the extent of B'wana's control over the animal, it is undisputable that it is a helpful ability.

  • B'Wana Beast was introduced in Showcase #66 in 1967.
  • B'Wana Beast also gains strength, speed, hunting and tracking abilities from drinking an elixir.

B'Wana Beast's power is incredibly campy and unique. No other superhero can merge animals and create chimeras. Most other animal-associated superheroes have the ability to turn into animals themselves, such as Beastboy from DC Comics, or communicate with existing animals, such as Squirrel Girl from Marvel Comics. Unfortunately for his fans, this character has been mostly underused, both in comics and any other kind of media.

2 Luck is Incredibly Useful

One Doesn’t Have to Worry About Accidental Mishaps

15 Most Unique Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked (14)

Super-powered beings that can use Luck, such as Domino from Marvel Comics, have a very fortunate ability. They don’t have to worry about accidents occurring, or unplanned events getting in their way. In fact, the opposite occurs. Any unexpected happening is inevitably in their favor. While luck isn’t quite the same thing as invulnerability, it is close.

  • Domino's real name is Neema Thurman.
  • Black Cat first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #194 in 1979.

Domino isn’t the only character that has luck as their ability, however. Black Cat, from the Spider-Man comics, is able to give bad luck to her opponents. As one would assume, this means that any negative event that could take place, will, as long as it is to their detriment. Luck is thus an incredibly useful superpower, whether it is good luck for the user, like in Domino’s case, or bad luck for the opponent.

1 Urban Symbiosis Is a New Type of Interaction

There is a Medley of Applications


25 Superpowers That Would Turn Anyone Into A Villain

Fans have seen more than one powerset tempt even heroes like Superman into villainy. Even powers like invisibility can corrupt the kindest heroes.

When he was a kid, Jack Hawksmoor was abducted by futuristic beings who took his organs out and implanted gadgets that would allow him to interact with cities. He grew up to become the King of Cities and joined StormWatch and the team known as The Authority. This unique ability has made its way to the top spot on the list because it is not only one of the strangest, but also because it has more utility than most of the other unique powers.

  • Due to the fact that Jack Hawksmoor's powers are linked to the city he's in, his powers grow better the bigger the city is.
  • As a subset of Jack Hawksmoor's powers, he is also able to instinctually understand any language that is spoken in the city he is in. However, he will forget how to do so once he is no longer there.

Hawksmoor can interact with cities in a way nobody else can. He can command them to renovate, explode, change their blueprint, and even talk to them telepathically. He can also transport himself to any place in the city he's in by using its mirrors. This close bond to such abstract concepts as cities is definitely the most unique superpower ever.

15 Most Unique Superpowers Of All Time, Ranked (2024)


What is the most overpowered superpower ever? ›

  • 8 Time Manipulation.
  • 7 Telekinesis.
  • 6 Telepathy.
  • 5 Molecule Manipulation.
  • 4 Cosmic Awareness.
  • 3 Energy Projection.
  • 2 Reality Warping.
  • 1 Omnipotence.
Mar 8, 2024

What's the most broken superpowers? ›

These I ranked it in order:
  • Omnipotence.
  • Omniscience.
  • Energy manipulation.
  • Time control.
  • Reality warping.
  • Medium interaction.
  • Matter manipulation.
  • Omnipresence.

What is the rarest power? ›

Rare power
  • Omnipotence.
  • Neverness Manipulation.
  • Divine-Angelic Physiology.
  • Deflation.

What is the 1 superpower? ›

Post-Cold War era

Countries with the military bases and facilities of the present sole superpower – the United States The New York Stock Exchange trading floor. Economic power such as a large nominal GDP and a world reserve currency are important factors in the projection of hard power.

What are the biggest superpowers? ›

Superpowers of the future
CountrySuperpower StatusPower Ranking (US News 2023)
United StatesExtant Superpower1
ChinaPotential superpower2
RussiaPotential superpower3
GermanyPotential economic superpower4
27 more rows

What is the weakest superpower? ›

  • 1 Reconstitute Lightbulb.
  • 2 Manipulate Curling.
  • 3 Fartomancy.
  • 4 Locate Feces.
  • 5 Emit Radiation (No Immunity)
  • 6 Brown Noise (No Immunity)
  • 7 Manipulate Shoelace.
  • 8 Sole Tastebuds.

What is the indestructible superpower? ›

Absolute Indestructibility functions in a similar fashion to Absolute Immortality but focuses on immunity to harm rather than death itself. Absolute Indestructibility has no weaknesses to any form of deprivation. Essentially, this power cannot be removed, nullified, bypassed, transferred, or destroyed by any means.

What is unbreakable superpower? ›

Powers and Abilities

It was first revealed to him at the beginning of the film when he was able to be the sole survivor of a train crash without a single scratch on him. Superhuman Strength: Along with an unbreakable body, David also possesses super strength. He is shown to be able to bench press around 350 pounds.

What is the most powerful in earth? ›

The United States has long been considered the world's most powerful military force, and now countries like India and China have also rapidly expanded their military capabilities in recent years, driven by their growing economic and strategic ambitions: Here are the top 10 powerful countries by military strength in ...

What is the most powerful power in the universe? ›

The most powerful events in the known universe – gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) – are short-lived outbursts of the highest-energy light. They can erupt with a quintillion (a 10 followed by 18 zeros) times the luminosity of our Sun.

What is the deadliest power? ›

Fossil fuels are the dirtiest and most dangerous energy sources, while nuclear and modern renewable energy sources are vastly safer and cleaner.

What is the strangest superpower? ›

The Ten Weirdest Superpowers Ever Conceived
  • 8 Liquid Transmutation.
  • 7 Technothapy.
  • 6 Density Manipulation.
  • 5 Reactive Adaptation.
  • 4 Dimensional Storage.
  • 3 Empathic Influence.
  • 2 Conditional Powers.
  • 1 Reality Changing Muscles.
Apr 6, 2024

What is the most superpower in the world? ›

United States. The United States of America is a North American nation that is the world's most dominant economic and military power.

What are the top two superpowers? ›

Superpowers of the future
CountrySuperpower StatusPower Ranking (US News 2023)
United StatesExtant Superpower1
ChinaPotential superpower2
RussiaPotential superpower3
GermanyPotential economic superpower4
27 more rows

Which superpower is powerful? ›

Omnipotence, it is the power to do absolutely everything you desire. You know everything, and control everything, ect. No one is or will ever be above you no matter what. The entire multiverse and everything outside of it is your playground and every living thing will acknowledge your existence and bow down to you.

What is the most weakest superpower? ›

  1. 1 Reconstitute Lightbulb.
  2. 2 Manipulate Curling.
  3. 3 Fartomancy.
  4. 4 Locate Feces.
  5. 5 Emit Radiation (No Immunity)
  6. 6 Brown Noise (No Immunity)
  7. 7 Manipulate Shoelace.
  8. 8 Sole Tastebuds.


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.